import logging import sys import re import shortuuid from datetime import datetime from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Attr, Or, And, Key from enum import Enum from data_mesh_util.lib.constants import * import data_mesh_util.lib.utils as utils STATUS_ACTIVE = 'Active' STATUS_DENIED = 'Denied' STATUS_PENDING = 'Pending' STATUS_DELETED = 'Deleted' SUBSCRIPTION_ID = 'SubscriptionId' OWNER_PRINCIPAL = 'OwnerPrincipal' SUBSCRIBER_PRINCIPAL = 'SubscriberPrincipal' STATUS = 'Status' CREATION_DATE = 'CreationDate' CREATED_BY = 'CreatedBy' UPDATED_DATE = 'UpdatedDate' UPDATED_BY = 'UpdatedBy' DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' DATABASE_NAME = 'DatabaseName' TABLE_NAME = 'TableName' REQUESTED_GRANTS = 'RequestedGrants' PERMITTED_GRANTS = 'PermittedGrants' GRANTABLE_GRANTS = 'GrantableGrants' TABLE_ARNS = 'GrantedTableARNs' RAM_SHARES = 'RamShares' NOTES = 'Notes' class SubType(Enum): DATABASE = 1 TABLE = 2 DATA_PRODUCT = 3 DOMAIN = 4 def _generate_id(): return shortuuid.uuid() def _format_time_now(): return class SubscriberTracker: _data_mesh_account_id = None _dynamo_client = None _dynamo_resource = None _glue_client = None _sts_client = None _table_info = None _table = None _logger = None _region = None def __init__(self, credentials, data_mesh_account_id: str, region_name: str, log_level: str = "INFO"): ''' Initialize a subscriber tracker. Requires the external creation of clients because we will span roles :param dynamo_client: :param dynamo_resource: :param log_level: ''' self._data_mesh_account_id = data_mesh_account_id self._region = region_name self._dynamo_client = utils.generate_client(service='dynamodb', region=region_name, credentials=credentials) self._dynamo_resource = utils.generate_resource(service='dynamodb', region=region_name, credentials=credentials) self._glue_client = utils.generate_client(service='glue', region=region_name, credentials=credentials) self._iam_client = utils.generate_client(service='iam', region=region_name, credentials=credentials) self._sts_client = utils.generate_client(service='sts', region=region_name, credentials=credentials) # validate that we are running from within the mesh utils.validate_correct_account(credentials=credentials, account_id=data_mesh_account_id) self._table_info = self._init_table() _logger = logging.getLogger("SubscriberTracker") # make sure we always log to standard out _logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) _logger.setLevel(log_level) def _who_am_i(self): return self._sts_client.get_caller_identity().get('Arn') def _add_www(self, item: dict, new: bool = True, notes: str = None): ''' Method to decorate a DynamoDB item with Who What When attributes :param item: :param principal: :param new: :return: ''' if new: item[CREATION_DATE] = _format_time_now() item[CREATED_BY] = self._who_am_i() else: item[UPDATED_DATE] = _format_time_now() item[UPDATED_BY] = self._who_am_i() if notes is not None: item[NOTES] = notes return item def _upd_www(self, args: dict): # check that the updates haven't already been added if "#upd_dt" not in list(args.get("ExpressionAttributeNames").keys()): # split the update expression and extract the SET portion, which we will rewrite tokens = re.split('(ADD|SET)', args.get("UpdateExpression"), flags=re.IGNORECASE) set_clause = tokens[tokens.index('SET') + 1] add_clause = None if 'ADD' in tokens: add_clause = tokens[tokens.index('ADD') + 1] # add the update expression, names, and values set_clause = "%s, #upd_dt = :upd_dt, #upd_by = :upd_by" % set_clause args["ExpressionAttributeNames"]["#upd_dt"] = UPDATED_DATE args["ExpressionAttributeNames"]["#upd_by"] = UPDATED_BY args["ExpressionAttributeValues"][":upd_dt"] = _format_time_now() args["ExpressionAttributeValues"][":upd_by"] = self._who_am_i() if add_clause is not None: args["UpdateExpression"] = f"SET {set_clause} ADD {add_clause}" else: args["UpdateExpression"] = f"SET {set_clause}" return args def _init_table(self): t = None try: response = self._dynamo_client.describe_table( TableName=SUBSCRIPTIONS_TRACKER_TABLE ) t = response.get('Table') except self._dynamo_client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException: t = self._create_table() self._table = self._dynamo_resource.Table(SUBSCRIPTIONS_TRACKER_TABLE) return { 'Table': t.get('TableArn'), 'Stream': t.get('LatestStreamArn') } def subscriber_indexname(self): return "%s-%s" % (SUBSCRIPTIONS_TRACKER_TABLE, 'Subscriber') def owner_indexname(self): return "%s-%s" % (SUBSCRIPTIONS_TRACKER_TABLE, 'Owner') def _create_table(self): response = self._dynamo_client.create_table( TableName=SUBSCRIPTIONS_TRACKER_TABLE, AttributeDefinitions=[ { 'AttributeName': SUBSCRIPTION_ID, 'AttributeType': 'S' }, { 'AttributeName': SUBSCRIBER_PRINCIPAL, 'AttributeType': 'S' }, { 'AttributeName': OWNER_PRINCIPAL, 'AttributeType': 'S' }, { 'AttributeName': STATUS, 'AttributeType': 'S' } ], KeySchema=[ { 'AttributeName': SUBSCRIPTION_ID, 'KeyType': 'HASH' } ], GlobalSecondaryIndexes=[ { 'IndexName': self.owner_indexname(), 'KeySchema': [ { 'AttributeName': OWNER_PRINCIPAL, 'KeyType': 'HASH', }, { 'AttributeName': STATUS, 'KeyType': 'RANGE', } ], 'Projection': { 'ProjectionType': 'ALL' } }, { 'IndexName': self.subscriber_indexname(), 'KeySchema': [ { 'AttributeName': SUBSCRIBER_PRINCIPAL, 'KeyType': 'HASH', } ], 'Projection': { 'ProjectionType': 'ALL' } } ], BillingMode='PAY_PER_REQUEST', StreamSpecification={ 'StreamEnabled': True, 'StreamViewType': 'NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES' }, Tags=[DEFAULT_TAGS] ) # block until the table is ACTIVE t = self._dynamo_resource.Table(SUBSCRIPTIONS_TRACKER_TABLE) t.wait_until_exists() return response.get('TableDescription') def get_endpoints(self): return self._table_info def _validate_objects(self, database_name: str, tables: list, suppress_object_validation: bool = False): for table_name in tables: # validate if the table exists exists = self._validate_object(database_name=database_name, table_name=table_name, suppress_object_validation=suppress_object_validation) if not exists: raise Exception("Table %s does not exist in Database %s" % (table_name, database_name)) def _validate_object(self, database_name: str, table_name: str = None, suppress_object_validation: bool = False): if suppress_object_validation is True: return True else: if table_name is not None: try: response = self._glue_client.get_table( DatabaseName=database_name, Name=table_name ) if 'Table' not in response: return False else: return True except ( self._glue_client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException, self._glue_client.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException): # if we get access denied here, it's because the object doesn't exist return False else: try: response = self._glue_client.get_database( Name=database_name ) if 'Database' not in response: return False else: return True except ( self._glue_client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException, self._glue_client.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException): # if we get access denied here, it's because the object doesn't exist return False def create_subscription_request(self, owner_account_id: str, principal: str, request_grants: list, domain=None, data_product_name=None, database_name: str = None, tables: list = None, suppress_object_validation: bool = False) -> dict: # look up if there is already a subscription request for this object subscription_type = None if database_name is not None: filter = Attr(DATABASE_NAME).eq(database_name) if tables is None or tables == []: subscription_type = SubType.DATABASE else: subscription_type = SubType.TABLE elif data_product_name is not None: filter = And(Attr(DATA_PRODUCT_TAG_KEY).eq(data_product_name)) subscription_type = SubType.DATA_PRODUCT elif domain is not None: filter = And(Attr(DOMAIN_TAG_KEY).eq(domain)) subscription_type = SubType.DOMAIN def _sub_exists(): found = self._table.query( IndexName=self.subscriber_indexname(), Select='ALL_ATTRIBUTES', ConsistentRead=False, KeyConditionExpression=Key(SUBSCRIBER_PRINCIPAL).eq(principal), FilterExpression=filter ) for i in found.get('Items'): if (subscription_type == SubType.TABLE and tables == i.get(TABLE_NAME)) and request_grants == i.get( REQUESTED_GRANTS): return i return None def _put_subscription(item: dict): item = self._add_www(item=item) self._table.put_item( Item=item ) # check if a subscription already exists subscription = _sub_exists() # create the base subscription object to be inserted into DDB item = { SUBSCRIPTION_ID: _generate_id() if subscription is None else subscription.get(SUBSCRIPTION_ID), OWNER_PRINCIPAL: owner_account_id, SUBSCRIBER_PRINCIPAL: principal, REQUESTED_GRANTS: request_grants, STATUS: STATUS_PENDING if subscription is None else subscription.get(STATUS) } sub_type = () def _return(): return { "Type":, sub_type[0]: sub_type[1], SUBSCRIPTION_ID: item.get(SUBSCRIPTION_ID) } if subscription_type == SubType.DATABASE: # validate that the database exists exists = self._validate_object(database_name=database_name, suppress_object_validation=suppress_object_validation) if not exists: raise Exception("Database %s does not exist" % (database_name)) else: # create a database level subscription item[DATABASE_NAME] = database_name sub_type = DATABASE_NAME, database_name elif subscription_type == SubType.TABLE: # validate the table list self._validate_objects(database_name=database_name, tables=tables, suppress_object_validation=suppress_object_validation) item[DATABASE_NAME] = database_name item[TABLE_NAME] = tables sub_type = TABLE_NAME, tables elif subscription_type == SubType.DOMAIN: # create a domain level subscription item[DOMAIN_TAG_KEY] = domain sub_type = DOMAIN_TAG_KEY, domain else: # create a data product level subscription item[DATA_PRODUCT_TAG_KEY] = data_product_name _put_subscription(item=item, principal=principal) sub_type = DATA_PRODUCT_TAG_KEY, data_product_name _put_subscription(item=item) return _return() def get_subscription(self, subscription_id: str, force: bool = False) -> dict: args = { "Key": { SUBSCRIPTION_ID: subscription_id }, "ConsistentRead": True } item = self._table.get_item(**args) i = item.get("Item") if i is None: return None else: if i.get(STATUS) != STATUS_DELETED or force: return i def _arg_builder(self, key: str, value): if value is not None: if isinstance(value, str): return Attr(key).eq(value) elif isinstance(value, list): # for this use case, lists are OR'ed together k = Attr(key) # add the first value from the list or_clause = Or(k.eq(value[0]), k.eq(value[1])) def _or_closure(value): return Or(or_clause, k.eq(value)) for v in value[2:]: _or_closure(v) return or_clause else: return None def _build_filter_expression(self, args: dict): filter = None for arg in args.items(): if arg[1] is not None: if filter is None: filter = Attr(arg[0]).eq(arg[1]) else: filter = And(filter, Attr(arg[0]).eq(arg[1])) # add the deleted filter filter = And(filter, Attr(STATUS).ne(STATUS_DELETED)) return filter def list_subscriptions(self, owner_id: str = None, principal_id: str = None, database_name: str = None, tables: list = None, includes_grants: list = None, request_status: str = None, start_token: str = None) -> dict: args = {} def _add_arg(key: str, value): if value is not None: args[key] = value _add_arg("TableName", SUBSCRIPTIONS_TRACKER_TABLE) _add_arg("ExclusiveStartKey", start_token) if principal_id is not None: _add_arg("IndexName", self.subscriber_indexname()) _add_arg("KeyConditionExpression", Key(SUBSCRIBER_PRINCIPAL).eq(principal_id)) _add_arg("Select", "ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES") _add_arg("FilterExpression", Attr(STATUS).ne(STATUS_DELETED)) response = self._table.query(**args) return self._format_list_response(response) elif owner_id is not None and request_status is not None: _add_arg("IndexName", self.owner_indexname()) key_condition = And(Key(OWNER_PRINCIPAL).eq(owner_id), Key(STATUS).eq(request_status)) _add_arg("KeyConditionExpression", key_condition) _add_arg("Select", "ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES") response = self._table.query(**args) return self._format_list_response(response) else: # build the filter expression filter_expression = self._build_filter_expression( { OWNER_PRINCIPAL: owner_id, SUBSCRIBER_PRINCIPAL: principal_id, DATABASE_NAME: database_name, TABLE_NAME: tables, REQUESTED_GRANTS: includes_grants }) _add_arg("FilterExpression", filter_expression) response = self._table.scan(**args) return self._format_list_response(response) def _format_list_response(self, response) -> dict: response_items = [] # filter out values not relevant to the requestor for i in response.get('Items'): del i[STATUS] del i[OWNER_PRINCIPAL] response_items.append(i) out = { 'Subscriptions': response_items } lek = 'LastEvaluatedKey' if lek in response: out[lek] = response.get(lek) return out def _handle_update(self, args: dict): ist = "Invalid State Transition" # add the consumed capacity metric which allows us to check if the update worked if "ReturnConsumedCapacity" not in args: args["ReturnConsumedCapacity"] = 'TOTAL' # add who information args = self._upd_www(args) try: response = self._table.update_item(**args) if response is None or response.get('ConsumedCapacity') is None or response.get('ConsumedCapacity').get( 'CapacityUnits') == 0: raise Exception(ist) else: return True except Exception as e: if 'ConditionalCheckFailedException' in str(e): pass else: raise e def delete_subscription(self, subscription_id: str, reason: str): self.update_status( subscription_id=subscription_id, status=STATUS_DELETED, notes=reason ) def update_grants(self, subscription_id: str, permitted_grants: list, notes: str, grantable_grants: list = None): set_expressions = [ "#permitted = :permitted" ] expression_attribute_names = { "#permitted": PERMITTED_GRANTS, "#notes": NOTES } expression_attribute_values = { ":permitted": permitted_grants, ":notes": {notes} } if grantable_grants is not None: set_expressions.append("#grantable = :grantable") expression_attribute_names["#grantable"] = GRANTABLE_GRANTS expression_attribute_values[":grantable"] = grantable_grants args = { "Key": { SUBSCRIPTION_ID: subscription_id }, "UpdateExpression": f"SET {','.join(set_expressions)} ADD #notes :notes", "ExpressionAttributeNames": expression_attribute_names, "ExpressionAttributeValues": expression_attribute_values } return self._handle_update(args) def mark_subscription_as_imported(self, subscription_id: str): current_sub = self.get_subscription(subscription_id=subscription_id) if current_sub.get(STATUS) != STATUS_ACTIVE: raise Exception("Subscription must be Active to import") else: update_expression = "SET #imported = :imported" expression_attribute_names = { "#imported": "ImportedToConsumer" } expression_attribute_values = { ":imported": True } args = { "Key": { SUBSCRIPTION_ID: subscription_id }, "UpdateExpression": update_expression, "ExpressionAttributeNames": expression_attribute_names, "ExpressionAttributeValues": expression_attribute_values } return self._handle_update(args) def update_status(self, subscription_id: str, status: str, table_arns: list = None, permitted_grants: list = None, grantable_grants: list = None, notes: str = None, ram_shares: dict = None): ''' Updates the status of a subscription. Valid transitions are: PENDING->ACTIVE PENDING->DENIED DENIED->ACTIVE ACTIVE->DELETED DELETED->ACTIVE DELETED->PENDING :param subscription_id: :param status: :return: ''' # build the map of proposed status to allowed status status_attr = Attr(STATUS) expected = None if status == STATUS_ACTIVE: expected = Or(Or(Or(status_attr.eq(STATUS_PENDING), status_attr.eq(STATUS_DENIED)), status_attr.eq(STATUS_DELETED)), status_attr.eq(STATUS_ACTIVE)) elif status == STATUS_DENIED: expected = status_attr.eq(STATUS_PENDING) elif status == STATUS_DELETED: expected = status_attr.eq(STATUS_ACTIVE) elif status == STATUS_PENDING: expected = status_attr.eq(STATUS_DELETED) set_expressions = [ "#status = :status", "#permitted = :permitted", "#table_arns = :table_arns", "#grantable = :grantable", ] expression_attribute_names = { "#status": STATUS, "#permitted": PERMITTED_GRANTS, "#grantable": GRANTABLE_GRANTS, "#table_arns": TABLE_ARNS } expression_attribute_values = { ":status": status, ":table_arns": table_arns, ":grantable": grantable_grants } # add the permitted grants if they are provided if permitted_grants is not None and len(permitted_grants) > 0: expression_attribute_values[":permitted"] = permitted_grants else: # permitted grants will be set to whatever was previously requested current_sub = self.get_subscription(subscription_id=subscription_id) expression_attribute_values[":permitted"] = current_sub.get(REQUESTED_GRANTS) if ram_shares is not None: set_expressions.append("#ram = :ram") expression_attribute_names["#ram"] = RAM_SHARES expression_attribute_values[":ram"] = ram_shares # add the notes field as a set if we got any add_clause = "" if notes is not None: add_clause = "ADD #notes :notes" expression_attribute_names["#notes"] = NOTES expression_attribute_values[":notes"] = {notes} update_expression = f"SET {','.join(set_expressions)} {add_clause}".strip() args = { "Key": { SUBSCRIPTION_ID: subscription_id }, "UpdateExpression": update_expression, "ExpressionAttributeNames": expression_attribute_names, "ExpressionAttributeValues": expression_attribute_values, "ConditionExpression": expected } return self._handle_update(args)