import sys from pyspark.sql import DataFrame, SparkSession from pyspark.sql.types import ( MapType, StringType, StructType, StructField, IntegerType, FloatType, ) from pyspark.sql.functions import ( lit, col, rand, slice, shuffle, concat_ws, split, lpad, expr, to_date, date_add, ) import string from datetime import datetime # Transformation Library tmp_id_global_counter = 0 generated_keys_list = [] def helper_recursive_key_generator( level, parent, sublevel_children_number_list, number_of_generated_records ): """ Helper function for TestDataGeneratorLib.child_key_generator method. It recursively generates child keys for a given number of records. Args: level (int): The current level in the hierarchy. parent (int): The parent id. sublevel_children_number_list (list): The number of children per level. number_of_generated_records (int): The total number of records to generate. """ global tmp_id_global_counter, generated_keys_list for subcompcountforsublevel in range(sublevel_children_number_list[level]): if tmp_id_global_counter < number_of_generated_records: if level != 0: generated_keys_list.append( {"CHILD_KEY": tmp_id_global_counter, "PARENT_KEY": parent} ) tmp_id_global_counter += 1 if level < len(sublevel_children_number_list) - 1: helper_recursive_key_generator( level + 1, tmp_id_global_counter, sublevel_children_number_list, number_of_generated_records, ) class TestDataGeneratorLib: """ A library of methods for generating test data for use in unit tests and other development tasks. """ def __init__(self, spark: SparkSession, number_of_generated_records) -> None: """ Initializes the TestDataGeneratorLib instance with the specified SparkSession and the number of generated records. Args: spark (SparkSession): The SparkSession instance. number_of_generated_records (int): The number of generated records. """ self.spark = spark self.number_of_generated_records = number_of_generated_records self.random_seed = 52 def string_generator(self, df, descriptor, column_name): """ Generates a column of strings based on the given descriptor. Args: df (DataFrame): The DataFrame to which the generated column will be added. descriptor (dict): A dictionary containing the parameters for generating the column. column_name (str): The name of the column to be generated. Returns: DataFrame: The input DataFrame with the new column added. """ if "Values" in descriptor: lookup_data = [ {"SG_LK_id": descriptor["Values"].index(value), f"{column_name}": value} for value in descriptor["Values"] ] lookup_df = self.spark.createDataFrame(lookup_data) df = df.withColumn( "tempid", rand(seed=self.random_seed) * (len(descriptor["Values"])) ) df = df.withColumn("tempid", col("tempid").cast(IntegerType())) df = ( df.join(lookup_df, df.tempid == lookup_df.SG_LK_id, "outer") .drop(col("tempid")) .drop(col("SG_LK_id")) ) elif "Random" in descriptor and descriptor["Random"] == "True": source_characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits df = df.withColumn( "SG_source_characters", split(lit(source_characters), "") ) df = df.withColumn( f"{column_name}", concat_ws( "", slice( shuffle(col("SG_source_characters")), 1, descriptor["NumChar"] ), ), ) df = df.drop(col("SG_source_characters")) elif "Pattern" in descriptor: x_characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits n_characters = string.digits a_characters = string.ascii_letters df = df.withColumn("x_characters", split(lit(x_characters), "")) df = df.withColumn("n_characters", split(lit(n_characters), "")) df = df.withColumn("a_characters", split(lit(a_characters), "")) token_list = descriptor["Pattern"].split("#") df = df.withColumn(f"{column_name}", lit(None)) for token in token_list: if token.startswith("^X"): string_length = int(token[2:]) df = df.withColumn( f"{column_name}", concat_ws( "", col(f"{column_name}"), slice(shuffle(col("x_characters")), 1, string_length), ), ) elif token.startswith("^N"): string_length = int(token[2:]) df = df.withColumn( f"{column_name}", concat_ws( "", col(f"{column_name}"), slice(shuffle(col("n_characters")), 1, string_length), ), ) elif token.startswith("^A"): string_length = int(token[2:]) df = df.withColumn( f"{column_name}", concat_ws( "", col(f"{column_name}"), slice(shuffle(col("a_characters")), 1, string_length), ), ) else: df = df.withColumn( f"{column_name}", concat_ws("", col(f"{column_name}"), lit(token)), ) df = df.drop(col("x_characters")) df = df.drop(col("n_characters")) df = df.drop(col("a_characters")) return df def key_generator(self, df, descriptor, column_name): """ Generates a column of string unique keys based on the given descriptor. Args: df (DataFrame): The DataFrame to which the generated column will be added. descriptor (dict): A dictionary containing the parameters for generating the column. column_name (str): The name of the column to be generated. Returns: DataFrame: The input DataFrame with the new column added. """ if "Prefix" in descriptor: df = df.withColumn( f"{column_name}", concat_ws( "", lit(descriptor["Prefix"]), lpad(col("id"), descriptor["LeadingZeros"], "0"), ), ) else: df = df.withColumn( f"{column_name}", lpad(col("id"), descriptor["LeadingZeros"], "0") ) return df def child_key_generator(self, df, descriptor, column_name): """ Generates a column of string child hierarchical keys based on the given descriptor. Args: df (DataFrame): The DataFrame to which the generated column will be added. descriptor (dict): A dictionary containing the parameters for generating the column. column_name (str): The name of the column to be generated. Returns: DataFrame: The input DataFrame with the new column added. """ global tmp_id_global_counter, generated_keys_list tmp_id_global_counter = 0 generated_keys_list = [] helper_recursive_key_generator( 0, 0, descriptor["ChildCountPerSublevel"], self.number_of_generated_records ) child_list_data = generated_keys_list child_list_df = self.spark.createDataFrame(child_list_data) if "Prefix" in descriptor: child_list_df = child_list_df.withColumn( "PARENT_KEY", concat_ws( "", lit(descriptor["Prefix"]), lpad(col("PARENT_KEY"), descriptor["LeadingZeros"], "0"), ), ) else: child_list_df = df.withColumn( "PARENT_KEY", lpad(col("PARENT_KEY"), descriptor["LeadingZeros"], "0") ) child_list_df = child_list_df.withColumnRenamed("PARENT_KEY", f"{column_name}") # child_list_df.printSchema() df = df.join(child_list_df, == child_list_df.CHILD_KEY, "outer").drop( col("CHILD_KEY") ) return df def float_generator(self, df, descriptor, column_name): """ Generates a column of float values based on the given descriptor. Args: df (DataFrame): The DataFrame to which the generated column will be added. descriptor (dict): A dictionary containing the parameters for generating the column. column_name (str): The name of the column to be generated. Returns: DataFrame: The input DataFrame with the new column added. """ if "Expression" in descriptor: df = df.withColumn(f"{column_name}", expr(descriptor["Expression"])) df = df.withColumn( f"{column_name}", col(f"{column_name}").cast(FloatType()) ) return df def date_generator(self, df, descriptor, column_name): """ Generates a column of dates based on the given descriptor. Args: df (DataFrame): The DataFrame to which the generated column will be added. descriptor (dict): A dictionary containing the parameters for generating the column. column_name (str): The name of the column to be generated. Returns: DataFrame: The input DataFrame with the new column added. """ if "StartDate" in descriptor: df = df.withColumn( f"{column_name}", to_date(lit(descriptor["StartDate"]), "dd/MM/yyyy") ) if "EndDate" in descriptor: start_date_object = datetime.strptime( descriptor["StartDate"], "%d/%m/%Y" ) end_date_object = datetime.strptime(descriptor["EndDate"], "%d/%m/%Y") delta_days = end_date_object - start_date_object df = df.withColumn( "tempid", rand(seed=self.random_seed) * delta_days.days ) df = df.withColumn("tempid", col("tempid").cast(IntegerType())) df = df.withColumn( f"{column_name}", expr(f"date_add({column_name}, tempid)") ).drop("tempid") if "CastString" in descriptor and descriptor["CastString"] == "y": df = df.withColumn( f"{column_name}", col(f"{column_name}").cast(StringType()) ) return df def close_date_generator(self, df, descriptor, column_name): """ Generates a column of close dates based on the given descriptor. Args: df (DataFrame): The DataFrame to which the generated column will be added. descriptor (dict): A dictionary containing the parameters for generating the column. column_name (str): The name of the column to be generated. Returns: DataFrame: The input DataFrame with the new column added. """ if "StartDateColumnName" in descriptor and "CloseDateRangeInDays" in descriptor: delta_days = int(descriptor["CloseDateRangeInDays"]) df = df.withColumn("tempid", rand(seed=self.random_seed) * delta_days) df = df.withColumn("tempid", col("tempid").cast(IntegerType())) df = df.withColumn( f"{column_name}", expr(f"date_add({descriptor['StartDateColumnName']}, tempid)"), ).drop("tempid") if "CastString" in descriptor and descriptor["CastString"] == "y": df = df.withColumn( f"{column_name}", col(f"{column_name}").cast(StringType()) ) return df def integer_generator(self, df, descriptor, column_name): """ Generates a column of integers based on the given descriptor. Args: df (DataFrame): The DataFrame to which the generated column will be added. descriptor (dict): A dictionary containing the parameters for generating the column. column_name (str): The name of the column to be generated. Returns: DataFrame: The input DataFrame with the new column added. """ if "Seed" in descriptor: seed = int(descriptor["Seed"]) else: seed = self.random_seed if "Range" in descriptor: token_list = descriptor["Range"].split(",") lower_limit = int(token_list[0]) upper_limit = int(token_list[1]) + 1 df = df.withColumn( column_name, lower_limit + (rand(seed=seed) * (upper_limit - lower_limit)), ) df = df.withColumn(column_name, col(column_name).cast(IntegerType())) return df def ip_address_generator(self, df, descriptor, column_name): """ Generates a column of strings with random internet IP address. Args: df (DataFrame): The DataFrame to which the generated column will be added. descriptor (dict): A dictionary containing the parameters for generating the column. column_name (str): The name of the column to be generated. Returns: DataFrame: The input DataFrame with the new column added. """ tmp_discriptor = {} df = df.withColumn(f"{column_name}", lit(None)) for i in range(1, 5): if "IpRanges" in descriptor and len(descriptor["IpRanges"]) >= i: tmp_discriptor["Range"] = descriptor["IpRanges"][i - 1] else: tmp_discriptor["Range"] = "1,254" tmp_discriptor["Seed"] = i df = self.integer_generator(df, tmp_discriptor, "temp_ip_gen_col") separtor = "" if i == 1 else "." df = df.withColumn( f"{column_name}", concat_ws(separtor, col(f"{column_name}"), col("temp_ip_gen_col")), ) df = df.drop(col("temp_ip_gen_col")) return df