## Automation for Amazon SageMaker Notebook with Glue Development Endpoint ### Launching the SageMaker Notebook Using AWS CloudFormation In Glue console, you can create SageMaker Notebook for your Development Endpoint. - [Tutorial: Use an Amazon SageMaker Notebook with Your Development Endpoint](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/dev-endpoint-tutorial-sage.html). If you want to automate this process, you can use an AWS CloudFormation template to launch the SageMaker Notebook with Glue Development Endpoint. This template is just a sample that you should modify to meet your requirements. #### Limitations - Development Endpoint is created without any additional configuration. If you want to customize the Development Endpoint, you can modify the template, or create a Development Endpoint manually and switch the Development Endpoint in the notebook. #### China regions - For China regions, please use [glue_sagemaker_notebook_cn.yaml](./glue_sagemaker_notebook_cn.yaml) as CouldFormation Template. - For other regions, please use [glue_sagemaker_notebook.yaml](./glue_sagemaker_notebook.yaml) as CouldFormation Template.