# promote_rds_cross_region_read_replica This python code help you create AWS Lambda function to promote RDS SQL Server cross region read replica. When you deploy this code, you should specify below parameters: PRIMARY_DB_IDENTIFIER : RDS Instance identifier of primary RDS SQL Server instance in primary AWS region. PRIMARY_REGION : Primary AWS region. e.g. us-east-1 REPLICA_DB_IDENTIFIER. : RDS Instance identifier of RDS SQL Server cross region read replica. SECONDARY_REGION : Secondary AWS region. e.g. us-east-2 ACCEPTABLE_RR_LAG_SECONDS: Set this parameter to a numeric value (in seconds). If replica lag is greater than this value, Lambda function will not initiate cross region read replica promotion and you can manually perform the steps. # License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.