This folder contains `base`-cloudformation templates. These templates will setup the GitOps pipeline and will copy this GitHub Repo into AWS CodeCommit which will be the Git repo you work against. The [base-new-vpc.yaml](/cloudformation/base-new-vpc.yaml) template will setup a new environment from scratch, including a VPC where Suricata will be deployed. The [base-existing-vpc.yaml](/cloudformation/base-existing-vpc.yaml) template (TODO) will deploy Suricata in an already existing VPC. You need to make sure your existing VPC supports the minimum requirments. The `base`-cloudformation templates will setup an environment which contains the GitOps pipeline. ![Solution Overview](/img/suricata-ecs-base.png) When Suricata is later deployed using the GitOps Pipeline the full environment will look like the following: ![Solution Overview](/img/suricata-ecs-cluster.png). For deployment documentation and walkthrough, see: [/docs/deployment/](/docs/deployment/ [/docs/deployment/](/docs/deployment/ (TODO)