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"# Amazon Fraud Detector - Send Events Example\n",
"Once you’ve defined an event, you can start to ingest your transactions to fraud detector. This is an example notebook shows you how to stream your events from a file stored in S3 to Amazon Fraud Detector.\n",
"### Setup permissions\n",
"First, setup your AWS credentials so that Fraud Detector can store and access training data. See more details: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/frauddetector/latest/ug/set-up.html\n",
"To use Amazon Fraud Detector, you have to set up permissions that allow access to the Amazon Fraud Detector console and API operations. You also have to allow Amazon Fraud Detector to perform tasks on your behalf and to access resources that you own. We recommend creating an AWS Identify and Access Management (IAM) user with access restricted to Amazon Fraud Detector operations and required permissions. You can add other permissions as needed. If you are using SageMaker Notebook Instance, attach the two policies __*AmazonFraudDetectorFullAccessPolicy*__ and __*AmazonS3FullAccess*__ to the Instance's IAM role and restart your kernel.\n",
"### Preparation\n",
"Before this step, you should have:\n",
"1. created a S3 bucket and upload the csv file you want to send to Amazon Fraud Detector
"2. defined your Entity and Event on Amazon Fraud Detector console