import json from boto3 import client as Client from datetime import datetime from os import environ dt_format_code = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' # Function to trigger qualification step def try_strptime(s, fmts=['%d-%b-%y','%m/%d/%Y','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S','%Y%m%d']): for fmt in fmts: try: return datetime.strptime(s, fmt) except: continue return None # Grab specific tag values for a SecretsManager secret description def get_first_tag_value_for_secretDescription_for_key(secretDescription, key): tags = secretDescription['Tags'] nameTag = ([tag for tag in tags if tag['Key'] == key ])[0].get('Value') return nameTag def lambda_handler(event, context): secret_arn = environ['secret'] client = Client('secretsmanager') response = client.get_secret_value( SecretId = secret_arn ) secrets = json.loads(response['SecretString']) # Check if isactive secret equals True processActive = secrets.get('isactive','notFound') if processActive : # Check if date greater than begindate secret processStartDate = try_strptime(secrets.get('begindate','1911-01-01 00:00:00'),['%d-%b-%y','%m/%d/%Y','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S','%Y%m%d']) # Create json payload if processStartDate < description = client.describe_secret( SecretId = secret_arn ) # TODO: If sns_arn not found -> throw exception sns_arn = secrets.get('sns_arn_l1','notFound') secrets['secret_arn'] = secret_arn secrets['oauth_url'] = environ['bloburl'] secrets['partitionSize'] = environ['partitionSize'] secrets['maxPartitionsPerFile'] = environ['maxPartitionsPerFile'] secrets['UseFullFilePath'] = environ['UseFullFilePath'] secrets['bucket_name'] = secrets.get('bucket_name','bucketNotFound') message = secrets client = Client('sns') response = client.publish( TargetArn=sns_arn, Message=json.dumps({'default': json.dumps(message)}), MessageStructure='json' ) print('Executing Azure Blob Copy Process') else : print('Azure Blob Copy Process is disabled or no data to process') return 'SUCCESS'