import React from 'react'; import { API } from 'aws-amplify'; import { Navigate } from "react-router-dom"; // import { Glyphicon } from 'react-bootstrap'; interface AddToCartProps { bookId: string; price: number; variant?: string; } interface AddToCartState { loading: boolean; toCart: boolean; } class AddToCart extends React.Component { constructor(props: AddToCartProps) { super(props); this.state = { loading: false, toCart: false }; } onAddToCart = async () => { this.setState({ loading: true }); const bookInCart = await API.get("cart", `/cart/${this.props.bookId}`, null); // if the book already exists in the cart, increase the quantity if (bookInCart) { API.put("cart", "/cart", { body: { bookId: this.props.bookId, quantity: bookInCart.quantity + 1 } }).then(() => this.setState({ toCart: true })); } // if the book does not exist in the cart, add it else {"cart", "/cart", { body: { bookId: this.props.bookId, price: this.props.price, quantity: 1, } }).then(() => this.setState({ toCart: true })); } } getVariant = () => { let style = "btn btn-black" return this.props.variant && this.props.variant === "center" ? style + ` btn-black-center` : style + ` pull-right`; } render() { if (this.state.toCart) return return ( ); } } export default AddToCart;