AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Parameters: fromEmail: Type: String Default: '' Description: 'From Email Address' toEmail: Type: String Default: "['','']" Description: 'To Email Address' lookBackHours: Type: Number Default: '24' Description: 'Hours to restrict job run time' htmlTableFormat: Type: String Default: "'

Glue Job Status (Past 24 Hours)

'" Description: 'Html table format to keep the CloudFormation size small, do not change this default unless needed' tableHeader: Type: String Default: "'

'" Description: 'Html table header to keep the CloudFormation size small, do not change this default unless needed' Resources: updateFunctionResources: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function' Metadata: Comment: "Fn::Sub": "Glue Job Reporting by {fromEmail}" Properties: Environment: Variables: fromEmail: { Ref: fromEmail } toEmail: { Ref: toEmail } lookBackHours: { Ref: lookBackHours } htmlTableFormat: { Ref: htmlTableFormat } tableHeader: { Ref: tableHeader } Code: ZipFile: > import ast import boto3 import os from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import datetime import session = boto3.Session() client = session.client('glue') runs = [] J_N = "Job Name" JR = "JobRuns" JN = "JobName" SO = "StartedOn" JS = "Job State" JRS = "JobRunState" AT = "Attempt" CO = "CompletedOn" ET = "Execution Time" def get_jb_rn_dtl(jobName, lbh=24): data = client.get_job_runs(JobName=jobName, MaxResults=30) job_runs = [] run_count = len(data[JR]) if run_count > 0: for i in range(0, min(26, run_count)): run = {} jobName = data[JR][i][JN] run[JN] = data[JR][i][JN] try: if ( - data[JR][i][ SO]).total_seconds() > int(lbh) * 60 * 60: break except IndexError: continue run[SO] = data[JR][i][SO] run[JRS] = data[JR][i][JRS] run['Attempt'] = data[JR][i][AT] try: run[CO] = data[JR][i][CO] run[ET] = (run[CO] - run[SO]).seconds except KeyError: pass job_runs.append(run) print(job_runs) return job_runs def get_job_rundetail(job_names, lbh): for job_name in job_names: run = get_jb_rn_dtl(job_name, lbh) runs.append(run) return runs def get_job_names(): job_names = client.list_jobs(MaxResults=100) return job_names.get('JobNames') def publish_in_ses(all_runs, table_html, table_header): lines = [] for runs in all_runs: for run in runs: item = OrderedDict() item[J_N] = run.get(JN, "") item[JS] = run.get(JRS, "") item[AT] = run.get(AT, "") started_on = str(run.get(SO, "")).split('.') item[SO] = started_on[0] completed_on = str(run.get(CO, "")).split('.') item[CO] = completed_on[0] execution_time = str(run.get(ET, "")) item[ET] = execution_time if len(run) != 0: lines.append(item) html_table = [] lines = sorted(lines, key=lambda i: (i[JS], i[SO], i[CO])) for line in lines: print(line.keys()) html_table.append("") for key in [J_N, JS, AT, SO, CO, 'Execution Time']: html_table.append(f"") html_table.append("") html_table.append("
Job Name Job State Attempt Started On Completed On Execution Time(Secs)
") total_job = len(set(i['Job Name'] for i in lines)) count_fail = sum(1 for i in lines if i[JS] == "FAILED") count_running = sum(1 for i in lines if i[JS] == "RUNNING") count_success = sum(1 for i in lines if i[JS] == "SUCCEEDED") count_all = count_fail + count_running + count_success subject = f"Number of Jobs {total_job}: Executions {count_all}: Failed {count_fail} Running {count_running} Succeeded {count_success} " table_html_meta = table_html + subject + table_header full_html = table_html_meta + "".join(html_table) print(full_html) return subject, full_html def main(snd,to_a, lbh, table_html, table_header): job_names = get_job_names() runs = get_job_rundetail(job_names, lbh) subject, html_content = publish_in_ses(runs, table_html, table_header) print(html_content) ses = boto3.client('ses') response = ses.send_email( Source=snd, Destination={ 'ToAddresses': ast.literal_eval(to_a) }, Message={ 'Subject': { 'Data': subject, }, 'Body': { 'Html': { 'Data': html_content, } } } ) print(response) def handler(event, context): snd = os.environ['fromEmail'] to_a = os.environ['toEmail'] look_back_hours = os.environ['lookBackHours'] table_html = os.environ['htmlTableFormat'] table_header = os.environ['tableHeader'] main(snd,to_a, look_back_hours, table_html, table_header) Description: updateFunctionResources Handler: index.handler Role: ! LambdaUpdateFunctionResourcesRole.Arn Runtime: python3.8 MemorySize: 128 Timeout: 300 LambdaUpdateFunctionResourcesRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: ManagedPolicyArns: - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Action: 'sts:AssumeRole' Policies: - PolicyName: ReadWriteFunctions PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Sid: WriteCertificatesConfig Effect: Allow Action: - glue:GetJob - glue:GetJobs - glue:GetJobRun - glue:GetJobRuns - glue:ListJobs - ses:SendEmail Resource: "*" Outputs: {}