AWS Flow Framework for Ruby: SplitMerge Sample Application ========================================================== The *SplitMerge* sample demonstrates a [parallel split][] followed by a [simple merge][] workflow pattern. It spawns a number of worker activities which are then merged using `wait_for_all`. [parallel split]: [simple merge]: Prerequisites ------------- The *AWS Flow Framework for Ruby* is required, which can be obtained and installed using the information here: * If you already have [Ruby][] and [RubyGems][] installed, you can install the framework by opening a terminal window and typing: [ruby]: [rubygems]: ~~~~ gem install aws-flow ~~~~ For more information about setting up the AWS Flow Framework for Ruby, see [Installing the AWS Flow Framework for Ruby][docs-installing] in the *AWS Flow Framework for Ruby Developer Guide*. [docs-installing]: Download the sample code ------------------------ To view or download the code for all of the AWS Flow Framework for Ruby recipes and samples, go to: * Configure the sample -------------------- This sample requires a little bit of configuration. Open the `splitmerge_utils.rb` file and modify the following line: ~~~~ruby BUCKET = "swf-private-beta-samples" ~~~~ Replace the value `swf-private-beta-samples` with an S3 bucket name associated with your AWS account. For more information about how to create S3 buckets, see the [Amazon S3 Getting Started Guide][s3gsg]. [s3gsg]: Run the Sample -------------- **To run the SplitMerge sample:** 1. Open *three* separate terminal windows and, in each one, change to the `lib` directory in the location where you cloned or unarchived the sample code. For example: ~~~~ cd ~/Downloads/aws-flow-ruby-samples/samples/split_merge/lib ~~~~ 2. In each command-line (terminal) window, execute the following commands, substituting your AWS Access keys for the example values. On Linux, OS X or Unix: ~~~~ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='your-access-key' export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='your-secret-key' export AWS_REGION='your-aws-region' ~~~~ On Windows: ~~~~ set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your-access-key set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your-secret-key set AWS_REGION=your-aws-region ~~~~ 3. Execute the following commands, one in each of the terminal windows: ~~~~ ruby splitmerge_activity.rb ruby splitmerge_workflow.rb ruby splitmerge_workflow_starter.rb ~~~~ For More Information -------------------- For more information about the Amazon Simple Workflow service and the Amazon Flow Framework for Ruby, consult the following resources: * [AWS Flow Framework for Ruby Developer Guide][rbflow-dg] * [AWS Flow Framework for Ruby API Reference][rbflow-api] * [AWS Flow Framework][flow-main] * [Amazon Simple Workflow Service][swf-main] [rbflow-dg]: [rbflow-api]: [flow-main]: [swf-main]: