--- #==================================================================== # Federated Slurm cluster for EDA # # This is the 2nd AZ that must be created after the 1st cluster. # Shares the SlurmDbd instance from the 1st AZ's cluster. # Redundant controllers and typical instances used by EDA. # Uses CentOS 7 and AlmaLinux 8 and both x86_64 and arm64 architectures. # # Defaults and valid configuration options are in source/config_schema.py. # Command line values override values in the config file. #==================================================================== StackName: slurmedaaz2 # Add your subnet id SubnetId: subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # PrivateSubnet2 # This is optional, but highly recommended #ErrorSnsTopicArn: arn:aws:sns:{{region}}:{AccountId}:{TopicName} slurm: SlurmCtl: # For high availability configure multiple controllers NumberOfControllers: 2 # Re-use the SlurmDbd instance from slurmedaaz1 ExistingSlurmDbd: StackName: slurmedaaz1 Federation: Name: slurmeda FederatedClusterStackNames: - slurmedaaz1 # Configure typical EDA instance types # A partition will be created for each combination of Base OS, Architecture, and Spot InstanceConfig: UseSpot: true NodesPerInstanceType: 5 BaseOsArchitecture: AlmaLinux: {8: [x86_64, arm64]} CentOS: 7: [x86_64] # Use defaults from schema storage: {'zfs': {}}