FROM python:3.9.0 # Install common tools RUN apt-get update -y && \ apt-get install -y nano vim-tiny less curl unzip # Add container content ADD Container-Root/src/python/technique/model_update_ukf_grpc /src/python/technique/model_update_ukf_grpc ADD Container-Root/src/python/lib /src/python/lib COPY Container-Root/src/python/technique/model_serve_grpc/ /src/python/technique/model_serve_grpc/ # Install Python Libraries RUN pip install --upgrade pip RUN pip install -r /src/python/technique/model_update_ukf_grpc/requirements.txt -U # Configure container ENV PYTHONPATH="/src/python:/app:${PYTHONPATH}" RUN sed -i /etc/vim/vimrc.tiny -e 's/set compatible/set nocompatible/g' RUN echo "alias ll='ls -alh --color=auto'" >> /root/.bashrc RUN mkdir -p /wd /app/grpc_compiled ENV PYDEVD_WARN_EVALUATION_TIMEOUT=36000 # Compile the Protobuf object COPY Container-Root/src/python/technique/model_serve_grpc/model_interface.proto /app/model_interface.proto RUN python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --proto_path=/app --python_out=/app/grpc_compiled --grpc_python_out=/app/grpc_compiled model_interface.proto # Set work directory # Set this to the parent of wd or create a symbolic link to wd from the container work dir WORKDIR /