# AWS Database Migration Workshop # Last Updated on Jan-20-2021 by HH AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09" Description: CloudFormation Template for AWS Database Migration Workshop. Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: "Database Migration Workshop Environment" Parameters: - LabType - Label: default: "Amazon EC2 Configuration" Parameters: - EC2ServerInstanceType - KeyName - Label: default: "Target Amazon RDS Database Configuration" Parameters: - RDSInstanceType - Label: default: "Network Configuration" Parameters: - VpcCIDR - Subnet1CIDR - Subnet2CIDR - Subnet3CIDR - YourIPAddress Mappings: RegionMap: us-east-1: # Virginia "OracleSnapshotId": "arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:833997227572:snapshot:dms-lab-oracle-source-snapshot01" us-east-2: # Ohio "OracleSnapshotId": "arn:aws:rds:us-east-2:833997227572:snapshot:dms-lab-oracle-source-us-east-2-snapshot01" us-west-2: # Oregon "OracleSnapshotId": "arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:833997227572:snapshot:dms-lab-oracle-source-us-west-2-snapshot01" ap-south-1: # Mumbai "OracleSnapshotId": "arn:aws:rds:ap-south-1:833997227572:snapshot:dms-lab-oracle-source-ap-south-1-snapshot01" ap-northeast-2: # Seoul "OracleSnapshotId": "arn:aws:rds:ap-northeast-2:833997227572:snapshot:dms-lab-oracle-source-ap-northeast-2-snapshot01" ap-southeast-1: # Singapore "OracleSnapshotId": "arn:aws:rds:ap-southeast-1:833997227572:snapshot:dms-lab-oracle-source-ap-southeast-1-snapshot01" ap-southeast-2: # Sydney "OracleSnapshotId": "arn:aws:rds:ap-southeast-2:833997227572:snapshot:dms-lab-oracle-source-ap-southeast-2-snapshot01" ap-northeast-1: # Tokyo "OracleSnapshotId": "arn:aws:rds:ap-northeast-1:833997227572:snapshot:dms-lab-oracle-source-ap-northeast-1-snapshot01" ca-central-1: # Canada "OracleSnapshotId": "arn:aws:rds:ca-central-1:833997227572:snapshot:dms-lab-oracle-source-ca-central-1-snapshot01" eu-central-1: # Frankfurt "OracleSnapshotId": "arn:aws:rds:eu-central-1:833997227572:snapshot:dms-lab-oracle-source-eu-central-1-snapshot01" eu-west-1: # Ireland "OracleSnapshotId": "arn:aws:rds:eu-west-1:833997227572:snapshot:dms-lab-oracle-source-eu-west-1-snapshot01" eu-west-2: # London "OracleSnapshotId": "arn:aws:rds:eu-west-2:833997227572:snapshot:dms-lab-oracle-source-snapshot" eu-west-3: # Paris "OracleSnapshotId": "arn:aws:rds:eu-west-3:833997227572:snapshot:dms-lab-oracle-source-snapshot" eu-north-1: # Stockholm "OracleSnapshotId": "arn:aws:rds:eu-north-1:833997227572:snapshot:dms-lab-oracle-source-snapshot" sa-east-1: # Sao Paulo "OracleSnapshotId": "arn:aws:rds:sa-east-1:833997227572:snapshot:dms-lab-oracle-source-snapshot" Parameters: LabType: Description: "Select your Database Migration lab:" Type: String AllowedValues: - "Microsoft SQL Server to Amazon Aurora (MySQL)" - "Oracle to Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL)" ConstraintDescription: Must select a lab environment from the options. KeyName: Description: Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable RDP access to the instance Type: AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName ConstraintDescription: must be the name of an existing EC2 KeyPair. LatestWinAmiId: Type: 'AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value' Default: '/aws/service/ami-windows-latest/Windows_Server-2019-English-Full-Base' LatestWinSQLServerAmiId: Type: 'AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value' Default: '/aws/service/ami-windows-latest/Windows_Server-2019-English-Full-SQL_2019_Standard' VpcCIDR: Description: Enter the VPC CIDR range in the form x.x.x.x/16 Type: String MinLength: 9 MaxLength: 18 AllowedPattern: "(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})/(\\d{1,2})" ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid CIDR range in the form x.x.x.x/16 Default: Subnet1CIDR: Description: Enter the Subnet 1 CIDR range in the form x.x.x.x/22 Type: String MinLength: 9 MaxLength: 18 AllowedPattern: "(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})/(\\d{1,2})" ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid CIDR range in the form x.x.x.x/22 Default: Subnet2CIDR: Description: Enter the Subnet 2 CIDR range in the form x.x.x.x/22 Type: String MinLength: 9 MaxLength: 18 AllowedPattern: "(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})/(\\d{1,2})" ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid CIDR range in the form x.x.x.x/22 Default: Subnet3CIDR: Description: Enter the Subnet 3 CIDR range in the form x.x.x.x/22 Type: String MinLength: 9 MaxLength: 18 AllowedPattern: "(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})/(\\d{1,2})" ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid CIDR range in the form x.x.x.x/22 Default: YourIPAddress: Description: "Enter your IP address in the form x.x.x.x/32 You can find your IP on this website http://ipinfo.io/ip" Type: String MinLength: 4 MaxLength: 18 AllowedPattern: "(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})/(\\d{1,2})" ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid IP address in the form x.x.x.x/32 Default: EC2ServerInstanceType: Description: Amazon EC2 Instance Type Type: String Default: m5a.xlarge AllowedValues: - m5.large - m5.xlarge - m5.2xlarge - m5.4xlarge - m5.8xlarge - m5a.large - m5a.xlarge - m5a.2xlarge - m5a.4xlarge - m5a.8xlarge ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid EC2 instance type. RDSInstanceType: Description: Amazon RDS Aurora Instance Type Type: String Default: db.r5.xlarge AllowedValues: - db.r5.large - db.r5.xlarge - db.r5.2xlarge - db.r5.4xlarge - db.r5.12xlarge - db.r4.large - db.r4.xlarge - db.r4.2xlarge - db.r4.4xlarge - db.r4.8xlarge ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid Amazon RDS instance type. Conditions: Create-SQLServer-to-AuroraMySQL-Environment: !Equals [!Ref LabType, "Microsoft SQL Server to Amazon Aurora (MySQL)"] Create-Oracle-to-AuroraPostgreSQL-Environment: !Equals [!Ref LabType, "Oracle to Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL)"] Resources: DmsVpc: Type: AWS::EC2::VPC Properties: EnableDnsSupport: true EnableDnsHostnames: true CidrBlock: Ref: VpcCIDR Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - DmsVpc Subnet1: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: !Ref DmsVpc CidrBlock: Ref: Subnet1CIDR AvailabilityZone: !Select [0, !GetAZs ] Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - Subnet1 Subnet2: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: !Ref DmsVpc CidrBlock: Ref: Subnet2CIDR AvailabilityZone: !Select [1, !GetAZs ] Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - Subnet2 Subnet3: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: !Ref DmsVpc CidrBlock: Ref: Subnet3CIDR AvailabilityZone: !Select [2, !GetAZs ] Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - Subnet3 DBSubnetGroup: Type: AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup Properties: DBSubnetGroupDescription: Subnets available for the DMS Lab SubnetIds: - Ref: Subnet1 - Ref: Subnet2 - Ref: Subnet3 InternetGateway: Type: AWS::EC2::InternetGateway Properties: Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - InternetGateway AttachGateway: Type: AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment Properties: VpcId: !Ref DmsVpc InternetGatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway RouteTable: Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable Properties: VpcId: !Ref DmsVpc Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - RouteTable Route: Type: AWS::EC2::Route DependsOn: AttachGateway Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref RouteTable DestinationCidrBlock: GatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway Subnet1RouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: SubnetId: !Ref Subnet1 RouteTableId: !Ref RouteTable Subnet2RouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: SubnetId: !Ref Subnet2 RouteTableId: !Ref RouteTable Subnet3RouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: SubnetId: !Ref Subnet3 RouteTableId: !Ref RouteTable S3ReadOnlyAccessRole: Condition: Create-SQLServer-to-AuroraMySQL-Environment Type: "AWS::IAM::Role" Properties: RoleName: DMS-Workshop-S3ReadOnlyAccessRole AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - ec2.amazonaws.com Action: - "sts:AssumeRole" Path: / S3ReadOnlyAccessRolePolicy: Condition: Create-SQLServer-to-AuroraMySQL-Environment Type: AWS::IAM::Policy Properties: PolicyName: DMS-Workshop-S3ReadOnlyAccessRolePolicy PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - "s3:ListBucket" - "s3:GetObject" - "s3:GetObjectVersion" Resource: "arn:aws:s3:::do-not-delete-dms-blogpost/*" Roles: - !Ref S3ReadOnlyAccessRole EC2InstanceProfile: Condition: Create-SQLServer-to-AuroraMySQL-Environment Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile" Properties: InstanceProfileName: DMS-Workshop-EC2InstanceProfile Path: / Roles: - !Ref S3ReadOnlyAccessRole EC2InstanceOracle: Condition: Create-Oracle-to-AuroraPostgreSQL-Environment Type: AWS::EC2::Instance Properties: InstanceType: !Ref EC2ServerInstanceType KeyName: !Ref KeyName Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - EC2Instance BlockDeviceMappings: - DeviceName: "/dev/sda1" Ebs: DeleteOnTermination: true Iops: 2000 VolumeSize: 250 VolumeType: io1 ImageId: !Ref LatestWinAmiId NetworkInterfaces: - AssociatePublicIpAddress: true DeleteOnTermination: true DeviceIndex: "0" SubnetId: !Ref Subnet2 GroupSet: - Ref: InstanceSecurityGroup UserData: Fn::Base64: !Sub | $log = 'C:\initialize.log' $now = Get-Date try { Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - NuGet installed." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - Installing NuGet returned the following error: $_" } try { Install-Module -Name 7Zip4Powershell -Force Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - 7Zip4Powershell installed." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - Installing 7Zip4Powershell returned the following error: $_" } try { wget https://do-not-delete-dms-blogpost.s3.amazonaws.com/DMS-Workshop.zip -OutFile "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DMS-Workshop.zip" Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - DMS-Workshop.zip downloaded." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - Downloading DMS-Workshop.zip returned the following error: $_" } try { Expand-Archive -LiteralPath "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DMS-Workshop.zip" -DestinationPath "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop" Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - DMS Workshop.zip unzipped." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - DMS Workshop.zip unzipped returned the following error: $_" } try { Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{A509B1A7-37EF-4b3f-8CFC-4F3A74704073}" -Name "IsInstalled" -Value 0 | Out-Null Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{A509B1A8-37EF-4b3f-8CFC-4F3A74704073}" -Name "IsInstalled" -Value 0 | Out-Null Stop-Process -Name Explorer | Out-Null Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - IE Enhanced Security Configuration (ESC) has been disabled." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - Disabling IE Enhanced Security Configuration (ESC) returned the following error: $_" } try { Remove-Item -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\EC2 Feedback.website" Remove-Item -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\EC2 Microsoft Windows Guide.website" Remove-Item -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DMS-Workshop.zip" Remove-Item -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DMS Workshop\temp" -Force Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - Cleanup completed." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - Cleanup returned the following error: $_" } EC2InstanceSQLServer: Condition: Create-SQLServer-to-AuroraMySQL-Environment Type: AWS::EC2::Instance Properties: InstanceType: !Ref EC2ServerInstanceType KeyName: !Ref KeyName Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - EC2Instance IamInstanceProfile: !Ref EC2InstanceProfile BlockDeviceMappings: - DeviceName: "/dev/sda1" Ebs: DeleteOnTermination: true Iops: 2000 VolumeSize: 250 VolumeType: io1 ImageId: !Ref LatestWinSQLServerAmiId NetworkInterfaces: - AssociatePublicIpAddress: true DeleteOnTermination: true DeviceIndex: "0" SubnetId: !Ref Subnet2 GroupSet: - Ref: InstanceSecurityGroup UserData: Fn::Base64: !Sub | $log = 'C:\initialize.log' $now = Get-Date try { Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - NuGet installed." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - Installing NuGet returned the following error: $_" } try { Install-Module dbatools -Force Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - dbatools installed." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - Installing dbatools returned the following error: $_" } try { Install-Module -Name 7Zip4Powershell -Force Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - 7Zip4Powershell installed." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - Installing 7Zip4Powershell returned the following error: $_" } try { Start-Service -Name "SQLSERVERAGENT" Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - SQL Server Agent started." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - Starting the SQL Server Agent returned the following error: $_" } try { wget https://do-not-delete-dms-blogpost.s3.amazonaws.com/DMS-Workshop.zip -OutFile "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DMS-Workshop.zip" Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - DMS-Workshop.zip downloaded." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - Downloading DMS-Workshop.zip returned the following error: $_" } try { Expand-Archive -LiteralPath "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DMS-Workshop.zip" -DestinationPath "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop" Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - DMS-Workshop.zip unzipped." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - DMS-Workshop.zip unzipped returned the following error: $_" } try { Read-S3Object -BucketName "do-not-delete-dms-blogpost" -Key dms_sample.zip -File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\dms_sample.zip" Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - SQL Server backup downloaded." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - Downloading SQL Server Backup returned the following error: $_" } try { Expand-7Zip -ArchiveFileName "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\dms_sample.zip" -TargetPath "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup" Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - SQL Server backup unzipped." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - SQL Server backup unzip returned the following error: $_" } try { restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance . -DatabaseName dms_sample -Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\dms_sample.bak" Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - SQL Server backup restored." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - SQL Server backup restore returned the following error: $_" } try { Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DMS Workshop\temp\create-login.sql" Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - SQL Server login created." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - SQL Server login creation returned the following error: $_" } try { Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DMS Workshop\temp\enable-auth.sql" Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - SQL Server login enabled." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - SQL Server login enabling returned the following error: $_" } try { Restart-Service -Force "MSSQLSERVER" Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - SQL Server restarted." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - SQL Server restart returned the following error: $_" } try { Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{A509B1A7-37EF-4b3f-8CFC-4F3A74704073}" -Name "IsInstalled" -Value 0 | Out-Null Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{A509B1A8-37EF-4b3f-8CFC-4F3A74704073}" -Name "IsInstalled" -Value 0 | Out-Null Stop-Process -Name Explorer | Out-Null Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - IE Enhanced Security Configuration (ESC) has been disabled." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - Disabling IE Enhanced Security Configuration (ESC) returned the following error: $_" } try { Remove-Item -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\EC2 Feedback.website" Remove-Item -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\EC2 Microsoft Windows Guide.website" Remove-Item -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DMS-Workshop.zip" Remove-Item -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\dms_sample.zip" Remove-Item -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DMS Workshop\temp" -Force Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - Cleanup completed." } catch { Add-Content $log -value "[$now] - Cleanup returned the following error: $_" } InstanceSecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - InstanceSecurityGroup GroupDescription: Enable RDP access via port 3389 VpcId: !Ref DmsVpc SecurityGroupIngress: - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 3389 ToPort: 3389 CidrIp: !Ref YourIPAddress Description: Allows RDP access to EC2 Instance - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 1521 ToPort: 1521 CidrIp: !Ref VpcCIDR Description: Allows Amazon RDS Oracle Access - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 5432 ToPort: 5432 CidrIp: !Ref VpcCIDR Description: Allows Amazon RDS Aurora (PostgreSQL) Access - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 1433 ToPort: 1433 CidrIp: !Ref VpcCIDR Description: Allows SQL Server Access - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 3306 ToPort: 3306 CidrIp: !Ref VpcCIDR Description: Allows Amazon RDS Aurora (MySQL) Access SourceOracleDB: Condition: Create-Oracle-to-AuroraPostgreSQL-Environment Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstance Properties: Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - SourceOracleDB DBName: "OracleDB" AllocatedStorage: "100" StorageType: gp2 MasterUsername: "dbmaster" MasterUserPassword: "dbmaster123" DBInstanceClass: !Ref RDSInstanceType Engine: oracle-ee EngineVersion: "" LicenseModel: bring-your-own-license PubliclyAccessible: false AvailabilityZone: Fn::GetAtt: - Subnet2 - AvailabilityZone MultiAZ: false DBSubnetGroupName: Ref: DBSubnetGroup VPCSecurityGroups: - Fn::GetAtt: - OracleSourceSecurityGroup - GroupId DBSnapshotIdentifier: Fn::FindInMap: - RegionMap - !Ref AWS::Region - OracleSnapshotId DBInstanceIdentifier: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - SourceOracleDB OracleSourceSecurityGroup: Condition: Create-Oracle-to-AuroraPostgreSQL-Environment Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - OracleSourceSecurityGroup GroupDescription: Security group for Source Oracle Instance. VpcId: !Ref DmsVpc SecurityGroupIngress: - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 1521 ToPort: 1521 CidrIp: !Ref VpcCIDR Description: Allows Amazon RDS Oracle Access RDSSecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - RDSSecurityGroup VpcId: !Ref DmsVpc GroupDescription: Amazon Aurora RDS Security Group. SecurityGroupIngress: - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 5432 ToPort: 5432 CidrIp: !Ref VpcCIDR Description: Allows Amazon RDS Aurora (PostgreSQL) Access - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 3306 ToPort: 3306 CidrIp: !Ref VpcCIDR Description: Allows Amazon RDS Aurora (MySQL) Access - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 1433 ToPort: 1433 CidrIp: !Ref VpcCIDR Description: Allows Microsoft SQL Server Access - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 1521 ToPort: 1521 CidrIp: !Ref VpcCIDR Description: Allows Oracle Access AuroraPostgresqlCluster: Condition: Create-Oracle-to-AuroraPostgreSQL-Environment Type: AWS::RDS::DBCluster Properties: Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - AuroraPostgresqlCluster DBSubnetGroupName: Ref: DBSubnetGroup VpcSecurityGroupIds: - Fn::GetAtt: - RDSSecurityGroup - GroupId Engine: aurora-postgresql EngineVersion: "11.8" DatabaseName: "AuroraDB" DBClusterParameterGroupName: default.aurora-postgresql11 MasterUsername: "dbmaster" MasterUserPassword: "dbmaster123" Port: 5432 AuroraPostgresqlParameterGroup: Condition: Create-Oracle-to-AuroraPostgreSQL-Environment Type: AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup Properties: Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - AuroraPostgresqlParameterGroup Description: Aurora PostgreSQL DBParameterGroup Family: aurora-postgresql11 Parameters: shared_preload_libraries: pg_stat_statements AuroraPostgresqlInstance: Condition: Create-Oracle-to-AuroraPostgreSQL-Environment Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstance Properties: Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - AuroraPostgresqlInstance DBInstanceIdentifier: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - AuroraPostgreSQLInstance Engine: aurora-postgresql DBParameterGroupName: Ref: AuroraPostgresqlParameterGroup DBClusterIdentifier: Ref: AuroraPostgresqlCluster DBSubnetGroupName: Ref: DBSubnetGroup AutoMinorVersionUpgrade: true DBInstanceClass: !Ref RDSInstanceType PubliclyAccessible: false AuroraMySQLCluster: Condition: Create-SQLServer-to-AuroraMySQL-Environment Type: AWS::RDS::DBCluster Properties: Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - AuroraMySQLCluster DBSubnetGroupName: Ref: DBSubnetGroup VpcSecurityGroupIds: - Fn::GetAtt: - RDSSecurityGroup - GroupId DatabaseName: AuroraMySQL Engine: aurora-mysql EngineVersion: 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.07.2 MasterUsername: awssct MasterUserPassword: Password1 DependsOn: RDSSecurityGroup AuroraMySQLInstance: Condition: Create-SQLServer-to-AuroraMySQL-Environment Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstance Properties: Tags: - Key: Name Value: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - AuroraMySQLInstance DBClusterIdentifier: Ref: AuroraMySQLCluster DBInstanceIdentifier: Fn::Join: - "-" - - Ref: AWS::StackName - AuroraMySQLInstance DBSubnetGroupName: Ref: DBSubnetGroup DBInstanceClass: !Ref RDSInstanceType Engine: aurora-mysql PubliclyAccessible: 'false' Outputs: EC2PublicDNS: Condition: Create-Oracle-to-AuroraPostgreSQL-Environment Description: Public DNS enpoint for the EC2 instance Value: Fn::GetAtt: - EC2InstanceOracle - PublicDnsName EC2PrivateDNS: Condition: Create-Oracle-to-AuroraPostgreSQL-Environment Description: Private DNS endpoint for the EC2 instance Value: Fn::GetAtt: - EC2InstanceOracle - PrivateDnsName SourceEC2PublicDNS: Condition: Create-SQLServer-to-AuroraMySQL-Environment Description: Public DNS enpoint for the EC2 instance Value: Fn::GetAtt: - EC2InstanceSQLServer - PublicDnsName SourceEC2PrivateDNS: Condition: Create-SQLServer-to-AuroraMySQL-Environment Description: Private DNS endpoint for the EC2 instance Value: Fn::GetAtt: - EC2InstanceSQLServer - PrivateDnsName SourceOracleEndpoint: Condition: Create-Oracle-to-AuroraPostgreSQL-Environment Description: Source Oracle RDS Endpoint Value: Fn::GetAtt: - SourceOracleDB - Endpoint.Address TargetAuroraPostgreSQLEndpoint: Condition: Create-Oracle-to-AuroraPostgreSQL-Environment Description: Target Aurora (PostgreSQL) Database Endpoint Value: Fn::GetAtt: - AuroraPostgresqlCluster - Endpoint.Address TargetAuroraMySQLEndpoint: Condition: Create-SQLServer-to-AuroraMySQL-Environment Description: Target Aurora (MySQL) Database Endpoint Value: Fn::GetAtt: - AuroraMySQLInstance - Endpoint.Address