dashboards: AWSCIDFORAZURE: dependsOn: datasets: ${customer}gld${environment}cidazure: AWSCIDforAzure name: "${customer} ${environment} Azure Cost Dashboard" dashboardId: ${customer}-${environment}-azure-cost templateId: cid-azure-cost sourceAccountId: "446423066913" region: eu-west-2 datasets: ${customer}gld${environment}cidazure: data: DataSetId: ${customer}gld${environment}cidazure Name: ${customer}gld${environment}cidazure PhysicalTableMap: 4dae6f38-bac9-4a59-ace7-4ad725cb3c9d: RelationalTable: DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn} Catalog: AwsDataCatalog Schema: ${athena_database_name} Name: ${customer}gld${environment}cidazure_athena_view InputColumns: - Name: accountname Type: STRING - Name: accountownerid Type: STRING - Name: additionalinfo Type: STRING - Name: availabilityzone Type: STRING - Name: benefitid Type: STRING - Name: benefitname Type: STRING - Name: billingaccountid Type: STRING - Name: billingaccountname Type: STRING - Name: billingcurrency Type: STRING - Name: billingperiodenddate Type: STRING - Name: billingperiodstartdate Type: STRING - Name: billingprofileid Type: INTEGER - Name: billingprofilename Type: STRING - Name: chargetype Type: STRING - Name: consumedservice Type: STRING - Name: costallocationrulename Type: STRING - Name: costcenter Type: STRING - Name: costinbillingcurrency Type: DECIMAL - Name: date Type: STRING - Name: effectiveprice Type: DECIMAL - Name: frequency Type: STRING - Name: invoicesectionid Type: STRING - Name: invoicesectionname Type: STRING - Name: isazurecrediteligible Type: BOOLEAN - Name: metercategory Type: STRING - Name: meterid Type: STRING - Name: metername Type: STRING - Name: meterregion Type: STRING - Name: metersubcategory Type: STRING - Name: offerid Type: STRING - Name: partnumber Type: STRING - Name: paygprice Type: INTEGER - Name: planname Type: STRING - Name: pricingmodel Type: STRING - Name: product Type: STRING - Name: productorderid Type: STRING - Name: productordername Type: STRING - Name: publishername Type: STRING - Name: publishertype Type: STRING - Name: quantity Type: DECIMAL - Name: reservationid Type: STRING - Name: reservationname Type: STRING - Name: resourcegroup Type: STRING - Name: resourceid Type: STRING - Name: resourcelocation Type: STRING - Name: resourcename Type: STRING - Name: servicefamily Type: STRING - Name: serviceinfo1 Type: STRING - Name: serviceinfo2 Type: STRING - Name: subscriptionid Type: STRING - Name: subscriptionname Type: STRING - Name: tags Type: STRING - Name: term Type: STRING - Name: unitofmeasure Type: STRING - Name: unitprice Type: DECIMAL - Name: tags_map Type: STRING - Name: tag-environment Type: STRING - Name: tag-costcenter Type: STRING - Name: tag-system Type: STRING - Name: tag-department Type: STRING - Name: dateparsed Type: DATETIME - Name: billingperiodstartdateparsed Type: DATETIME - Name: billingperiodenddateparsed Type: DATETIME - Name: month Type: DATETIME LogicalTableMap: 9f457682-4997-40ac-a340-bd5cfabaac30: Alias: ${customer}gld${environment}cidazure_athena_view DataTransforms: - ProjectOperation: ProjectedColumns: - accountname - accountownerid - additionalinfo - availabilityzone - benefitid - benefitname - billingaccountid - billingaccountname - billingcurrency - billingperiodenddate - billingperiodstartdate - billingprofileid - billingprofilename - chargetype - consumedservice - costallocationrulename - costcenter - costinbillingcurrency - date - effectiveprice - frequency - invoicesectionid - invoicesectionname - isazurecrediteligible - metercategory - meterid - metername - meterregion - metersubcategory - offerid - partnumber - paygprice - planname - pricingmodel - product - productorderid - productordername - publishername - publishertype - quantity - reservationid - reservationname - resourcegroup - resourceid - resourcelocation - resourcename - servicefamily - serviceinfo1 - serviceinfo2 - subscriptionid - subscriptionname - tags - term - unitofmeasure - unitprice - tags_map - tag-environment - tag-costcenter - tag-system - tag-department - dateparsed - billingperiodstartdateparsed - billingperiodenddateparsed - month Source: PhysicalTableId: 4dae6f38-bac9-4a59-ace7-4ad725cb3c9d ImportMode: SPICE dependsOn: views: - ${customer}gld${environment}cidazure_athena_view views: ${customer}gld${environment}cidazure_athena_view: dependsOn: views: - ${customer}glt${environment}cidazure data: |- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${athena_database_name}.${customer}gld${environment}cidazure_athena_view AS SELECT * FROM ${source_table} WHERE month >= DATE(to_iso8601(current_date - interval '6' month)) # ${customer}glt${environment}cidazure parameters: customer: default: "cid" description: id of customer. Can be any alphanumeric string environment: default: "pd" description: "Environment type (pd=prod, pp=preprod, sb=sandbox). Can be any alphanumeric string" source_table: default: "cidgltpdcidazure" description: "name of table"