from chalice import Chalice import boto3 import json import datetime app = Chalice(app_name='cw-metrics') @app.route('/', methods=['GET'], cors=True) def index(): #for debug print (json.dumps(app.current_request.to_dict())) try: # Create CloudWatchLogs client cwclient = boto3.client('cloudwatch') #filter parameters originId = app.current_request.query_params['originId'] #60 min ago represented in timedelta delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=60) #endtime is now end = #starttime is 60 min ago start = end - delta # HTTP response response = {} metricNames = ['AdDecisionServer.FillRate', 'Avail.FillRate', 'AdDecisionServer.Ads', 'Avail.FilledDuration', 'AdDecisionServer.Duration', 'Avail.Duration'] #Value is for the specific MediaTailor configuration we want to get for metric in metricNames: label = metric try: result = cwclient.get_metric_statistics( Namespace = 'AWS/MediaTailor', MetricName = metric, Dimensions = [ { 'Name': 'ConfigurationName', 'Value': originId } ], StartTime = start, EndTime = end, Period = 3600, Statistics = ['Average'] ) print (result) if 'Duration' in metric: label = label + " (Milliseconds)" else: label = label + " (Count)" response[label] = round(result['Datapoints'][0]['Average'], 2) except Exception as ex: print ("failed with metric " + metric) pass print (response) except Exception as ex: response = ex print (ex) return response