#!/bin/bash ### How to run this shell script (start) # # $ bash deploy_eks_cluster_bash.sh # ### How to run this shell script (end) ### Instruction page before install echo "Deployment Script -- EMR on EKS" echo "-----------------------------------------------" echo "" echo "Please provide the following information before deployment:" echo "1. Region (If your Cloud9 desktop is in the same region as your deployment, you can leave this blank)" echo "2. Account ID (If your Cloud9 desktop is running in the same Account ID as where your deployment will be, you can leave this blank)" echo "3. Name of the S3 bucket to be created for the EMR S3 storage location" ### Parameters ########## Parameters (Start) ### User provided parameters (start) region="" accountid="" default_s3_location_bucket="" ### User provided parameters (end) ### Test for account ID parameter passed through else exit from script accountid_=$(aws sts get-caller-identity | jq .Account | sed 's/"//g') region_=$(curl -s # Get Region read -p "Region: [$region_]: " get_region # Get Account ID read -p "Account ID [$accountid_]: " get_accountid # EC2 Public Key read -p "EC2 Public Key name: " get_pubkey # Get Default S3 bucket read -p "Default S3 bucket name for EMR on EKS (do not add s3://): " get_default_s3_location_bucket if [ "$get_region" == "" ] then get_region=$region_ fi if [ "$get_accountid" == "" ] then get_accountid=$accountid_ fi accountid=$get_accountid region=$get_region pubkey=$get_pubkey default_s3_location_bucket=$get_default_s3_location_bucket no_parameters_num=0 if [ -z "$pubkey" ] then no_parameters_num=$((no_parameters_num+1)) pubkey="< MISSING >" fi if [ -z "$default_s3_location_bucket" ] then no_parameters_num=$((no_parameters_num+1)) default_s3_location_bucket="< MISSING >" fi #echo $no_parameters_num if [ $no_parameters_num -gt 0 ] then echo "Insufficient parameters provided..." echo "Region: $region | Account ID: $accountid | EC2 Public Key: $pubkey | S3 Bucket: $default_s3_location_bucket" exit 0 fi # Test for presence of S3 bucket #s3bucket=$(aws s3 ls s3://$studio_default_s3_location_bucket) bucket_list=$(aws s3api list-buckets --query "Buckets[].Name") bucket_size=$(echo $bucket_list | jq length) bucket_counter=0 bucket_exist=0 while [ $bucket_counter -lt $bucket_size ] do bucket_name=$(echo $bucket_list | jq ".[$bucket_counter]" | sed 's/"//g') if [ "$bucket_name" == "$default_s3_location_bucket" ] then bucket_exist=1 break fi bucket_counter=$((bucket_counter+1)) done if [ $bucket_exist -eq 1 ] then echo "" echo "Bucket $default_s3_location_bucket already exist in your account. Please use a different name." echo "Exit from deployment ..." exit 0 fi bucket_to_use="" nb=$(aws s3 mb s3://$default_s3_location_bucket --region $region) if [ -z $nb ] then echo "Bucket $default_s3_location_bucket is not unique. Please retry with a unique S3 bucket name" echo "Exit from deployment ..." exit 0 fi bucket_to_use=$(echo $nb | awk '{print $2}') echo "Bucket created: $bucket_to_use ..." echo "Deploying CloudFormation stack with the following parameters..." echo "Region: $region | Account ID: $accountid | S3 Bucket: $default_s3_location_bucket" source ./parameters.sh ########## Parameters (End) ####################### Functions (start) ############################### ### CloudFormation create stack wait function cf_stack_status () { local cf_stackname=${1} local vpccfstatus="NOT STARTED" local timesec=15 local timewait=15 sleep ${timewait} echo "CloudFormation Stack ${cf_stackname} Status..." while [ "${vpccfstatus}" != "CREATE_COMPLETE" ] do vpccfstatus=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name ${cf_stackname} \ --region ${region} | jq '.Stacks[].StackStatus' | sed 's/\"//g') echo "Status at ${timesec} sec.: ${vpccfstatus}" sleep ${timewait} timesec=$(($timesec+${timewait})) done echo "Status at ${timesec} sec.: ${vpccfstatus}" } ####################### Functions (end) ############################### ## Create IAM Policy for $studio_default_s3_location_bucket aws cloudformation create-stack \ --stack-name ${cf_iam_s3bucket_policy} \ --template-body file://templates/s3-eks-policy.yaml \ --parameters ParameterKey=StudioDefaultS3Bucket,ParameterValue="${default_s3_location_bucket}" \ --region ${region} \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM # Check IAM policy create status before moving on cf_stack_status ${cf_iam_s3bucket_policy} s3eks_policyarn=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name ${cf_iam_s3bucket_policy} | jq .Stacks | jq .[].Outputs | jq .[].OutputValue | sed 's/"//g') echo "IAM Policy created for S3 bucket $default_s3_location_bucket: $s3eks_policyarn ..." # Variables for replacing EKS Deployment YAML script tagarray=( "clustername" "region" "version" "managedNodeName" "instanceType" "volumeSize" "desiredCapacity" "maxPodsPerNode" "pubkey" "policyarn" ) tagarrayvalue=( "$clustername" "$region" "$version" "$managedNodeName" "$instanceType" "$volumeSize" "$desiredCapacity" "$maxPodsPerNode" "$pubkey" "$s3eks_policyarn" ) # Create VPC aws cloudformation create-stack \ --stack-name ${vpcstack} \ --template-body file://templates/cf_vpc.yaml \ --parameters ParameterKey=VpcCidr,ParameterValue="${VpcCidr}" \ ParameterKey=PrivateSubnet0Cidr,ParameterValue="${PrivateSubnet0Cidr}" \ ParameterKey=PrivateSubnet1Cidr,ParameterValue="${PrivateSubnet1Cidr}" \ ParameterKey=PublicSubnet0Cidr,ParameterValue="${PublicSubnet0Cidr}" \ ParameterKey=PublicSubnet1Cidr,ParameterValue="${PublicSubnet1Cidr}" \ --region ${region} # Check VPC create status before moving on cf_stack_status ${vpcstack} vpcarray=( "Vpc" "VpcCidr" "PrivateSubnet0" "PrivateSubnet0Cidr" "PrivateSubnet1" "PrivateSubnet1Cidr" "PublicSubnet0" "PublicSubnet0Cidr" "PublicSubnet1" "PublicSubnet1Cidr" ) ## Create temporary folder mkdir temp ## Copy deployment template cp templates/eks_cluster_spark_deployment.yaml.template temp/eks_cluster_spark_deployment.yaml ## Get VPC Info from CloudFormation output vpcinfo=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name ${vpcstack} \ --region $region | jq '.Stacks[].Outputs[]') vpcid="" for k in ${vpcarray[*]} do #echo ${k} slct="jq 'select(.OutputKey==\"${k}\")' | jq .OutputValue | sed 's/\"//g'" vl=$(echo $vpcinfo | eval $slct) ## Correct for CIDR / if grep -q -i ".*cidr" <<< "$k"; then vl=$(echo ${vl} | sed 's/\//\\\//') fi echo "${k}: ${vl}" ## Set the AZs if grep -q "subnet-" <<< "$vl"; then az=$(aws ec2 describe-subnets --region ${region} --subnet-id $vl | jq '.Subnets[0].AvailabilityZone' | sed 's/\"//g') echo $az aztag="" if grep -q -i "^private.*" <<< "$k"; then aztag+="%private_az_${k: -1}%" fi if grep -q -i "^public.*" <<< "$k"; then aztag+="%public_az_${k: -1}%" fi #echo $aztag sedstr="s/${aztag}/${az}/" #echo ${sedstr} sed -i ${sedstr} temp/eks_cluster_spark_deployment.yaml fi ## Set the VPC and subnet values sedstr="s/%${k}%/${vl}/" sed -i ${sedstr} temp/eks_cluster_spark_deployment.yaml if [[ "${k}" == "Vpc" ]]; then vpcid=${vl} fi done ## Replace tags in the eks deployment file in the tagarray stcount=0 for t in ${tagarray[*]} do tagvalue=$(echo ${tagarrayvalue[${stcount}]} | sed 's/\//\\\//g') echo "${t}: ${tagvalue}" ((stcount=stcount+1)) sedstr="s/%${t}%/${tagvalue}/g" #echo $sedstr sed -i ${sedstr} temp/eks_cluster_spark_deployment.yaml done ## Create EKS Cluster eksctl create cluster -f temp/eks_cluster_spark_deployment.yaml ## Check EKS Cluster eksctl get cluster -n ${clustername} --region ${region} --output json ekscluster_status=$(eksctl get cluster \ -n ${clustername} \ --region ${region} --output json | jq .[0].Status | sed 's/"//g') echo "EKS Cluster ${clustername} is ${ekscluster_status}." # Deploy Container Insights for EKS Cluster in CloudWatch ClusterName="${clustername}" LogRegion="${region}" FluentBitHttpPort='2020' FluentBitReadFromHead='Off' [[ ${FluentBitReadFromHead} = 'On' ]] && FluentBitReadFromTail='Off'|| FluentBitReadFromTail='On' [[ -z ${FluentBitHttpPort} ]] && FluentBitHttpServer='Off' || FluentBitHttpServer='On' curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-samples/amazon-cloudwatch-container-insights/latest/k8s-deployment-manifest-templates/deployment-mode/daemonset/container-insights-monitoring/quickstart/cwagent-fluent-bit-quickstart.yaml | sed 's/{{cluster_name}}/'${ClusterName}'/;s/{{region_name}}/'${LogRegion}'/;s/{{http_server_toggle}}/"'${FluentBitHttpServer}'"/;s/{{http_server_port}}/"'${FluentBitHttpPort}'"/;s/{{read_from_head}}/"'${FluentBitReadFromHead}'"/;s/{{read_from_tail}}/"'${FluentBitReadFromTail}'"/' | kubectl apply -f - # Create name space for Spark kubectl create ns ${namespace} ### Pre-Requisite installs on the Cloud9 for EKS ## Install Helm tar -zxf helm/helm-v3.8.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz --directory ./temp/ sudo mv temp/linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm helm repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable helm completion bash >> ~/.bash_completion . /etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh . ~/.bash_completion source <(helm completion bash) ## Enable EKS cluster access to EMR eksctl create iamidentitymapping \ --cluster ${clustername} \ --namespace ${namespace} \ --service-name "emr-containers" \ --region ${region} ## Create VpcId from EKS vpcid=$(eksctl get cluster ${clustername} \ --region ${region} -o json | jq .[].ResourcesVpcConfig.VpcId | sed 's/"//g') ## Create OpenID Connect Provider # Create an IAM OIDC identity provider for your cluster with eksctl eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --cluster ${clustername} --region ${region} --approve ## Create EMR on EKS Job Execution Policy aws cloudformation create-stack \ --stack-name ${cf_iam_stackname} \ --region ${region} \ --template-body file://templates/iam_role_job_execution.yaml \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM ## Check Status before continuing cf_stack_status ${cf_iam_stackname} role_arn=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name ${cf_iam_stackname} \ --region ${region} | jq '.Stacks[].Outputs[]' | jq 'select(.OutputKey=="IAMRoleArn")' | jq .OutputValue | sed 's/\"//g') echo "Job Execution Role ARN: ${role_arn}" role_name=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name ${cf_iam_stackname} \ --region ${region} | jq '.Stacks[].Outputs[]' | jq 'select(.OutputKey=="IAMRole")' | jq .OutputValue | sed 's/\"//g') echo "Job Execution Role Name: ${role_name}" # Modify the Trust Relationship aws emr-containers update-role-trust-policy \ --cluster-name ${clustername} \ --namespace ${namespace} \ --role-name ${role_name} \ --region ${region} # Create EMR Virtual Cluster aws cloudformation create-stack \ --stack-name ${cf_virtclustername} \ --template-body file://templates/emr-container-virtual-cluster.yaml \ --parameters ParameterKey=VirtualClusterName,ParameterValue="${virtclustername}" \ ParameterKey=EksClusterName,ParameterValue="${clustername}" \ ParameterKey=EksNamespace,ParameterValue="${namespace}" \ --region ${region} \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM # Check status before moving on cf_stack_status ${cf_virtclustername} # Get the Virtual Cluster ID virtclusterid=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name ${cf_virtclustername} \ --region ${region} | jq '.Stacks[].Outputs[]' | jq 'select(.OutputKey=="PrimaryId")' | jq .OutputValue | sed 's/\"//g') echo "Virtual Cluster ID: $virtclusterid" # Get private subnets subnetArray=$(aws eks describe-cluster --name ${clustername} \ --region ${region} | jq .cluster.resourcesVpcConfig.subnetIds) arraycount=$(echo ${subnetArray} | jq length) arraycount=$((arraycount -1)) i=0 priv_count=0 sbnet1="" sbnet2="" while [ ${i} -le ${arraycount} ]; do subnetString=$(echo $subnetArray | jq .[${i}];i=$((i+1))) subnetString=$(echo $subnetString | sed 's/"//g') # Check for private subnet exist=$(aws ec2 describe-subnets \ --subnet-ids ${subnetString} \ --region $region | jq .Subnets | jq .[].Tags | jq .[] | jq 'select(.Key=="kubernetes.io/role/internal-elb")' | jq .Value | sed 's/"//g') if [ "${exist}" == "1" ] && [ "$priv_count" == "1" ]; then priv_count=$((priv_count+1)) subnet2=${subnetString} fi if [ "${exist}" == "1" ] && [ "$priv_count" == "0" ]; then priv_count=$((priv_count+1)) subnet1=${subnetString} fi i=$((i+1)) done echo "Private subnet 1: $subnet1" echo "Private subnet 2: $subnet2" ## Conclusion echo "EKS Cluster and Virtual EMR Cluster have been installed."