/* Copyright 2017 Amazon.com Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ delete from sporting_event where sport_type_name = 'baseball'; DECLARE sport_type_name sport_type.name%TYPE; event_date DATE; date_offset NUMBER := 0; CURSOR team1 IS SELECT id, home_field_id from sport_team WHERE sport_league_short_name = 'MLB' AND sport_type_name = 'baseball' order by id; CURSOR team2(IN_ID IN NUMBER) IS SELECT id, home_field_id from sport_team WHERE ID > IN_ID AND sport_league_short_name = 'MLB' AND sport_type_name = 'baseball' ORDER BY ID; CURSOR team3(IN_ID IN NUMBER) IS SELECT id, home_field_id from sport_team WHERE ID < IN_ID AND sport_league_short_name = 'MLB' AND sport_type_name = 'baseball' ORDER BY ID; BEGIN select name into sport_type_name from sport_type where LOWER(name) = 'baseball'; --- every team plays every other team twice, each has home field advantage once FOR hrec IN team1 LOOP event_date := NEXT_DAY(TO_DATE('31-MAR-' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYY'),'DD-MON-YYYY'),'saturday') + 7*date_offset; FOR arec IN team2(hrec.id) LOOP event_date := event_date + TRUNC(dbms_random.value(12,19))/24; INSERT INTO sporting_event(sport_type_name, home_team_id, away_team_id, location_id,start_date_time) VALUES(sport_type_name, hrec.id, arec.id, hrec.home_field_id, event_date); event_date := TRUNC(event_date) +7; END LOOP; event_date := TRUNC(NEXT_DAY(EVENT_DATE,'wednesday')); FOR h2_rec in team3(hrec.id) LOOP event_date := (event_date - 7) + TRUNC(dbms_random.value(12,19))/24; INSERT INTO sporting_event(sport_Type_name, home_team_id, away_team_id, location_id, start_date_time) VALUES(sport_type_name, hrec.id, h2_rec.id, hrec.home_field_id, event_date); END LOOP; date_offset := date_offset +1; END LOOP; END; /