import sys import logging import time import boto3 import botocore.exceptions import shortuuid import json from data_mesh_util.lib.constants import * import data_mesh_util.lib.utils as utils class ApiAutomator: _target_account = None _session = None _logger = None _logger = logging.getLogger("ApiAutomator") # make sure we always log to standard out _logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) _clients = None def __init__(self, target_account: str, session: boto3.session.Session, log_level: str = "INFO"): self._target_account = target_account self._session = session self._logger.setLevel(log_level) self._clients = {} if log_level == 'DEBUG': utils.log_instance_signature(self, self._logger) def _get_client(self, client_name): client = self._clients.get(client_name) if client is None: client = self._session.client(client_name) self._clients[client_name] = client return client def _get_bucket_name(self, bucket_value): if 's3://' in bucket_value: return bucket_value.split('/')[2] else: return bucket_value def add_aws_trust_to_role(self, account_id_to_trust: str, trust_role_name: str, update_role_name: str): ''' Method to add a trust relationship to an AWS Account to a Role :return: ''' iam_client = self._get_client('iam') # update the trust policy to include the provided account ID response = iam_client.get_role(RoleName=update_role_name) policy_doc = response.get('Role').get('AssumeRolePolicyDocument') trust_role_name = utils.get_role_arn(account_id=account_id_to_trust, role_name=trust_role_name) # add the account to the trust relationship trusted_entities = policy_doc.get('Statement')[0].get('Principal').get('AWS') if account_id_to_trust not in trusted_entities: trusted_entities.append(trust_role_name) policy_doc.get('Statement')[0].get('Principal')['AWS'] = trusted_entities self._logger.debug(policy_doc) iam_client.update_assume_role_policy(RoleName=update_role_name, PolicyDocument=json.dumps(policy_doc))"Enabled Account %s to assume %s" % (account_id_to_trust, update_role_name)) def _validate_tag(self, tag_key: str, tag_body: dict) -> None: lf_client = self._get_client('lakeformation') # create the tag or validate it exists try: lf_client.create_lf_tag( TagKey=tag_key, TagValues=tag_body.get('ValidValues') ) except lf_client.exceptions.AlreadyExistsException: pass except lf_client.exceptions.InvalidInputException as e: if 'Tag key already exists' in str(e): pass else: raise e # add all missing tag values to valid values (as they must have existed somewhere to be assigned) current_tag_values = lf_client.get_lf_tag( TagKey=tag_key ).get('TagValues') missing_tag_values = [] for value in tag_body.get('TagValues'): if value not in current_tag_values: missing_tag_values.append(value) if len(missing_tag_values) > 0: lf_client.update_lf_tag( TagKey=tag_key, TagValuesToAdd=missing_tag_values ) def attach_tag(self, database: str, table: str, tag: tuple): # create the tag or make sure it already exists tag_key = tag[0] tag_body = tag[1] self._validate_tag(tag_key=tag_key, tag_body=tag_body) # attach the tag to the table lf_client = self._get_client('lakeformation') try: args = { "Resource": { 'Table': { 'DatabaseName': database, 'Name': table } }, "LFTags": [ { 'TagKey': tag_key, 'TagValues': tag_body.get('TagValues') }, ] } lf_client.add_lf_tags_to_resource(**args) except lf_client.exceptions.AlreadyExistsException: pass def configure_iam(self, policy_name: str, policy_desc: str, policy_template: str, role_name: str, role_desc: str, account_id: str, data_mesh_account_id: str, config: dict = None, additional_assuming_principals: dict = None, managed_policies_to_attach: list = None): iam_client = self._get_client('iam') policy_arn = None try: # create an IAM Policy from the template policy_doc = utils.generate_policy(policy_template, config) response = iam_client.create_policy( PolicyName=policy_name, Path=DATA_MESH_IAM_PATH, PolicyDocument=policy_doc, Description=policy_desc, Tags=[DEFAULT_TAGS] ) policy_arn = response.get('Policy').get('Arn') waiter = iam_client.get_waiter('policy_exists') waiter.wait(PolicyArn=policy_arn)"Policy {policy_name} created as {policy_arn}") except iam_client.exceptions.EntityAlreadyExistsException: policy_arn = utils.get_policy_arn(account_id, policy_name) while True: try: iam_client.create_policy_version( PolicyArn=policy_arn, PolicyDocument=policy_doc, SetAsDefault=True )"Policy {policy_name} version created as {policy_arn}") break except iam_client.exceptions.LimitExceededException as le: if "versions" in str(le): versions = iam_client.list_policy_versions( PolicyArn=policy_arn, MaxItems=10 ) # delete the policy version at the last position last_index = len(versions.get('Versions')) - 1 v = versions.get('Versions')[last_index].get('VersionId') iam_client.delete_policy_version( PolicyArn=policy_arn, VersionId=v )"Deleted Policy Version {v}") # after this we'll retry immediately else: # this is a general throttling issue and we'll retry time.sleep(1) # create a non-root user who can assume the role try: response = iam_client.create_user( Path=DATA_MESH_IAM_PATH, UserName=role_name, Tags=[DEFAULT_TAGS] )"Created new User {role_name}") waiter = iam_client.get_waiter('user_exists') waiter.wait(UserName=role_name) except iam_client.exceptions.EntityAlreadyExistsException:"User {role_name} already exists. No action required.") user_arn = "arn:aws:iam::%s:user%s%s" % (account_id, DATA_MESH_IAM_PATH, role_name) # create a group for the user group_name = f"{role_name}Group" try: response = iam_client.create_group( Path=DATA_MESH_IAM_PATH, GroupName=group_name )"Created new Group {group_name}") except iam_client.exceptions.EntityAlreadyExistsException:"Group {group_name} already exists. No action required.") group_arn = "arn:aws:iam::%s:group%s%sGroup" % (account_id, DATA_MESH_IAM_PATH, role_name) # put the user into the group try: response = iam_client.add_user_to_group( GroupName=group_name, UserName=role_name )"Added User {role_name} to Group {group_name}") except iam_client.exceptions.EntityAlreadyExistsException:"User {role_name} already in {group_name}. No action required.") role_arn = None self._logger.debug("Waiting for User to be ready for inclusion in AssumeRolePolicy") # attach the data access policy to the group iam_client.attach_group_policy( GroupName=group_name, PolicyArn=policy_arn )"Attached Policy {policy_arn} to Group {group_name}") role_created = False retries = 0 while role_created is False and retries < 5: try: # now create the IAM Role with a trust policy to the indicated principal and the root user aws_principals = [user_arn, ("arn:aws:iam::%s:root" % account_id)] iam_client.create_role( Path=DATA_MESH_IAM_PATH, RoleName=role_name, AssumeRolePolicyDocument=json.dumps( utils.create_assume_role_doc(aws_principals=aws_principals, additional_principals=additional_assuming_principals)), Description=role_desc, Tags=[DEFAULT_TAGS] ) # wait for role active waiter = iam_client.get_waiter('role_exists') waiter.wait(RoleName=role_name) role_created = True role_arn = utils.get_role_arn(account_id, role_name) except iam_client.exceptions.EntityAlreadyExistsException: role_arn = iam_client.get_role(RoleName=role_name).get( 'Role').get('Arn') role_created = True except iam_client.exceptions.MalformedPolicyDocumentException as mpde: if "Invalid principal" in str(mpde): # this is raised when something within IAM hasn't yet propagated correctly. Boto waiters # don't seem to catch it, so we have to inject a manual sleep/retry time.sleep(2) retries += 1"Validated Role {role_name} as {role_arn}") self._logger.debug("Waiting for Role to be ready for Policy Attach") # attach the created policy to the role policy_attached = False retries = 0 while policy_attached is False and retries < 5: try: iam_client.attach_role_policy( RoleName=role_name, PolicyArn=policy_arn ) policy_attached = True"Attached Policy {policy_arn} to Role {role_name}") except iam_client.exceptions.MalformedPolicyDocumentException as mpde: if "Invalid principal" in str(mpde): # this is raised when something within IAM hasn't yet propagated correctly. time.sleep(2) retries += 1 except iam_client.exceptions.NoSuchEntityException as nse: if f"The role with name {role_name} cannot be found." in str(nse): time.sleep(2) retries += 1 # attach the indicated managed policies if managed_policies_to_attach: for policy in managed_policies_to_attach: iam_client.attach_role_policy( RoleName=role_name, PolicyArn="arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/%s" % policy )"Attached managed policy {policy}") # create an assume role policy policy_arn = self.create_assume_role_policy( source_account_id=account_id, policy_name=("Assume%s" % role_name), role_arn=role_arn ) # now let the group assume the role iam_client.attach_group_policy(GroupName=group_name, PolicyArn=policy_arn)"Bound {policy_arn} to Group {group_name}") # let the role assume the read only consumer policy if account_id == data_mesh_account_id and role_name != DATA_MESH_READONLY_ROLENAME: iam_client.attach_role_policy(RoleName=role_name, PolicyArn=utils.get_policy_arn(data_mesh_account_id, f"Assume{DATA_MESH_READONLY_ROLENAME}")) return role_arn, user_arn, group_arn def create_assume_role_policy(self, source_account_id: str, policy_name: str, role_arn: str): iam_client = self._get_client('iam') # create a policy that lets someone assume this new role policy_arn = None try: response = iam_client.create_policy( PolicyName=policy_name, Path=DATA_MESH_IAM_PATH, PolicyDocument=json.dumps(utils.create_assume_role_doc(resource=role_arn)), Description=("Policy allowing the grantee the ability to assume Role %s" % role_arn), Tags=[DEFAULT_TAGS] ) policy_arn = response.get('Policy').get('Arn') except iam_client.exceptions.EntityAlreadyExistsException: policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::%s:policy%s%s" % (source_account_id, DATA_MESH_IAM_PATH, policy_name)"Validated {policy_name} as {policy_arn}") return policy_arn def leave_ram_shares(self, principal: str, ram_shares: dict) -> None: ram_client = self._get_client('ram') for object, share_info in ram_shares.items(): ram_client.disassociate_resource_share( resourceShareArn=share_info.get('arn'), principals=[ principal, ] ) def lf_grant_create_db(self, iam_role_arn: str): # this call is subject to race conditions with IAM roles which haven't propagated to LF, so retry 5 times tries = 0 completed = False while completed is False and tries < 5: try: # grant this role the ability to create databases and tables lf_client = self._get_client('lakeformation') lf_client.grant_permissions( Principal={ 'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': iam_role_arn }, Resource={'Catalog': {}}, Permissions=[ 'CREATE_DATABASE' ] )"Granted {iam_role_arn} CREATE_DATABASE privileges on Catalog") completed = True except lf_client.exceptions.InvalidInputException as iie: if 'Invalid principal' in str(iie): tries += 1 time.sleep(2) else: raise iie def get_table_partitions(self, database_name: str, table_name: str) -> list: # load the partitions for the table if there are any glue_client = self._get_client('glue') all_partitions = [] partition_args = { "DatabaseName": database_name, "TableName": table_name, "ExcludeColumnSchema": False } has_more_partitions = True while has_more_partitions is True: partitions = glue_client.get_partitions(**partition_args) all_partitions.extend(partitions.get('Partitions')) if 'NextToken' in partitions: partition_args['NextToken'] = partitions.get('NextToken') else: has_more_partitions = False return all_partitions def enable_crawler_role(self, crawler_role_arn: str, grant_to_role_name: str): if crawler_role_arn is None or grant_to_role_name is None: raise Exception("Cannot enable Crawler Role without Role Arn and Target Role Name") crawler_role_name = crawler_role_arn.split('/')[-1] config = { "role_name": crawler_role_name, "role_arn": crawler_role_arn } policy = utils.generate_policy("enable_crawler_role.pystache", config) iam_client = self._get_client('iam') try: response = iam_client.create_policy( PolicyName=f"EnableCrawlerRole{crawler_role_name}", Path=DATA_MESH_IAM_PATH, PolicyDocument=policy, Description=(f"Policy allowing the grantee to pass Crawler Role {crawler_role_name}"), Tags=[DEFAULT_TAGS] ) policy_arn = response.get('Policy').get('Arn') waiter = iam_client.get_waiter('policy_exists') waiter.wait(PolicyArn=policy_arn) except iam_client.exceptions.EntityAlreadyExistsException: pass # attach to the input role iam_client.attach_role_policy( RoleName=grant_to_role_name, PolicyArn=policy_arn )"Enabled {grant_to_role_name} to pass role {crawler_role_name} to Glue Crawlers") def create_table_partition_metadata(self, database_name: str, table_name: str, partition_input_list: list): glue_client = self._get_client('glue') partitions_created = 0 for p in partition_input_list: keys = [ 'DatabaseName', 'TableName', 'CreationTime', 'LastAnalyzedTime', 'CatalogId' ] p = utils.remove_dict_keys(input_dict=p, remove_keys=keys) try: glue_client.create_partition( DatabaseName=database_name, TableName=table_name, PartitionInput=p ) partitions_created += 1 except glue_client.exceptions.AlreadyExistsException: pass"Create {partitions_created} new Table Partitions") def load_glue_tables(self, catalog_id: str, source_db_name: str, table_name_regex: str, load_lf_tags: bool = True): glue_client = self._get_client('glue') lf_client = self._get_client('lakeformation') # get the tables which are included in the set provided through args get_tables_args = { 'CatalogId': catalog_id, 'DatabaseName': source_db_name } # add the table filter as a regex matching anything including the provided table if table_name_regex is not None: get_tables_args['Expression'] = table_name_regex finished_reading = False last_token = None all_tables = [] def _no_data(): raise Exception("Unable to find any Tables matching %s in Database %s" % (table_name_regex, source_db_name)) while finished_reading is False: if last_token is not None: get_tables_args['NextToken'] = last_token try: get_table_response = glue_client.get_tables( **get_tables_args ) except glue_client.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException: _no_data() if 'NextToken' in get_table_response: last_token = get_table_response.get('NextToken') else: finished_reading = True # add the tables returned from this instance of the request if not get_table_response.get('TableList'): _no_data() else: all_tables.extend(get_table_response.get('TableList'))"Loaded {len(all_tables)} tables matching {table_name_regex} from Glue") # now load all lakeformation tags for the supplied objects if load_lf_tags is True: for t in all_tables: tags = lf_client.get_resource_lf_tags( CatalogId=catalog_id, Resource={ 'Table': { 'CatalogId': catalog_id, 'DatabaseName': t.get('DatabaseName'), 'Name': t.get('Name') } }, ShowAssignedLFTags=True ) key = 'LFTagsOnTable' use_tags = {} if tags.get(key) is not None and len(tags.get(key)) > 0: for table_tag in tags.get(key): # get all the valid values for the tag in LF lf_tag = lf_client.get_lf_tag(TagKey=table_tag.get('TagKey')) use_tags[table_tag.get('TagKey')] = { 'TagValues': table_tag.get('TagValues'), 'ValidValues': lf_tag.get('TagValues') } t['Tags'] = use_tags return all_tables def write_glue_catalog_resource_policy(self, policy: dict, current_hash: str = None): ''' Write a new glue catalog policy document. This is a low level interface that just performs the mechanic of correctly writing the supplied policy, including where a hash must be supplied. :param policy: :param current_hash: :return: ''' glue_client = self._get_client('glue') try: current_resource_policy = glue_client.get_resource_policy() # if no external hash has been provided, then just use the current hash from the doc. if current_hash is None: current_hash = current_resource_policy.get('PolicyHash') glue_client.put_resource_policy( PolicyInJson=json.dumps(policy), PolicyHashCondition=current_hash, PolicyExistsCondition='MUST_EXIST', EnableHybrid='TRUE' ) except glue_client.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException: # write the resource policy as new glue_client.put_resource_policy( PolicyInJson=json.dumps(policy), PolicyExistsCondition='NOT_EXIST', EnableHybrid='TRUE' ) def get_current_glue_policy(self): glue_client = self._get_client('glue') try: current_resource_policy = glue_client.get_resource_policy() glue_policy = json.loads(current_resource_policy.get('PolicyInJson')) current_hash = current_resource_policy.get('PolicyHash') return glue_policy, current_hash except glue_client.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException: return None, None def add_tbac_glue_catalog_resource_policy(self, region: str, producer_account_id: str, consumer_account_id: str, database_name: str, tables: list): current_resource_policy, current_hash = self.get_current_glue_policy() cf = { 'region': region, 'producer_account_id': producer_account_id, 'consumer_account_id': consumer_account_id, "database_name": database_name, 'tables': tables } # add the table list and generate full policy cf['table_list'] = tables policy = json.loads(utils.generate_policy('lf_cross_account_tbac.pystache', config=cf)) if current_resource_policy is None: new_resource_policy = { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": policy } self.write_glue_catalog_resource_policy( policy=new_resource_policy ) f"Created new Catalog Resource Policy on {producer_account_id} allowing Tag Based Access by {consumer_account_id}") else: update_statement, policy_index, did_modification = self._get_glue_resource_policy_statement_to_modify( region=region, policy=current_resource_policy, producer_account_id=producer_account_id, consumer_account_id=consumer_account_id, database_name=database_name, tables=tables ) # add the new statement if update_statement is None: current_resource_policy['Statement'].append(policy) did_modification = True elif update_statement is not None: current_resource_policy['Statement'][policy_index] = update_statement if did_modification is True: self.write_glue_catalog_resource_policy(current_hash=current_hash, policy=current_resource_policy) f"Updated Catalog Resource Policy on {producer_account_id} allowing Tag Based Access by {consumer_account_id}") def _get_glue_resource_policy_statement_to_modify(self, region: str, policy: dict, producer_account_id: str, consumer_account_id: str, database_name: str, tables: list) -> tuple: # go through the policy to find if there's a match on region, consumer principal, and database target_statement_index = 0 statement_match = None missing_tables = [] if tables is not None: missing_tables = tables.copy() for i, statement in enumerate(policy.get('Statement')): if statement is not None and 'AWS' in statement.get('Principal') and consumer_account_id in statement.get( 'Principal').get('AWS'): # go through the resources to get region and DB match for j, resource in enumerate(statement.get('Resource')): # resources will be in format: # # "arn:aws:glue:::table/*", # "arn:aws:glue:::database/*", # "arn:aws:glue:::catalog" if region in resource and producer_account_id in resource and ( ':database' in resource and database_name in resource): # this statement is a match target_statement_index = i statement_match = statement break did_modification = False if statement_match is not None: for k, resource in enumerate(statement_match.get('Resource')): resource_name = resource.split("/")[-1] try: resource_index = missing_tables.index(resource_name) del missing_tables[resource_index] except ValueError: pass # add the tables that were missing if len(missing_tables) > 0: statement_match['Resource'].extend(missing_tables) did_modification = True return statement_match, target_statement_index, did_modification else: return None, None, None def assert_is_data_lake_admin(self, principal): lf_client = self._get_client('lakeformation') admin_matched = False for admin in lf_client.get_data_lake_settings().get('DataLakeSettings').get("DataLakeAdmins"): if principal == admin.get('DataLakePrincipalIdentifier'): admin_matched = True break if admin_matched is False: raise Exception(f"Principal {principal} is not Data Lake Admin") def _get_dummy_bucket_name(self): return f"data-mesh-delete-me-{self._target_account}" def _create_dummy_bucket(self, aws_region: str): s3_client = self._get_client('s3') try: args = { "ACL": 'private', "Bucket": self._get_dummy_bucket_name() } if aws_region != 'us-east-1': args["CreateBucketConfiguration"] = { 'LocationConstraint': aws_region } s3_client.create_bucket(**args) except s3_client.exceptions.BucketAlreadyExists: pass def _drop_dummy_bucket(self): s3_client = self._get_client('s3') s3_client.delete_bucket( Bucket=self._get_dummy_bucket_name() ) def get_or_create_lf_svc_linked_role(self, aws_region: str): # check if the role already exists iam_client = self._get_client('iam') svc_role = 'AWSServiceRoleForLakeFormationDataAccess' existing_role = None try: existing_role = iam_client.get_role( RoleName=svc_role ) except iam_client.exceptions.NoSuchEntityException: pass if existing_role is not None: return existing_role.get('Role').get('Arn') else: # create a dummy bucket in S3 self._create_dummy_bucket(aws_region) dummy_s3_arn = utils.convert_s3_path_to_arn(f"s3://{self._get_dummy_bucket_name()}") # register the bucket as a data lake location lf_client = self._get_client('lakeformation') try: lf_client.register_resource( ResourceArn=dummy_s3_arn, UseServiceLinkedRole=True ) except lf_client.exceptions.AlreadyExistsException: pass # confirm service linked role exists waiter = iam_client.get_waiter(waiter_name='role_exists') waiter.wait( RoleName=svc_role ) # drop the data lake location try: lf_client.deregister_resource( ResourceArn=dummy_s3_arn ) except lf_client.exceptions.InvalidInputException as e: if "Must manually delete service-linked role to deregister last S3 location" in str(e): pass else: raise e # drop the bucket self._drop_dummy_bucket() # return the role arn return f"arn:aws:iam::{self._target_account}:role/aws-service-role/" def describe_table(self, database_name: str, table_name: str): glue_client = self._get_client('glue') try: table = glue_client.get_table( DatabaseName=database_name, Name=table_name ) return table.get('Table') except glue_client.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException: raise Exception(f"Table {database_name}.{table_name} Not Found") def lf_batch_revoke_permissions(self, data_mesh_account_id: str, consumer_account_id: str, permissions: list, database_name: str, grantable_permissions: list = None, table_list: list = None) -> int: lf_client = self._get_client('lakeformation') entries = [] for t in table_list: entries.extend(self.create_lf_permissions_entry( data_mesh_account_id=data_mesh_account_id, target_account_id=consumer_account_id, database_name=database_name, table_name=t, permissions=permissions, grantable_permissions=grantable_permissions, target_batch=True )) response = lf_client.batch_revoke_permissions( CatalogId=data_mesh_account_id, Entries=entries ) perms_revoked = len(entries) if 'Failures' in response: perms_revoked -= len(response.get('Failures')) return perms_revoked def create_lf_permissions_entry(self, data_mesh_account_id: str, target_account_id: str, database_name: str, table_name: str, permissions: list, grantable_permissions: list = None, target_batch: bool = False ) -> list: db_entries = [] table_entries = [] column_entries = [] log_message = None if table_name is None: # create a db resource entry = { "Id": shortuuid.uuid(), "Principal": { 'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': target_account_id }, "Resource": { 'Database': { 'CatalogId': data_mesh_account_id, 'Name': database_name } }, "Permissions": permissions } if target_batch is True: entry["Id"] = shortuuid.uuid() log_message = f"{target_account_id} Database {database_name} Permissions:{permissions}" if grantable_permissions is not None: # make sure that grantable permissions can't include anything that isn't in permissions _set_grantable_permissions = [] for p in permissions: if p in grantable_permissions: _set_grantable_permissions.append(p) entry["PermissionsWithGrantOption"] = _set_grantable_permissions log_message = f"{log_message}, {_set_grantable_permissions} WITH GRANT OPTION" db_entries.append(entry) else: # create grants at table and column level depending on what's being granted/revoked if 'SELECT' in permissions: entry = { "Id": shortuuid.uuid(), "Principal": { 'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': target_account_id }, "Resource": { 'TableWithColumns': { 'CatalogId': data_mesh_account_id, 'DatabaseName': database_name, 'Name': table_name, 'ColumnWildcard': {} } }, "Permissions": ['SELECT'] } log_message = f"{target_account_id} Table {table_name} Column Permissions:{permissions}" if grantable_permissions is not None and 'SELECT' in grantable_permissions: entry["PermissionsWithGrantOption"] = grantable_permissions log_message = f"{log_message}, {grantable_permissions} WITH GRANT OPTION" column_entries.append(entry) # remove select from remaining permissions other_permissions = list(set(permissions) - set(['SELECT'])) other_grantable_permissions = None if grantable_permissions is not None: other_grantable_permissions = list(set(grantable_permissions) - set(['SELECT'])) if other_permissions is not None and len(other_permissions) > 0: entry = { "Id": shortuuid.uuid(), "Principal": { 'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': target_account_id }, "Resource": { 'Table': { 'CatalogId': data_mesh_account_id, 'DatabaseName': database_name, 'Name': table_name } }, "Permissions": other_permissions } log_message = f"{target_account_id} Table {table_name} Permissions:{other_permissions}" if other_grantable_permissions is not None and len(other_grantable_permissions) > 0: entry["PermissionsWithGrantOption"] = other_grantable_permissions log_message = f"{log_message}, {other_grantable_permissions} WITH GRANT OPTION" table_entries.append(entry) # create a list of the permissions groups final_entries = [] final_entries.extend(table_entries) final_entries.extend(column_entries) final_entries.extend(db_entries) return final_entries def lf_batch_grant_permissions(self, data_mesh_account_id: str, target_account_id: str, permissions: list, database_name: str, grantable_permissions: list = None, table_list: list = None) -> int: entries = [] # always grant describe if 'DESCRIBE' not in permissions: permissions.append('DESCRIBE') for t in table_list: entries.extend(self.create_lf_permissions_entry( data_mesh_account_id=data_mesh_account_id, target_account_id=target_account_id, database_name=database_name, table_name=t, permissions=permissions, grantable_permissions=grantable_permissions, target_batch=True) ) lf_client = self._get_client('lakeformation') response = lf_client.batch_grant_permissions( CatalogId=data_mesh_account_id, Entries=entries ) perms_added = len(entries) if 'Failures' in response: perms_added -= len(response.get('Failures')) if perms_added == 0: self._logger.error( f"Exceptions raised while granting Batch Permissions from {data_mesh_account_id} to {target_account_id}") self._logger.error(response.get('Failures')) raise Exception(f"Failed to grant permissions on Account {data_mesh_account_id}") else: return perms_added def lf_grant_permissions(self, data_mesh_account_id: str, principal: str, database_name: str, table_name: str = None, permissions: list = ['ALL'], grantable_permissions: list = None) -> int: table_list = table_name if isinstance(table_name, list) else [table_name] return self.lf_batch_grant_permissions( data_mesh_account_id=data_mesh_account_id, target_account_id=principal, database_name=database_name, table_list=table_list, permissions=permissions, grantable_permissions=grantable_permissions ) def create_crawler(self, crawler_role: str, database_name: str, table_name: str, s3_location: str, sync_schedule: str, enable_lineage: bool = True): glue_client = self._get_client('glue') crawler_name = '%s-%s' % (database_name, table_name) try: glue_client.get_crawler(Name=crawler_name) except glue_client.exceptions.from_code('EntityNotFoundException'): try: glue_client.create_crawler( Name=crawler_name, Role=crawler_role, DatabaseName=database_name, Description="S3 Crawler to sync structure of %s.%s to Data Mesh" % (database_name, table_name), Targets={ 'S3Targets': [ { 'Path': s3_location }, ] }, Schedule="cron(0 */4 * * ? *)" if sync_schedule is None else sync_schedule, SchemaChangePolicy={ 'UpdateBehavior': 'LOG', 'DeleteBehavior': 'LOG' }, RecrawlPolicy={ 'RecrawlBehavior': 'CRAWL_NEW_FOLDERS_ONLY' }, LineageConfiguration={ 'CrawlerLineageSettings': 'ENABLE' if enable_lineage is True else 'DISABLE' }, Tags=DEFAULT_TAGS )"Created new Glue Crawler %s" % crawler_name) except glue_client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException as ade: self._logger.error( "Cannot create Glue Crawler - caller doesn't have permissions or is missing iam::PassRole") return crawler_name def create_remote_table(self, data_mesh_account_id: str, database_name: str, local_table_name: str, remote_table_name: str) -> None: try: glue_client = self._get_client(('glue')) glue_client.create_table( DatabaseName=database_name, TableInput={"Name": local_table_name, "TargetTable": {"CatalogId": data_mesh_account_id, "DatabaseName": database_name, "Name": remote_table_name } } )"Created Resource Link Table {local_table_name}") except glue_client.exceptions.from_code('AlreadyExistsException'):"Resource Link Table {local_table_name} Already Exists") def get_or_create_database(self, database_name: str, database_desc: str, source_account: str = None): glue_client = self._get_client('glue') args = { "DatabaseInput": { "Name": database_name, "Description": database_desc, } } if source_account is not None: args['DatabaseInput']['TargetDatabase'] = { "CatalogId": source_account, "DatabaseName": database_name } del args['DatabaseInput']["Description"] # create the database try: glue_client.create_database( **args ) this_account_id = self._get_client('sts').get_caller_identity().get('Account') # tag the database with default tags db_arn = utils.get_db_arn(region_name=glue_client.meta.region_name, catalog_id=this_account_id, database_name=database_name) glue_client.tag_resource( ResourceArn=db_arn, TagsToAdd=DEFAULT_TAGS ) except glue_client.exceptions.AlreadyExistsException: pass"Verified Database {database_name}") def set_default_db_permissions(self, database_name: str): glue_client = self._get_client('glue') glue_client.update_database( CatalogId=self._target_account, Name=database_name, DatabaseInput={ "Name": database_name, "CreateTableDefaultPermissions": [] } ) def set_default_lf_permissions(self): # remove default IAM settings in lakeformation for the account, and setup the manager role and this caller as admins lf_client = self._get_client('lakeformation') settings = lf_client.get_data_lake_settings().get('DataLakeSettings') settings['CreateTableDefaultPermissions'] = [] lf_client.put_data_lake_settings(DataLakeSettings=settings) def add_datalake_admin(self, principal: str): lf_client = self._get_client('lakeformation') admins = lf_client.get_data_lake_settings().get('DataLakeSettings').get("DataLakeAdmins") admins.append({ 'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': principal }) # Horrible retry logic required to avoid boto3 exception using a role as a principal too soon after it's been created retries = 0 while True: try: lf_client.put_data_lake_settings( DataLakeSettings={ 'DataLakeAdmins': admins } ) except lf_client.exceptions.InvalidInputException:"Error setting DataLakeAdmins as {admins}. Backing off....") retries += 1 if retries > 5: raise time.sleep(3) continue break def _get_s3_path_prefix(self, prefix: str) -> str: return prefix.replace(f"s3://{self._get_bucket_name(prefix)}", "") def _transform_bucket_policy(self, bucket_policy: dict, principal_account: str, access_path: str) -> dict: use_bucket_name = self._get_bucket_name(access_path) policy_sid = f"{BUCKET_POLICY_STATEMENT_SID}-{use_bucket_name}" # generate a new bucket policy from the template s3_path = self._get_s3_path_prefix(access_path) base_policy = json.loads(utils.generate_policy(template_file='producer_bucket_policy.pystache', config={ 'account_id': principal_account, 'access_path': s3_path, 'sid': policy_sid })) if bucket_policy is None: generated_policy = { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Id": shortuuid.uuid(), "Statement": [ base_policy ] } f"Creation new S3 Bucket policy enabling Data Mesh LakeFormation Service Role access for {principal_account}")"Creating new Bucket Policy for {access_path}") return generated_policy else: # we already have a bucket policy, so determine if there is already a data mesh grant created for this bucket statements = bucket_policy.get('Statement') data_mesh_statement_index = -1 for i, s in enumerate(statements): if s.get('Sid') == policy_sid: data_mesh_statement_index = i break if data_mesh_statement_index == -1: # there was not a previously created data mesh auth statement, so add it to the end statements.append(base_policy) f"Adding new Data Mesh LakeFormation Service Role statement for {principal_account} to existing Bucket Policy") else: # we already have a data mesh auth statement, so check if the principal is already there first statement = statements[data_mesh_statement_index] set_principal = f"arn:aws:iam::{principal_account}:role/aws-service-role/" if set_principal not in statement.get('Principal').get('AWS'): current_principals = statement.get('Principal').get('AWS') if isinstance(current_principals, list): statement.get('Principal').get('AWS').append(set_principal) else: statement.get('Principal')['AWS'] = [current_principals, set_principal] statements[data_mesh_statement_index] = statement f"Adding principal {principal_account} to existing Data Mesh LakeFormation Service Role statement") bucket_policy['Statement'] = statements else: f"Not modifying bucket policy as principal {principal_account} has already been added") return bucket_policy def _get_current_bucket_policy(self, s3_client, bucket_name: str): try: current_policy = s3_client.get_bucket_policy(Bucket=bucket_name) return current_policy except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as ce: if 'NoSuchBucketPolicy' in str(ce): return None else: raise ce def add_bucket_policy_entry(self, principal_account: str, access_path: str): s3_client = self._get_client('s3') bucket_name = self._get_bucket_name(access_path) # get the existing policy, if there is one current_policy = self._get_current_bucket_policy(s3_client, bucket_name) bucket_policy = None if current_policy is not None: bucket_policy = json.loads(current_policy.get('Policy')) # transform the existing or None policy into the desired target lakeformation policy new_policy = self._transform_bucket_policy( bucket_policy=bucket_policy, principal_account=principal_account, access_path=access_path ) # put the policy back into the bucket store s3_client.put_bucket_policy(Bucket=bucket_name, Policy=json.dumps(new_policy)) def accept_lf_resource_shares(self, share_list: list) -> tuple: ''' Causes a list of RAM shares to be accepted by the caller :param share_list: :return: ''' ram_client = self._get_client('ram') get_response = ram_client.get_resource_share_invitations() # only accept peding lakeformation shares from the source account shares_accepted = [] shares_active = [] shares_not_found = [] for r in get_response.get('resourceShareInvitations'): share_arn = r.get('resourceShareArn') if share_arn in share_list: if r.get('status') == 'PENDING': ram_client.accept_resource_share_invitation( resourceShareInvitationArn=r.get('resourceShareInvitationArn') ) shares_accepted.append(share_arn)"Accepted RAM Share {share_arn}") elif r.get('status') == 'ACCEPTED': shares_active.append(share_arn) else: shares_not_found.append(share_arn) else: shares_not_found.append(share_arn) return shares_accepted, shares_active, shares_not_found def accept_pending_lf_resource_shares(self, sender_account: str, filter_resource_arn: str = None): ''' Accepts all pending resource shares of the specified type from the sending account. Used to automatically accept shares from the data mesh back to the producer :param sender_account: :param filter_resource_arn: :return: ''' ram_client = self._get_client('ram') get_response = ram_client.get_resource_share_invitations() accepted_share = False for r in get_response.get('resourceShareInvitations'): # only accept pending lakeformation shares from the source account if r.get('senderAccountId') == sender_account and 'LakeFormation' in r.get('resourceShareName') and r.get( 'status') == 'PENDING': if filter_resource_arn is None or r.get('resourceShareArn') == filter_resource_arn: ram_client.accept_resource_share_invitation( resourceShareInvitationArn=r.get('resourceShareInvitationArn') ) accepted_share = True"Accepted RAM Share {r.get('resourceShareInvitationArn')}") if accepted_share is False:"No Pending RAM Shares to Accept")