#!/bin/bash echo "$(date) Running ECS PIPELINE Task" TASK_ARN=$(curl -s | jq -r '.TaskARN') echo "$(date) TASK_ARN=$TASK_ARN" # This property is set on the ECS environment, not SSM (unlike every other property) if [ -z "$PIPELINE_ECS_JOB_MODE" ]; then PIPELINE_ECS_JOB_MODE="0" fi echo "$(date) PIPELINE_ECS_JOB_MODE=$PIPELINE_ECS_JOB_MODE" service sshd start # Get SSM parameters and export them here $(aws ssm get-parameters --with-decryption --names PIPELINE_S3_DEST_BUCKET PIPELINE_S3_DEST_PREFIX PIPELINE_UNPROCESSED_SQS_URL | jq -r '.Parameters| .[] | "export " + .Name + "=" + .Value ') echo "PIPELINE_UNPROCESSED_SQS_URL=$PIPELINE_UNPROCESSED_SQS_URL" echo "PIPELINE_S3_DEST_BUCKET=$PIPELINE_S3_DEST_BUCKET" echo "PIPELINE_S3_DEST_PREFIX=$PIPELINE_S3_DEST_PREFIX" echo "ECS Pipeline running in folder: $(pwd)" # Setup Preprocessor folders mkdir -p output/ mkdir -p work/ mkdir -p logs/ while [ /bin/true ]; do # Check if Preprocessor is enabled $(aws ssm get-parameters --with-decryption --names PIPELINE_ENABLED | jq -r '.Parameters| .[] | "export " + .Name + "=" + .Value ') if [ $PIPELINE_ENABLED -eq 0 ]; then msg="None" echo "$(date) PIPELINE_ENABLED operation is DISABLED. Sleeping for 60 seconds." sleep 60 else msg=$( \ aws sqs receive-message \ --queue-url $PIPELINE_UNPROCESSED_SQS_URL \ --wait-time-seconds 20 \ --output text \ --query Messages[0].[Body,ReceiptHandle] \ --visibility-timeout 300 ) fi if [ -z "${msg}" -o "${msg}" = "None" ]; then if [ $PIPELINE_ECS_JOB_MODE -eq 1 ]; then echo "$(date) Processing complete. Stopping task." exit else echo "$(date) No files available to process. Retrying." sleep 1 fi else echo "$(date) SQS Message: ${msg}" sqs_message=$(echo "${msg}" | cut -f1 --) echo "${sqs_message}" > work/sqs_message.json receipt_handle=$(echo "${msg}" | cut -f2 --) s3_bucket=$(echo "${sqs_message}" | jq -r '.Records[0].s3.bucket.name') s3_key=$(echo "${sqs_message}" | jq -r '.Records[0].s3.object.key') s3_path="s3://${s3_bucket}/${s3_key}" s3_file=$(basename ${s3_key}) s3_file_no_ext=$(basename ${s3_file} .jpg) echo "$(date) Received SQS upload message: bucket: $s3_bucket key: $s3_key file: $s3_file" aws s3 cp ${s3_path} work/ --sse aws:kms > logs/s3get.log 2>&1 echo "$(date) Running PIPELINE Preprocessor" $(python python/preprocess_job.py work/${s3_file} output/${s3_file_no_ext}_processed.jpg >>logs/pipeline.log 2>&1) CMD_EXIT=$? if [ $CMD_EXIT -eq 0 ]; then echo "$(date) PIPELINE Preprocessor SUCCESS" >> logs/pipeline.log aws s3 sync output/ s3://$PIPELINE_S3_DEST_BUCKET/$PIPELINE_S3_DEST_PREFIX/processed/date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)/ aws s3 cp logs/pipeline.log s3://$PIPELINE_S3_DEST_BUCKET/$PIPELINE_S3_DEST_PREFIX/logs/date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)/${s3_file}.success else echo "$(date) PIPELINE Preprocessor FAILURE" >> logs/pipeline.log aws s3 cp logs/pipeline.log s3://$PIPELINE_S3_DEST_BUCKET/$PIPELINE_S3_DEST_PREFIX/logs/date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)/${s3_file}.failure fi # Clean up temp folders rm -rf output/* rm -rf work/* rm -rf logs/* aws sqs delete-message \ --queue-url $PIPELINE_UNPROCESSED_SQS_URL \ --receipt-handle ${receipt_handle} echo "$(date) Processing complete for ${sqs_message}" fi done exit