AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: Glue SageMaker notebook Parameters: NotebookName: Type: String Description: "Name may contain letters (A-Z), numbers(0-9), hyphens(-), or underscores(_)." DevEndpointName: Type: String Description: "Dev Endpoint name which this notebook instance is attached to." GlueServiceRoleARN: Type: String Description: "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role used in this DevEndpoint." WorkerType: Type: String Description: "The Glue worker type. " AllowedValues: - "G.1X" - "G.2X" Default: "G.1X" NumberOfWorkers: Type: Number Description: "The number of Glue workers allocated to this DevEndpoint." Default: 5 Resources: DevEndpoint: Type: AWS::Glue::DevEndpoint Properties: EndpointName: !Ref DevEndpointName WorkerType: !Ref WorkerType NumberOfWorkers: !Ref NumberOfWorkers GlueVersion: "1.0" RoleArn: !Ref GlueServiceRoleARN Arguments: { "--enable-glue-datacatalog": "", "GLUE_PYTHON_VERSION": "3" } NotebookRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: - sts:AssumeRole RoleName: !Sub AWSGlueServiceSageMakerNotebookRole-${AWS::StackName} Path: / ManagedPolicyArns: - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSageMakerFullAccess Policies: - PolicyName: "root" PolicyDocument: Version: "2012-10-17" Statement: - Effect: "Allow" Action: - s3:ListBucket Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::aws-glue-jes-prod-${AWS::Region}-assets - Effect: "Allow" Action: - s3:GetObject Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::aws-glue-jes-prod-${AWS::Region}-assets* - Effect: "Allow" Action: - logs:CreateLogStream - logs:DescribeLogStreams - logs:PutLogEvents - logs:CreateLogGroup Resource: - !Sub arn:aws:logs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:log-group:/aws/sagemaker/* - !Sub arn:aws:logs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:log-group:/aws/sagemaker/*:log-stream:aws-glue-* - Effect: "Allow" Action: - glue:UpdateDevEndpoint - glue:GetDevEndpoint - glue:GetDevEndpoints Resource: !Sub arn:aws:glue:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:devEndpoint/${DevEndpoint}* NotebookInstance: Type: AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstance Properties: InstanceType: ml.t2.medium LifecycleConfigName: !GetAtt 'NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig.NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName' NotebookInstanceName: !Sub aws-glue-${NotebookName} RoleArn: !GetAtt 'NotebookRole.Arn' Tags: - Key: aws-glue-dev-endpoint Value: !Ref DevEndpoint NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig: Type: AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig Properties: NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName: !Sub aws-glue-${NotebookName}-LCConfig OnCreate: - Content: Fn::Base64: !Sub | #!/bin/bash set -ex [ -e /home/ec2-user/glue_ready ] && exit 0 mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/glue cd /home/ec2-user/glue # Write dev endpoint in a file which will be used by daemon scripts glue_endpoint_file="/home/ec2-user/glue/glue_endpoint.txt" if [ -f $glue_endpoint_file ] ; then rm $glue_endpoint_file fi echo "https://glue.${AWS::Region}" >> $glue_endpoint_file ASSETS=s3://aws-glue-jes-prod-${AWS::Region}-assets/sagemaker/assets/ aws s3 cp ${!ASSETS} . --recursive bash "/home/ec2-user/glue/" -b -u -p "/home/ec2-user/glue/miniconda" source "/home/ec2-user/glue/miniconda/bin/activate" tar -xf autossh-1.4e.tgz cd autossh-1.4e ./configure make sudo make install sudo cp /home/ec2-user/glue/autossh.conf /etc/init/ mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/.sparkmagic cp /home/ec2-user/glue/config.json /home/ec2-user/.sparkmagic/config.json mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/Glue\ Examples mv /home/ec2-user/glue/notebook-samples/* /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/Glue\ Examples/ # ensure SageMaker notebook has permission for the dev endpoint aws glue get-dev-endpoint --endpoint-name ${DevEndpoint} --endpoint https://glue.${AWS::Region} # Run daemons as cron jobs and use flock make sure that daemons are started only iff stopped (crontab -l; echo "* * * * * /usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/lifecycle-config-v2-dev-endpoint-daemon.lock /usr/bin/sudo /bin/sh /home/ec2-user/glue/") | crontab - (crontab -l; echo "* * * * * /usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/lifecycle-config-reconnect-dev-endpoint-daemon.lock /usr/bin/sudo /bin/sh /home/ec2-user/glue/") | crontab - CONNECTION_CHECKER_FILE=/home/ec2-user/glue/ if [ -f "$CONNECTION_CHECKER_FILE" ]; then # wait for async dev endpoint connection to come up echo "Checking DevEndpoint connection." python3 $CONNECTION_CHECKER_FILE fi source "/home/ec2-user/glue/miniconda/bin/deactivate" rm -rf "/home/ec2-user/glue/" sudo touch /home/ec2-user/glue_ready OnStart: - Content: Fn::Base64: !Sub | #!/bin/bash set -ex [ -e /home/ec2-user/glue_ready ] && exit 0 mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/glue cd /home/ec2-user/glue # Write dev endpoint in a file which will be used by daemon scripts glue_endpoint_file="/home/ec2-user/glue/glue_endpoint.txt" if [ -f $glue_endpoint_file ] ; then rm $glue_endpoint_file fi echo "https://glue.${AWS::Region}" >> $glue_endpoint_file ASSETS=s3://aws-glue-jes-prod-${AWS::Region}-assets/sagemaker/assets/ aws s3 cp ${!ASSETS} . --recursive bash "/home/ec2-user/glue/" -b -u -p "/home/ec2-user/glue/miniconda" source "/home/ec2-user/glue/miniconda/bin/activate" tar -xf autossh-1.4e.tgz cd autossh-1.4e ./configure make sudo make install sudo cp /home/ec2-user/glue/autossh.conf /etc/init/ mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/.sparkmagic cp /home/ec2-user/glue/config.json /home/ec2-user/.sparkmagic/config.json mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/Glue\ Examples mv /home/ec2-user/glue/notebook-samples/* /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/Glue\ Examples/ # ensure SageMaker notebook has permission for the dev endpoint aws glue get-dev-endpoint --endpoint-name ${DevEndpoint} --endpoint https://glue.${AWS::Region} # Run daemons as cron jobs and use flock make sure that daemons are started only iff stopped (crontab -l; echo "* * * * * /usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/lifecycle-config-v2-dev-endpoint-daemon.lock /usr/bin/sudo /bin/sh /home/ec2-user/glue/") | crontab - (crontab -l; echo "* * * * * /usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/lifecycle-config-reconnect-dev-endpoint-daemon.lock /usr/bin/sudo /bin/sh /home/ec2-user/glue/") | crontab - CONNECTION_CHECKER_FILE=/home/ec2-user/glue/ if [ -f "$CONNECTION_CHECKER_FILE" ]; then # wait for async dev endpoint connection to come up echo "Checking DevEndpoint connection." python3 $CONNECTION_CHECKER_FILE fi source "/home/ec2-user/glue/miniconda/bin/deactivate" rm -rf "/home/ec2-user/glue/" sudo touch /home/ec2-user/glue_ready