{% block content %}
The plot shows the label distribution across categories for a categorical feature. We have several sorting options from which you can choose the one best fits your needs:
In each sorting option we display the top 100 categories by default, and you can drag the plot and scroll wheels to see up to 500 categories in total.
You can choose which data to plot from the data showing options button. You can also toggle to legends to show or hide the corresponding bars or curves.Name | Type | Count | # Distinct | % Distinct | # Missing | % Missing |
{{rec['_column']}} | {{rec['_feature']}} | {{rec['count']}} | {{rec['nunique']}} | {{'{0: >#016.2f}'.format(rec['nunique_pct']*100)}}% | {{rec['null']}} | {{'{0: >#016.2f}'.format(rec['null_pct']*100)}}% |
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endblock %}