# Tenets These are our tenets. We are open to feedback if you know better ones: * all experiments have to be supported by code to create the required infrastructure. The code should be stored in `templates/code/` and can be initially delivered using common AWS Infrastructure as Code (IaC) methods. * if using AWS CDK use Typescript as language. * if using AWS CloudFormation avoid using nested stacks. * IaC code should provide a least-privileges IAM policy for the permissions needed to create the infrastructure. * any IAM policies created by IaC code or used in the workshop should adhere to a principle of least privilege. * to support delivery in labs and at large scale events the (IaC) definition should provide a path to generating a cloudformation template that does not require parameters. * we do not allow pushes directly to main and require pull-requests. * branches should be named `CONTRIBUTOR/TOPIC`, e.g. `rudpot/fix-wording`. * branches should be closed after a pull request is merged.