try: from import Mapping # noqa except ImportError: from collections import Mapping # noqa from data_mesh_util.lib.constants import * import os import sys import pystache import botocore import boto3 import datetime import json def make_iam_session_name(current_account): val = "%s-%s-%s" % (current_account.get('UserId').replace(":", ""), current_account.get( 'Account'),"%Y-%m-%d")) n = 64 if len(val) < n: return val else: return val[:n] def get_central_role_name(account_id: str, type: str) -> str: if type == PRODUCER: return f"{DATA_MESH_ADMIN_PRODUCER_ROLENAME}-{account_id}" else: return f"{DATA_MESH_ADMIN_CONSUMER_ROLENAME}-{account_id}" def validate_correct_account(credentials, account_id: str, should_match: bool = True): caller_account = generate_client(service='sts', region=None, credentials=credentials).get_caller_identity().get( 'Account') if should_match is False and caller_account == account_id: raise Exception( f"Function should not run within the Data Mesh Account ({account_id}) ") if should_match is True and caller_account != account_id: raise Exception( f"Function should run within the Data Mesh Account ({account_id}) and not {caller_account}") def convert_s3_path_to_arn(s3_path: str) -> str: return f"arn:aws:s3:::{s3_path.replace('s3://', '')}" def generate_policy(template_file: str, config: dict): with open("%s/%s" % (os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../resource"), template_file)) as t: template = rendered = pystache.Renderer().render(template, config) return rendered def remove_dict_keys(input_dict: dict, remove_keys: list) -> dict: out = input_dict.copy() def rm(prop): try: del out[prop] except KeyError: pass # remove properties from a TableInfo object returned from get_table to be compatible with put_table for k in remove_keys: rm(k) return out def get_table_arn(region_name: str, catalog_id: str, database_name: str, table_name: str): # format is arn:aws:glue:region:account-id:table/database name/table name return f"arn:aws:glue:{region_name}:{catalog_id}:table/{database_name}/{table_name}" def get_db_arn(region_name: str, catalog_id: str, database_name: str) -> str: return f"arn:aws:glue:{region_name}:{catalog_id}:database/{database_name}" def create_assume_role_doc(aws_principals: list = None, resource: str = None, additional_principals: dict = None): document = { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", } ] } # add the mandatory AWS principals if aws_principals is not None: document.get('Statement')[0]['Principal'] = {"AWS": aws_principals} # add the additional map of principals provided if additional_principals is not None: for k, v in additional_principals.items(): document.get('Statement')[0]['Principal'][k] = v if resource is not None: document.get('Statement')[0]['Resource'] = resource return document def strip_quot(value: str) -> str: ''' Method to remove both single and double quotes from a string value :param value: :return: ''' return value.replace('"', '').replace("'", "") # load required args for runtimes into sys.argv def load_sysarg(key: str, value: str) -> None: sys.argv.append(f"--{key}") sys.argv.append(value) def strip_sysarg_quots() -> None: ''' Strip all quotes from argument values from sys.argv :return: ''' for i, value in enumerate(sys.argv): if value[:2] != '--': sys.argv[i] = strip_quot(value) def purify_sysargs() -> None: ''' Convert sysargv values from dashed format 'my-value' to underscore 'my_value', and remove all single and double quotes form arg values :return: ''' underscore_sysargs() strip_sysarg_quots() def underscore_sysargs() -> None: ''' convert dashed arg names to underscore - annoying for users if we don't do this. all usage will show underscore :return: ''' for i, value in enumerate(sys.argv): if value[:2] == '--': sys.argv[i] = f"--{value[2:].replace('-', '_')}" def get_policy_arn(account_id: str, policy_name: str) -> str: return "arn:aws:iam::%s:policy%s%s" % (account_id, DATA_MESH_IAM_PATH, policy_name) def get_role_arn(account_id: str, role_name: str): return "arn:aws:iam::%s:role%s%s" % (account_id, DATA_MESH_IAM_PATH, role_name) def get_producer_role_arn(account_id: str): return get_role_arn(account_id, DATA_MESH_PRODUCER_ROLENAME) def get_consumer_role_arn(account_id: str): return get_role_arn(account_id, DATA_MESH_CONSUMER_ROLENAME) def get_datamesh_producer_role_arn(source_account_id: str, data_mesh_account_id: str): return get_role_arn(data_mesh_account_id, get_central_role_name(source_account_id, PRODUCER)) def get_datamesh_consumer_role_arn(source_account_id: str, data_mesh_account_id: str): return get_role_arn(data_mesh_account_id, get_central_role_name(source_account_id, CONSUMER)) def assume_iam_role(role_name: str, region_name: str, target_account: str = None, use_credentials=None) -> (boto3.session.Session, dict): _sts_client = generate_client('sts', region_name, use_credentials) _current_identity = _sts_client.get_caller_identity() set_account = target_account if target_account is not None else _current_identity.get('Account') if _current_identity.get('Arn') == get_role_arn(account_id=set_account, role_name=role_name): return boto3.session.Session(region_name=region_name) else: _creds = _sts_client.assume_role( RoleArn=get_role_arn(set_account, role_name), RoleSessionName=make_iam_session_name(_current_identity) ) return create_session(credentials=_creds.get('Credentials'), region=region_name), _creds.get( 'Credentials'), _current_identity.get('Arn') def _validate_credentials(credentials) -> dict: out = {} if isinstance(credentials, Mapping): out = credentials else: if credentials is not None: # treat as a Boto3 Credentials object out = {'AccessKeyId': credentials.access_key, "SecretAccessKey": credentials.secret_key} if credentials.token is not None: out['SessionToken'] = credentials.token else: # load from the environment out = {'AccessKeyId': os.getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY'), "SecretAccessKey": os.getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')} if credentials.token is not None: out['SessionToken'] = os.getenv('AWS_SESSION_TOKEN') if out.get('AccessKeyId') is None or out.get('SecretAccessKey') is None: raise Exception('Malformed Credentials - missing AccessKeyId or SecretAccessKey') return out def ensure_list(input_list: list) -> list: if input_list is None: return [] if isinstance(input_list, list): return input_list elif isinstance(input_list, str): if "," in input_list: return input_list.split(',') else: return [input_list] def load_client_info_from_file(from_path: str = None): if from_path is None: use_path = os.getenv('CredentialsFile') else: use_path = from_path if use_path is None: raise Exception( "Unable to load Client Connection information without a file reference. Provide a direct path or set environment variable CredentialsFile") _creds = None with open(use_path, 'r') as w: _creds = json.load(w) w.close() _clients = {} _account_ids = {} _credentials_dict = {} _region = _creds.get('AWS_REGION') for token in [MESH, PRODUCER, CONSUMER, PRODUCER_ADMIN, CONSUMER_ADMIN]: _clients[token] = generate_client('sts', region=_region, credentials=_creds.get(token)) _account_ids[token] = _creds.get(token).get('AccountId') _credentials_dict = _creds return _region, _clients, _account_ids, _credentials_dict def load_ram_shares(lf_client, data_mesh_account_id: str, database_name: str, table_name: str, target_principal: str) -> dict: ram_shares = {} def _get_ram_share(d: str, t: str = None) -> None: share_ref = None share_type = None # get the permission for the object if t is not None: resource_ref = { 'Table': { 'CatalogId': data_mesh_account_id, 'DatabaseName': d, 'Name': t } } share_ref = t share_type = 'Table' else: resource_ref = { 'Database': { 'CatalogId': data_mesh_account_id, 'Name': d } } share_ref = d share_type = 'Database' perm = lf_client.list_permissions( CatalogId=data_mesh_account_id, ResourceType='TABLE', Resource=resource_ref ) if perm is not None: for p in perm.get('PrincipalResourcePermissions'): if p.get('Principal').get('DataLakePrincipalIdentifier') == target_principal and 'DESCRIBE' in p.get( 'Permissions'): ram_shares[share_ref] = {'type': share_type, 'arn': p.get('AdditionalDetails').get('ResourceShare')[0]} else: raise Exception("Unable to Load RAM Share for Permission") # load the RAM shares for the database _get_ram_share(database_name) # load the RAM shares for the table _get_ram_share(database_name, table_name) return ram_shares def create_session(credentials=None, region=None): if credentials is not None: use_creds = _validate_credentials(credentials) args = { "aws_access_key_id": use_creds.get('AccessKeyId'), "aws_secret_access_key": use_creds.get('SecretAccessKey') } if region is not None: args["region_name"] = region else: args["region_name"] = os.getenv('AWS_REGION') if 'SessionToken' in use_creds: args['aws_session_token'] = use_creds.get('SessionToken') return boto3.session.Session(**args) else: return boto3.session.Session() def generate_client(service: str, region: str, credentials): session = create_session(credentials=credentials, region=region) return session.client(service) def generate_resource(service: str, region: str, credentials): use_creds = _validate_credentials(credentials) args = { "service_name": service, "region_name": region, "aws_access_key_id": use_creds.get('AccessKeyId'), "aws_secret_access_key": use_creds.get('SecretAccessKey') } if 'SessionToken' in use_creds: args['aws_session_token'] = use_creds.get('SessionToken') return boto3.resource(**args) def log_instance_signature(obj, logger) -> None: logger.debug(f"Instance Signature for {obj.__class__.__name__}") for attr in vars(obj): logger.debug(f"{attr}: {obj.__dict__.get(attr)}")