# Encryption The sections below cover information related to the encryption methods used in this sample. ## Application Code The proprietary application code that requires protection from being viewed in plaintext by external parties will be encrypted by its owner before being shared. A form of envelope encryption will be used to facilitate this process. ### Prerequisites The following services and tools are needed to perform the encryption and decryption: * [Python3](https://www.python.org/about/) * [AWS Key Management Service (KMS)](https://aws.amazon.com/kms/) * [Fernet (symmetric encryption)](https://cryptography.io/en/latest/fernet/) * [kmstool_enclave_cli](https://github.com/aws/aws-nitro-enclaves-sdk-c/blob/main/docs/kmstool.md) ### Encryption Mechanism The [encryptor script](../src/encryption/envelope_encryptor.py) expects 2 input arguments: * a directory where all the application related files reside * a [KMS CMK key](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/whitepapers/latest/kms-best-practices/customer-keys.html) The command to run the script is: ```shell python3 envelope_encryptor.py encrypt -d -k ``` Example: if the script *print-hello.py* is in directory *application*, then run command: ```shell python3 envelope_encryptor.py encrypt -d application -k alias/enclavekey ``` The encryptor script will: 1. zip the contents of the directory given as argument 1. generate a new data key using the KMS CMK key given as argument 1. use the plaintext generated data key in step 2 to encrypt the zip file in step 1 using Fernet 1. concatenate a header, the encrypted data key from step 2 and the encrypted file from step 3 into one file 1. write the encrypted file from step 4 to disk as: ***application_code.zip.encrypted*** You can then share ***application_code.zip.encrypted*** to the external party as required, e.g. using an [Amazon S3](https://aws.amazon.com/s3/) bucket. #### Automated application encryptor An [AWS CloudFormation](https://aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/) [application encryptor template](../src/encryption/Deploy-ApplicationEncryptor-Cfn.yaml) is available for use where applicable. It can automate the process to create a new KMS CMK key to use for the application code encryption as well as decryption on the enclave at runtime. In addition, it also creates a CodeBuild project. If you manually trigger the CodeBuild project through the *Start build* button in the AWS Console, it will take the application code you supply through an [AWS CodeCommit](https://aws.amazon.com/codecommit/) Git repository and it will package, encrypt, and store the resulting encrypted file (***application_code.zip.encrypted***) in the S3 bucket you specify. |Parameter Name |Description |Default value | |-------------------------------|-------------|--------------------------------| |EncryptionKeyAlias |Provide an unique alias name for the new KMS CMK key that will be created |*alias/enclavekey*| |CodeCommitRepositoryName |Provide the CodeCommit Git repository name which you created to upload in it the *envelope_encryptor.py* script and the directory with the application files you need to encrypt |*No default - must be specified*| |ApplicationCodeDirectoryName |Provide the path (including directory name) inside CodeCommitRepositoryName where the application files that need to be encrypted reside |*No default - must be specified*| |ExternalBucketName |Provide the S3 bucket name where to store resulting files that will be shared with external parties |*No default - must be specified*| |ExternalBucketPath |Provide the S3 path inside ExternalBucketName where to store the resulting encrypted file ***application_code.zip.encrypted*** that will be shared with external parties |*encrypted*| |ExternalBucketEncryptionKeyArn |Provide the ARN for the encryption key used with the external bucket in which you are uploading the encrypted files for sharing |*No default - must be specified*| |ExternalBucketAWSAccountNumber |Provide the AWS account number for the owner with whom you are sharing your protected application - this is the account in which you are uploading the encrypted files for sharing and to which you are granting controlled key access to |*No default - must be specified*| ### Decryption Mechanism When the enclave server application receives a [**run**](./Client.md#3-run) script command from the client, it will process the ***application_code.zip.encrypted*** file shared and it will: 1. extract the encrypted data key based on header 1. decrypt the encrypted data key using the kmstool_enclave_cli by making a call to the AWS KMS service 1. decrypt the encrypted application code zip file using Fernet and the plaintext data key from step 2 1. unzip the decrypted application code zip file and invoke the script inside as requested by the client ## Key Policy The AWS KMS customer-managed key used to encrypt the protected application code requires a key policy update to allow an enclave to decrypt the application code. An example of the 2 policy statements required that allow controlled decryption from the enclave running in production mode (as the enclave cannot send attestation information when it's running in debug mode): ```json { "Sid": "Required by kmstool-enclave-cli as a prerequisite for the parent EC2 instance that's running the enclave. Decryption from parent EC2 instance will not be allowed as long as a secondary policy exists with a Condition restricting decryption.", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "" }, "Action": "kms:Decrypt", "Resource": "*" }, { "Sid": "Required by kmstool-enclave-cli. Restrict decryption to now only work from the enclave.", "Effect": "Deny", "Principal": { "AWS": "" }, "Action": "kms:Decrypt", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "StringNotEqualsIgnoreCase": { "kms:RecipientAttestation:ImageSha384": "" } } } ``` To note the parent EC2 instance for the enclave will also need an IAM role allowing "kms:Decrypt" for the KMS CMK key ARN. While it won't be able to decrypt the encrypted code because of the Condition flag, this permission is needed by the kmstool_enclave_cli which uses the parent EC2 instance IAM role credentials from "{instance_role_name}". Example inline policy for the parent EC2 instance IAM role: ```json { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "RequiredByKmstoolEnclaveCliToAllowDecryptionFromTheEnclave", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "kms:Decrypt" ], "Resource": "" } ] } ``` If the parent EC2 instance runs the decryption, it will get an *AccessDeniedException* like in the example below: ```shell aws kms decrypt --ciphertext-blob fileb://data_key.encrypted --region eu-west-1 An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the Decrypt operation: The ciphertext refers to a customer master key that does not exist, does not exist in this region, or you are not allowed to access. ``` To run the test shown above, you need to extract the encrypted data key from the encrypted application code archive (assuming you used the application encryptor provided in *src/encryption*). You can create a new Python script called *extract_decryption_key.py* with the content below. Put this file in the same directory as the **application_code.zip.encrypted** file. ```python3 # Locate encrypted file with open("application_code.zip.encrypted", 'rb') as file: data = file.read() # Extract data key length from header data_key_enc_len = int.from_bytes(data[:4], byteorder="big") + 4 # Extract encrypted data key data_key_enc = data[4:data_key_enc_len] # Store encrypted data key on disk with open('data_key.encrypted', 'wb') as fh: fh.write(data_key_enc) ``` Then run `python3 extract_decryption_key.py` and you should see a **data_key.encrypted** file in the same directory. You can then run the command `aws kms decrypt --ciphertext-blob fileb://data_key.encrypted --region eu-west-1` to ensure the parent EC2 instance cannot decrypt the data key which is the intended behaviour as only the enclave should be able to do this. ## IAM Policy To run the encryptor script, a policy is needed to allow the required access to the KMS CMK key used for encryption: ```json { "Sid": "Allow encryption using key", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "kms:Encrypt", "kms:GenerateDataKey" ], "Resource": "" } ```