# XCTestUI Sample Tests for AWS Device Farm iOS Sample App This is an XCTest UI test suite that tests some basic functionalities of the AWS Device Farm iOS [sample app](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-device-farm-sample-app-for-ios). ## Getting Started In order to run this app within Device Farm you will need to create a local copy of this repository and build the application from source. #### Building Project with Xcode 7 1. Select the `AWSDeviceFarmiOSReferenceApp` target. 2. Select `Generic iOS Device` as our build target. 3. Click `Product > Build For > Testing`. #### Packing and Creating XCTest UI Test Runner 1. Go into your build directory: ```~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ProjectName/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos``` or if you have a custom build directory, go to that location. 2. Create a new directory named "Payload" 3. Move the "*-Runner.app" file into the "Payload" folder 4. Right click the Payload folder > Compress. 5. Rename "Payload.zip" to "test_runner.ipa". ## Testing on Device Farm Follow the steps in the official AWS Device Farm documentation for [XCTest UI Testing](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/devicefarm/latest/developerguide/test-types-ios-xctest-ui.html).