{% block content %}

Data & Label Maturity

Amazon Fraud Detector models require a minimum of 400 observations labeled as “fraud” and 400 observations labeled as "non-fraud". You can map multiple label values to "fraud" or "non-fraud". As part of the data gathering process it is important to ensure that records have had sufficient time to “mature”, i.e. that enough time has passed to insure “non-fraud" and “fraud” records have been correctly identified.

Note: It can often take 30 - 45 days (or more) to correctly identify fraudulent events.
{% if label_msg.length > 0 %}
Label Warnings
{% endif %}
Label Summary
{% for ix, rec in label.iterrows() %} {% endfor %}
Label Value Mapped Label Class Count Percentage
{{ rec['Name'] }} {{ rec['CLS'] }} {{ rec['Count'] }} {{ rec['Percentage'] }}
{% endblock %}