--- # Create a crontab to regularly update the users/groups json file with latest user and group information. # This is used to create matching local users on all slurm instances and # Should only be installed on 1 instance. - name: Create /etc/cron.d/slurm_users_groups_json template: dest: /etc/cron.d/slurm_{{ClusterName}}_create_users_groups_json src: etc/cron.d/slurm_users_groups_json owner: root group: root mode: 0600 force: yes # The file gets created on slurmctl and has no users and groups so this needs to be run to update it. - name: Create/update {{SlurmScriptsDir}}/users_groups.json shell: cmd: | {{SlurmScriptsDir}}/create_users_groups_json.py -o {{SlurmConfigDir}}/users_groups.json