import { Auth } from "aws-amplify"; import React from "react"; import { Navigate } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Form, FormGroup, FormControl, FormLabel, Button } from "react-bootstrap"; import "./signup.css"; import "./home.css"; import { AuthContext } from "../../context/auth-context"; // import { Form } from "react-bootstrap/lib/Navbar"; const emailRegex = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; interface SignupProps { isAuthenticated?: boolean; userHasAuthenticated?: (authenticated: boolean) => void; } interface SignupState { loading?: boolean; email?: string; password?: string; confirmPassword?: string; confirmationCode?: string; emailValid?: "success" | "error" | "warning" | undefined; passwordValid?: "success" | "error" | "warning" | undefined; confirmPasswordValid?: "success" | "error" | "warning" | undefined; confirmationCodeValid?: "success" | "error" | "warning" | undefined; user?: any; redirect?: boolean; } export default class Signup extends React.Component { static contextType = AuthContext; constructor(props: SignupProps) { super(props); this.state = { loading: false, email: "", password: "", confirmPassword: "", confirmationCode: "", emailValid: undefined, passwordValid: undefined, confirmPasswordValid: undefined, confirmationCodeValid: undefined, user: undefined, redirect: false }; } onEmailChange = (event: React.FormEvent) => { const target = as HTMLInputElement; this.setState({ email: target.value, emailValid: emailRegex.test(target.value.toLowerCase()) ? 'success' : 'error' }); } onPasswordChange = (event: React.FormEvent) => { const target = as HTMLInputElement; this.setState({ password: target.value, passwordValid: target.value.length < 8 ? 'error' : 'success' }); } onConfirmPasswordChange = (event: React.FormEvent) => { const target = as HTMLInputElement; this.setState({ confirmPassword: target.value, confirmPasswordValid: target.value !== this.state.password ? 'error' : 'success' }); } onConfirmationCodeChange = (event: React.FormEvent) => { const target = as HTMLInputElement; this.setState({ confirmationCode: target.value, confirmationCodeValid: target.value.length > 0 ? 'error' : 'success' }); } onSignup = async (event: React.FormEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); this.setState({ loading: true }); try { const user = await Auth.signUp({ username:, password: this.state.password }); this.setState({ user, loading: false }); } catch (e) { alert(e.message); this.setState({ loading: false }); } } onConfirm = async (event: React.FormEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); this.setState({ loading: true }); try { await Auth.confirmSignUp(, this.state.confirmationCode); await Auth.signIn(, this.state.password); this.context.userHasAuthenticated(); this.setState({ redirect: true }) } catch (e) { alert(e.message); this.setState({ loading: false }); } } showConfirmationForm = () => { if (this.state.redirect) return return (
Confirmation code A confirmation code will be sent to the email address provided
); } showSignupForm = () => { return (
Email Password Must be at least 8 characters Confirm Password
); } componentDidMount() { const ctx = this.context console.log(ctx) // { name: 'Tania', loggedIn: true } } render() { return (
{this.state.user === undefined ? this.showSignupForm() : this.showConfirmationForm()}
); } }