import sys import os import pyinotify import time import math import os import subprocess import datetime import re import sqlite3 import configparser import logging import time import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import chardet # v0.3 uses ffprobe to get segmentation information which is used to pass to # Then createJob python script sends transcoding jobs to Elemental Conductor Server with Input clipping info. # Handle Video seg table, which contains information of video segmentation details: # id, full_file_path, duration, totalsegs, segtime, seg_filename_pattern, joinstatus, jointime, transcoded_time, transcoded_jobIds, outjoburis, name_modifiers # id: sequence # full_file_path: original video file path, e.g. /data/server/uhd/juzijie.mp4 # duration: original video duration in seconds, e.g. 180 # totalsegs: indicates how many segmentations maps a full original video, e.g. 7 # segtime: time record of video splitter's processing done time, e.g. 2019-08-02 09:18:18 # seg_filename_pattern: regex pattern for segmentated file name, e.g. juzijie-\d+-of-\d+.\w+ # joinstatus: indicates whether the segmentated and transcode files have been joined, e.g. 0 # jointime: time record of joining finished, e.g. 2019-08-02 09:28:10 # transcoded_time: update time record when each trancoding job completes, e.g. 2019-08-02 09:38:20 # transcoded_jobIds: update/add job Id when each transcoding job completes, e.g. 3 4 5 17 # outjoburis: output job full uri, e.g. /data/server/outgoing/cctv/single/juzijie-001-of-7_hevc.mp4 # name_modifiers: output job modifiers used to stitch different output clips to the corresponding file, e.g. _hevc _h264 # # Table VideoSegDetails Read and Write scenario: # S1.1 When a segmentation job completes, insert a row with column values (id, full_file_path, duration, totalsegs, segtime, seg_filename_pattern, joinstatus) # S1.2 When a segmentation job completes, also mv all the segmentated files to Elemental Watchfolder # S1.3 When a segmentated job transcoding completes, Elemental Server calls webserver localhost:8888 which accepts related job status xml; Then # localhost server updates its corresponding row in VideoSegDetails table with column values (joinstatus, jointime, transcoded_time, transcoded_jobIds) # When all the transcoding jobs complete, execute ffmpeg join command. # Load configurations from config.ini config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') WATCH_PATH = config['DEFAULT']['WATCH_PATH'] # Monitored path #ELEMENTAL_WATCHFOLDER = config['DEFAULT']['ELEMENTAL_WATCHFOLDER'] #OUTPUT_FOLDER = config['DEFAULT']['OUTPUT_FOLDER'] DB_PATH = config['DEFAULT']['DB_PATH'] CLIPSIZE = config['DEFAULT']['CLIPSIZE'] ADDON_PATH = config['DEFAULT']['ADDON_PATH'] NO_OF_OUTPUTS = config['DEFAULT']['NO_OF_OUTPUTS'] OUTPUT1_PREFIX = config['DEFAULT']['OUTPUT1_PREFIX'] OUTPUT2_PREFIX = config['DEFAULT']['OUTPUT2_PREFIX'] OUTPUT3_PREFIX = config['DEFAULT']['OUTPUT3_PREFIX'] OUTPUT4_PREFIX = config['DEFAULT']['OUTPUT4_PREFIX'] OUTPUT5_PREFIX = config['DEFAULT']['OUTPUT5_PREFIX'] TEMPLATE = config['DEFAULT']['TEMPLATE'] logging.basicConfig(filename='splitserver.log',level=logging.DEBUG) #Database and table init conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_PATH) query = "SELECT name from sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='" + "VideoSegDetails" + "';" cursor = conn.execute(query) result = cursor.fetchone() if result == None: #If not then create one conn.execute('''CREATE TABLE VideoSegDetails (ID INT PRIMARY KEY , FULL_FILE_PATH TEXT NOT NULL, DURATION INT NOT NULL, TOTALSEGS INT, SEGTIME TEXT, SEG_FILENAME_PATTERN TEXT, JOINSTATUS INT, JOINTIME TEXT, TRANSCODED_TIME TEXT, TRANSCODED_JOBIDS TEXT, OUTJOBURIS TEXT, NAME_MODIFIERS TEXT);''')"[%s]Table created successfully", conn.close() conn.close() if not WATCH_PATH: logging.warning("[%s]The WATCH_PATH setting MUST be set.", sys.exit() else: if os.path.exists(WATCH_PATH):'[%s]Found watch path: path=%s.',, WATCH_PATH) else: logging.warning('[%s]The watch path NOT exists, watching stop now: path=%s.',, WATCH_PATH) sys.exit() # callback class OnIOHandler(pyinotify.ProcessEvent): # Handler when a file finishes writing def process_IN_CLOSE_WRITE(self, event): #"create file: %s " % os.path.join(event.path, file_path = os.path.join(event.path, if re.findall(r"\w+-\d+-of-\d+\.\w+", file_path): return None if file_path.find(WATCH_PATH) == -1: return None'[%s]***************************************File created:%s.',, file_path )"[%s]***************************************Start video segmentation now...", #sample command: ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -f segment -segment_time 10 -segment_format_options movflags=+faststart -c copy -an out%03d-of-7.mp4 output = subprocess.check_output(("ffprobe", "-v", "error", "-show_entries", "format=duration", "-of", "default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1", file_path)).strip() duration = int(float(output)) originalfilename = file_path.split('/')[-1] totalsegs = int(math.ceil(duration / float(CLIPSIZE))) ##input_ext = '.'+originalfilename.split('.')[-1] # 循环生成起止时间参数对 # time_pairs = ( (time.strftime('%H:%M:%S:00', time.gmtime(i*int(CLIPSIZE))),time.strftime('%H:%M:%S:00', time.gmtime((i+1)*int(CLIPSIZE)))) for i in range(totalsegs)) for i in range(0, totalsegs): # 针对每个时间切片修改template中的name_modifier template = ET.ElementTree(file=TEMPLATE) template.findall('output_group/output/name_modifier')[0].text = "-" + str(i) + "-of-" + str(totalsegs) + OUTPUT1_PREFIX template.write(TEMPLATE) #更新name_modifier到template.xml try: template.findall('output_group/output/name_modifier')[1].text = "-" + str(i) + "-of-" + str(totalsegs) + OUTPUT2_PREFIX template.write(TEMPLATE) template.findall('output_group/output/name_modifier')[2].text = "-" + str(i) + "-of-" + str(totalsegs) + OUTPUT3_PREFIX template.write(TEMPLATE) template.findall('output_group/output/name_modifier')[3].text = "-" + str(i) + "-of-" + str(totalsegs) + OUTPUT4_PREFIX template.write(TEMPLATE) template.findall('output_group/output/name_modifier')[4].text = "-" + str(i) + "-of-" + str(totalsegs) + OUTPUT5_PREFIX template.write(TEMPLATE) except IndexError: pass time_pair = (time.strftime('%H:%M:%S:00', time.gmtime(i*int(CLIPSIZE))),time.strftime('%H:%M:%S:00', time.gmtime((i+1)*int(CLIPSIZE)))) # 发送源片、起止时间参数给createJob jobId = subprocess.check_output("python3 " + file_path + " " + time_pair[0] + " " + time_pair[1], shell=True) encode_type = chardet.detect(jobId) jobId = output.decode(encode_type['encoding'])"[%s]********Clipping Video is sent for transcoding, JobId :%s", jobId) #S1.1 task #S1.1 prepare column data: duration, totalsegs,seg_filename_pattern segtime = seg_filename_pattern = originalfilename.split('.')[0] + '-\d+-of-\d+\.\w+' #+ originalfilename.split('.')[1]"[%s]***************************************Video Duration:%d",, duration)"[%s]***************************************Start updating sqlite...", #S1.1 insert into table conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_PATH) cursorObject = conn.cursor() cursorObject.execute("INSERT INTO VideoSegDetails (FULL_FILE_PATH,DURATION,TOTALSEGS,SEGTIME,SEG_FILENAME_PATTERN,JOINSTATUS,transcoded_jobIds,outjoburis) \ VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (file_path, duration, totalsegs, segtime, seg_filename_pattern, 0, ' ', ' ') ) #cursorObject.execute('COMMIT') conn.commit() conn.close def auto_compile(path='.'): wm = pyinotify.WatchManager() # mask = pyinotify.EventsCodes.ALL_FLAGS.get('IN_CREATE', 0) # mask = pyinotify.EventsCodes.FLAG_COLLECTIONS['OP_FLAGS']['IN_CREATE'] mask = pyinotify.IN_CLOSE_WRITE notifier = pyinotify.ThreadedNotifier(wm, OnIOHandler()) notifier.start() wm.add_watch(path, mask, rec=False)'[%s]Start monitoring %s',, path) ''' while True: try: notifier.process_events() if notifier.check_events(): notifier.read_events() except KeyboardInterrupt: notifier.stop() break ''' if __name__ == "__main__": auto_compile(WATCH_PATH) #print('monitor close')