--- #==================================================================== # Slurm cluster that uses the AWS FPGA Developer AMI as the base AMI for compute nodes. # # Based on the EDA configuration. # # Defaults and valid configuration options are in source/config_schema.py. # Command line values override values in the config file. #==================================================================== StackName: slurmedafpga slurm: SlurmNodeAmis: # AWS FPGA Developer AMIs BaseAmis: us-east-1: Amazon: {2: {x86_64: {ImageId: ami-0efdec76678df9a64, RootDeviceSize: '+5'}}} CentOS: {7: {x86_64: {ImageId: ami-02155c6289e76719a, RootDeviceSize: '+5'}}} InstanceConfig: UseSpot: true NodesPerInstanceType: 5 BaseOsArchitecture: Amazon: 2: [x86_64] CentOS: 7: [x86_64] Include: InstanceFamilies: - 'c6a' # AMD EPYC 7R13 Processor 3.6 GHz - 'c6i' # Intel Xeon 8375C (Ice Lake) 3.5 GHz - 'f1' # Intel Xeon E5-2686 v4 (Broadwell) 2.3 GHz - 'm5zn' # Intel Xeon Platinum 8252 4.5 GHz - 'm6a' # AMD EPYC 7R13 Processor 3.6 GHz - 'm6i' # Intel Xeon 8375C (Ice Lake) 3.5 GHz - 'r6i' # Intel Xeon 8375C (Ice Lake) 3.5 GHz 1TB - 'x2idn' # Intel Xeon Scalable (Icelake) 3.5 GHz 2 TB - 'x2iedn' # Intel Xeon Scalable (Icelake) 3.5 GHz 4 TB - 'x2iezn' # Intel Xeon Platinum 8252 4.5 GHz 1.5 TB - 'z1d' # Intel Xeon Platinum 8151 4.0 GHz InstanceTypes: [] # Use defaults from schema SlurmCtl: {} storage: {'zfs': {}}