--- title: "Project Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)" menuTitle: "Project FAQs" disableToc: true weight: 10 --- {{% comment %}} Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 {{% /comment %}} ### Q: How I can contribute? See [Contributing]({{< relref "03-contributors.md" >}}) ## Q: Isn't this information already addressed in formal AWS documentation? No, not to our knowledge. This guide take an experience journey based approach to introducing customers to the overall use case, the set of typical requirements, and an overall solution before leading customers through the actual steps to realize a set team development environments built on top of the initial form of their AWS foundation. Wherever feasible, the guide defers to existing AWS documentation for detailed instructions. Additionally, since the scope of the initial stage of customers' adoption of AWS extends beyond the domain of any single AWS service, it's difficult for any one AWS service to document such a wide ranging experience. Moving forward there's an opportunity to introduce this type of journey based documentation and into more mainstream AWS documentation. ## Q: What are the tenets or principles behind this project? See [Project Tenets]({{< relref "02-project-tenets.md" >}})