## Amazon Fraud Detector Data Profiler ----- Blog Link: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/train-models-faster-with-an-automated-data-profiler-for-amazon-fraud-detector/ ### Automated Solution The AWS CloudFormation template - afd_data_analyzer_cfn_template.yaml and Glue job script - afd_data_analyzer_glue_script.py under CloudFormationSolution provides an automated profiler using AWS CloudFormation, AWS Lambda, and AWS Glue. To use it, follow steps below: 1. Open the [CloudFormation quick launch link.](https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=us-west-2#/stacks/create/review?templateURL=https://amazon-frauddetector-cfn-templates.s3.amazonaws.com/AFD_Data_Cleaner/afd_data_analyzer_cfn_template.yaml) 2. Fill in the parameters including: path to your CSV file in S3, some header names, and options. 3. Click create stack. 4. Wait a few minutes and open your S3 folder with your CSV file (e.g. myfile.csv). The profiling report is under folder /afd_data_myfile/report.html. ### Manual Notebook Solution The notebook - Fraud_Detector_Data_Profiling.ipynb and the python program - afd_profile.py under ManualNotebookSolution provide a manual profiler which has identical functions as the automated solution. - Fraud_Detector_Data_Profiling.ipynb - is the notebook to run the profile report from. - afd_profile.py - is the python package which will generate your profile report. To use it, from Github download and copy the notebook and python program to a directory where you will run the profiling from. Open the notebook and execute the cells. This will gnerate an html report of your data, which will be saved under same directory.