--- title: "Sending results from AWS DeepLens to a data stream" weight: 334 chapter: true draft: false tags: - intermediate --- In this section, you learn how to send messages from AWS DeepLens to a Kinesis data stream by configuring an AWS IoT rule. On the Kinesis console, create a new data stream. For **Data stream name**, enter a name. For **Number of shards**, choose 1. Choose **Create data stream**. ![](/images/300_intermediate/330_guess_drawing/kinesis-1.jpg) On the [AWS IoT console](http://console.aws.amazon.com/iot), under **Act**, choose **Rules**. Choose **Create** to set up a rule to push MQTT messages from AWS DeepLens to the newly created data stream. ![](/images/300_intermediate/330_guess_drawing/iot-1.jpg) On the **Create a rule** page, enter a name for your rule. For **Rule query statement**, enter the DeepLens device MQTT topic. Choose **Add action**. ![](/images/300_intermediate/330_guess_drawing/iot-2.jpg) Choose **Send a message to an Amazon Kinesis Stream**. Choose **Configuration**. Choose the data stream you created earlier. For **Partition key**, enter `${newuuid()}`. Choose **Create a new role** or **Update role**. Choose **Add action**. Choose **Create rule** to finish the setup. ![](/images/300_intermediate/330_guess_drawing/iot-3.jpg) Now that the rule is set up, MQTT messages are loaded into the data stream. **Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is not currently available in the [AWS Free Tier](https://aws.amazon.com/free/)**, which offers a free trial for a group of AWS services. For more information about the pricing of Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, see [link](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/building-a-pictionary-style-game-with-aws-deeplens-and-amazon-alexa/Amazon Kinesis Data Streams pricing). We recommend that you delete the data stream after completing the tutorial because **charges occur on an active data stream even when you aren’t sending and receiving messages**.