## Smart-Garage This repository is part of a blog post that guides users through creating a License Plate recognization system to open the garage door which uses object detection model powered by AWS DeepLens and Amazon Rekognition https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/building-a-smart-garage-door-opener-with-aws-deeplens-and-amazon-rekognition/ Following the steps described in the blog post, the final architecture is this: ![diagram](../master/architecture.png) ### *License-Plate-Match-cloud.py* Using Amazon Rekognition, this lambda function responsible for recognising a License Plate, and match the plate number with DynamoDB. If match found then it will call the myq.py module to call 3rd party api to open the garage door ### *deeplens_lambda.py* This lambda function runs on the AWS DeepLens and perform inferences and the necessary logic. It uploads frames on every 30 sec to Amazon S3 when a car is detected. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.