--- title: 'Set Up Landing Zone Using AWS Control Tower' menuTitle: '2. Set Up Landing Zone' disableToc: true weight: 20 --- {{% comment %}} Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 {{% /comment %}} In this step your Cloud Administrators will use the AWS Control Tower service in your AWS Organizations management AWS account to establish an initial “landing zone” or a foundation of security guardrails and other resources that will help you manage use of the AWS platform. You can learn more by reviewing [AWS Control Tower Features](https://aws.amazon.com/controltower/features/). This step should take about 90 minutes to complete. {{< toc >}} ## 1. Log In as Administrator IAM User Log in as the Administrator IAM user that you created in the last section before you use AWS Control Tower to set up your initial landing zone. ## 2. Create Landing Zone Using AWS Control Tower Before using AWS Control Tower to create an initial landing zone, ensure that you review these considerations: * **Desired Home AWS Region** - Ensure that you select the proper AWS region in the upper right hand side of the AWS Management Console before creating the landing zone. The AWS region you select should be the AWS region in which you expect do perform the majority of your work with AWS and from which you will maintain your foundation. * **Email Distribution Lists** - Consult the [set of AWS account root user email addresses]({{< relref "02-obtain-email-addresses" >}}) that you established earlier. * **Pre-Launch Checks** - If you’ve just created a new management AWS account, the pre-launch check considerations for creating your landing zone should already be met. If you're reusing an existing management AWS account, the pre-launch checks might detect issues. Follow the steps in [Getting Started with AWS Control Tower](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/controltower/latest/userguide/getting-started-with-control-tower.html) to set up your landing zone. The set up process can take 20-60 minutes to complete. ## 3. Set AWS Account Root User Password and Enable MFA Since AWS Control Tower creates two new member accounts while setting up the initial landing zone, you should follow AWS security best practices by setting the password and enabling MFA for the root user of each of the following accounts: * Audit * Log archive See [Log In as Root User](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/controltower/latest/userguide/best-practices.html#root-login) in the AWS Control Tower documentation for instructions to set the root user’s password. See [Enable MFA on the AWS Account Root User](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_root-user.html#id_root-user_manage_mfa) for instructions to enable MFA. ## 4. Log In Via Control Tower Administrator User As part of the landing zone set up, AWS Control Tower creates a Control Tower Administrator user in the AWS Single-Sign On (AWS SSO) service in your management account. The email address associated with the management AWS account’s root user will receive a message containing an invite to activate the Control Tower Administrator user account. Review the invitation and accept it. [![Invitation to Access AWS SSO User Portal](/images/02-base/accept-aws-sso-invitation.png)](/images/02-base/accept-aws-sso-invitation.png) When accepting the invite, you will be directed to set the password for the Control Tower Administrator user. The email message you received contains a portal URL that you should bookmark given that it will be used by human users to access your new AWS accounts. ## 5. Configure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Requirements Before adding any human users to AWS SSO and enabling the users to access your AWS environment in later sections, it's a best practice to configure AWS SSO to require multi-factor authentication (MFA). In the following steps, you will modify your AWS SSO configuration to align with typical security best practices. 1. Since you just set the password for the **`Control Tower Administrator`** user, you should already be logged into the AWS SSO portal. 2. From within the portal, select **`AWS Account`** icon to expand the current list of AWS accounts. 3. Select the AWS **`management`** account. 4. Select **`Management console`** associated with the **`AWSAdministratorAccess`** role. 5. Select the appropriate AWS region. 6. Navigate to **`AWS Single Sign-on`**. 7. Select **`Settings`** in AWS SSO. 8. Set the following settings to the recommended values: |Setting|Recommended Value| |-------|-----------------| |`Multi-factor authentication`|`Configure`| |`Users should be prompted for multi-factor authentication (MFA)`|`Every time they sign in (always-on)`| |`When prompted for a MFA code`|`Require them to provide a one-time password sent by email`| |`Who can manage MFA devices`|`Users and administrators can add and manage MFA devices`| 9. Select **`Save changes`**. {{% notice tip %}} **Auditing use of MFA:** The configuration shown above does not force the use of MFA, but it does impose an additional overhead of a one-time password sent via email for users that have not yet registered an MFA device. You will likely want to establish either manual or automatic recurring audits to help ensure that your users have registered an MFA device. {{% /notice %}} ## 6. Enable MFA via AWS SSO for Control Tower Administrator User Follow the instruction in [How to Register a Device for Use with Multi-Factor Authentication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/singlesignon/latest/userguide/user-device-registration.html). ## 7. Receive and Process AWS Email Messages ### AWS Organizations Email Verification Request You will receive one more email with subject AWS Organizations email verification request to the management account email address. Click on Verify your email address to continue with inviting newly created accounts into AWS Organization. ### AWS Notification Email Messages for Each Region The email address you provided for the audit account will receive AWS Notification - Subscription Confirmation emails from every AWS Region supported by AWS Control Tower. To receive compliance emails in your audit account, you must choose the Confirm subscription link within each email from each AWS Region supported by AWS Control Tower. ## 8. Review Role of New AWS Accounts AWS Control Tower created several new AWS accounts when it set up the landing zone. |AWS Account|Purpose| |-----------|-------| |**Audit**|This AWS account is a restricted account that's designed to give your security and compliance teams read and write access to all accounts in your landing zone. From the audit account, you have programmatic access to review accounts, by means of a role that is granted to Lambda functions only. The audit account does not allow you to log in to other accounts manually. | |**Log archive**|This AWS account works as a repository for logs of API activities and resource configurations from all accounts in the landing zone. | ## 9. Disable Account Factory VPC Provisioning Since you will be provisioning VPCs directly using AWS CloudFormation, you need to ensure that the AWS Control Tower Account Factory network configuration is set to disable creation of a VPC when creating a new AWS account. Otherwise, the Account Factory will attempt to create a VPC each time you provision a new AWS account. See [Configuring AWS Control Tower Without a VPC](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/controltower/latest/userguide/configure-without-vpc.html) for details on disabling automatic creation of VPCs. ## 10. Review AWS Control Tower Best Practices for Administrators Now that you've set up your initial landing zone, take a few minutes to review [Best Practices for Account Administrators](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/controltower/latest/userguide/best-practices.html#tips-for-admin-maint) so that you understand temporary limitations and other considerations when working with AWS Control Tower. Additionally, you should review [Managing Resources Outside of AWS Control Tower](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/controltower/latest/userguide/external-resources.html) so that you know how to update your landing zone when you change AWS account names, root user email addresses, and OU names.