#!/bin/bash -xe # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 source /etc/profile.d/instance_vars.sh function on_exit { rc=$? set +e if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] && [[ ":$ERROR_SNS_TOPIC_ARN" != ":" ]]; then msg_file=$(mktemp) echo -e "\nINSTANCE NAME: $INSTANCE_NAME" > $msg_file echo -e "\nINSTANCE ID: $instance_id" >> $msg_file echo -e "\ngrep cloud-init /var/log/messages | tail -n 200:\n\n" >> $msg_file grep cloud-init /var/log/messages |tail -n 200 >> $msg_file if [ -e /var/log/cloud-init.log ]; then echo -e "\n\n\ntail -n 200 /var/log/cloud-init.log:\n\n" >> $msg_file tail -n 200 /var/log/cloud-init.log >> $msg_file fi # --subject is limited to 100 characters aws sns publish --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION --topic-arn $ERROR_SNS_TOPIC_ARN --subject "$instance_id $0 Failed" --message "file://$msg_file" rm $msg_file fi # Make sure that security patches that require a reboot are applied if ! needs-restarting -r; then reboot fi } trap on_exit EXIT instance_id=$(curl --silent # Don't do anything after the reboot caused by AMI creation. # Wait for the AMI to be available and then stop the instance. if [ -e /var/lib/cloud/instance/sem/ami.txt ]; then ami=$(cat /var/lib/cloud/instance/sem/ami.txt) echo "First reboot after ami ($ami) created." chmod +x /root/WaitForAmi.py if ! /root/WaitForAmi.py --ami-id $ami --base-ssm-parameter $SlurmNodeAmiSsmParameterBaseName --instance-id $instance_id --compute-regions $ComputeRegions; then echo "Could not wait for AMI. Do not try to create a new one because it may be a problem with the WaitForAmi.py script." exit 1 else # Delete the semaphore so that if the instance reboots because of template changes then a new AMI will be created mv /var/lib/cloud/instance/sem/ami.txt /var/lib/cloud/instance/sem/$ami.txt exit 0 fi fi # Install security updates first. # Since this is Amazon Linux 2 don't need to configure proxy because yum repos are in S3. # Disable epel because it isn't in S3 and requires configuration. if [ $DISTRIBUTION == 'AlmaLinux' ]; then yum -y update --security --bugfix --skip-broken --nobest else yum -y update --security --bugfix --skip-broken fi export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH # Configure using ansible if ! yum list installed epel-release &> /dev/null; then amazon-linux-extras install -y epel || yum -y install epel-release || yum -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm fi if ! yum list installed ansible &> /dev/null; then amazon-linux-extras install -y ansible2 || yum -y install ansible fi if ! aws --version &> /dev/null; then export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH fi if ! yum list installed unzip &> /dev/null; then yum -y install unzip fi PLAYBOOKS_PATH=/root/playbooks if [ -e $PLAYBOOKS_ZIP_PATH ]; then rm -rf $PLAYBOOKS_PATH mkdir -p $PLAYBOOKS_PATH pushd $PLAYBOOKS_PATH unzip -q $PLAYBOOKS_ZIP_PATH rm $PLAYBOOKS_ZIP_PATH popd fi pushd $PLAYBOOKS_PATH ansible-playbook $PLAYBOOKS_PATH/SlurmNodeAmi.yml \ -i inventories/local.yml \ -e @/root/ansible_extra_vars.yml popd # Save logs for debugging problems, delete the rest mkdir -p /root/logs mv /var/log/ansible.log /root/logs || true mv /var/log/messages /root/logs || true rm -f /var/log/* || true rm -f /var/log/amazon/* || true rm -f /var/log/chrony/* || true rm -f /var/log/slurm/* || true rm -f /var/log/tuned/* || true ami_id=$(aws ec2 create-image --instance-id $instance_id --name ${STACK_NAME}-SlurmNode-$DISTRIBUTION-$DISTRIBUTION_MAJOR_VERSION-$ARCHITECTURE-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') --output text) aws ec2 create-tags --resources $ami_id --tags Key=Name,Value="${STACK_NAME}-SlurmNodeAMI-$DISTRIBUTION-$DISTRIBUTION_MAJOR_VERSION-$ARCHITECTURE" aws ec2 create-tags --resources $ami_id --tags Key=Stack,Value="${STACK_NAME}" aws ec2 create-tags --resources $ami_id --tags Key=ClusterName,Value="${ClusterName}" echo $ami_id > /var/lib/cloud/instance/sem/ami.txt