AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 Description: > greengrass-ml-sample-app # More info about Globals: Globals: Function: Timeout: 10 Parameters: MLResourceLocationTFFull: Description: The S3 url for the machine learning resource to be attached which contains the full tensorflow deployment package Type: String MLResourceLocationNeo: Description: The S3 url for the machine learning resource to be attached which contains the SageMaker NEO model Type: String CoreName: Description: Green Core name to be created. A "Thing" with be created with _Core appended to the name Type: String Default: gg_ml_sample GreengrassFunctionAlias: Description: Enter the function alias of the greengrass function Type: String Default: prod SecurityAccessCIDR: Description: CIDR block to limit inbound access for only SSH Type: String Default: '' myKeyPair: Description: Amazon EC2 Key Pair for accessing Greengrass Core instance Type: "AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName" Mappings: # Untested for other regions, however feel free to add the AMI Id for the # following image in your region: "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-20200611" RegionMap: us-east-1: "HVM": "ami-0ac80df6eff0e70b5" us-west-2: "HVM": "ami-053bc2e89490c5ab7" eu-west-1: "HVM": "ami-089cc16f7f08c4457" eu-central-1: "HVM": "ami-0d359437d1756caa8" ap-northeast-1: "HVM": "ami-0cfa3caed4b487e77" ap-southeast-2: "HVM": "ami-0bc49f9283d686bab" Resources: ############################################################################# # GREENGRASS RESOURCES SECTION # This section contains all the Greengrass related resources ############################################################################# GreengrassGroup: Type: AWS::Greengrass::Group Properties: Name: !Ref CoreName RoleArn: !GetAtt GreengrassResourceRole.Arn InitialVersion: CoreDefinitionVersionArn: !Ref GreengrassCoreDefinitionVersion FunctionDefinitionVersionArn: !GetAtt FunctionDefinition.LatestVersionArn SubscriptionDefinitionVersionArn: !GetAtt SubscriptionDefinition.LatestVersionArn ResourceDefinitionVersionArn: !Ref GreengrassResourceDefinitionVersion # Other Greengrass resources that can be included in a group # not used in this example # # DeviceDefinitionVersionArn: !Ref ExampleDeviceDefinitionVersion # LoggerDefinitionVersionArn: !Ref ExampleLoggerDefinitionVersion # # ConnectorDefinitionVersionArn: !Ref ExampleConnectorDefinitionVersion GreengrassCoreDefinition: Type: AWS::Greengrass::CoreDefinition Properties: # use CoreName + "_Core" as "thingName" Name: !Join ["_", [!Ref CoreName, "Core"] ] GreengrassCoreDefinitionVersion: # Example of using GreengrassCoreDefinition referring to this # "Version" resource Type: AWS::Greengrass::CoreDefinitionVersion Properties: CoreDefinitionId: !Ref GreengrassCoreDefinition Cores: - Id: !Join ["_", [!Ref CoreName, "Core"] ] ThingArn: !Join - ":" - - "arn:aws:iot" - !Ref AWS::Region - !Ref AWS::AccountId - !Join - "/" - - "thing" - !Join ["_", [!Ref CoreName, "Core"] ] CertificateArn: !Join - ":" - - "arn:aws:iot" - !Ref AWS::Region - !Ref AWS::AccountId - !Join - "/" - - "cert" - !GetAtt IoTThing.certificateId SyncShadow: "false" ImageClassifierFunctionNoContainer: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # More info about Function Resource: Properties: AutoPublishAlias: !Ref GreengrassFunctionAlias CodeUri: lambda/image_classifier_no_container/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.7 ImageClassifierFunctionContainer: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: AutoPublishAlias: !Ref GreengrassFunctionAlias CodeUri: lambda/image_classifier_container/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.7 ImageClassifierFunctionNeo: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: AutoPublishAlias: !Ref GreengrassFunctionAlias CodeUri: lambda/image_classifier_neo/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.7 FunctionDefinition: # Example of using "InitialVersion" to not have to reference a separate # "Version" resource Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::FunctionDefinition' Properties: Name: FunctionDefinition InitialVersion: DefaultConfig: Execution: IsolationMode: GreengrassContainer Functions: - Id: !Join ["_", [!Ref CoreName, "classifier_tf_no_container"] ] FunctionArn: !Ref ImageClassifierFunctionNoContainer.Version FunctionConfiguration: Pinned: 'true' Executable: Timeout: '300' Environment: Variables: CORE_NAME: !Ref CoreName ResourceAccessPolicies: - ResourceId: image_classifier_tf_full_package Execution: IsolationMode: NoContainer RunAs: Uid: '111' Gid: '999' - Id: !Join ["_", [!Ref CoreName, "classifier_tf_container"] ] FunctionArn: !Ref ImageClassifierFunctionContainer.Version FunctionConfiguration: Pinned: 'true' Executable: MemorySize: '1000000' Timeout: '300' Environment: Variables: CORE_NAME: !Ref CoreName PYTHONPATH: '/models/image_classifier/dependencies' ResourceAccessPolicies: - ResourceId: image_classifier_tf_full_package Permission: ro AccessSysfs: 'false' Execution: IsolationMode: GreengrassContainer RunAs: Uid: '1' Gid: '10' - Id: !Join ["_", [!Ref CoreName, "classifier_neo"] ] FunctionArn: !Ref ImageClassifierFunctionNeo.Version FunctionConfiguration: Pinned: 'true' Executable: MemorySize: '1000000' Timeout: '300' Environment: Variables: CORE_NAME: !Ref CoreName ResourceAccessPolicies: - ResourceId: image_classifier_neo Permission: ro AccessSysfs: 'false' Execution: IsolationMode: GreengrassContainer RunAs: Uid: '1' Gid: '10' SubscriptionDefinition: Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::SubscriptionDefinition' Properties: Name: SubscriptionDefinition InitialVersion: # Example of one-to-many subscriptions in single definition version Subscriptions: - Id: Subscription1 Source: 'cloud' Subject: !Join - "/" - - !Ref CoreName - "in" Target: !Ref ImageClassifierFunctionNoContainer.Version - Id: Subscription2 Source: !Ref ImageClassifierFunctionNoContainer.Version Subject: !Join - "/" - - !Ref CoreName - "out" Target: 'cloud' - Id: Subscription3 Source: 'cloud' Subject: !Join - "/" - - !Ref CoreName - "in" Target: !Ref ImageClassifierFunctionContainer.Version - Id: Subscription4 Source: !Ref ImageClassifierFunctionContainer.Version Subject: !Join - "/" - - !Ref CoreName - "out" Target: 'cloud' - Id: Subscription5 Source: 'cloud' Subject: !Join - "/" - - !Ref CoreName - "in" Target: !Ref ImageClassifierFunctionNeo.Version - Id: Subscription6 Source: !Ref ImageClassifierFunctionNeo.Version Subject: !Join - "/" - - !Ref CoreName - "out" Target: 'cloud' GreengrassResourceDefinition: Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinition' Properties: Name: GreengrassResourceDefinition GreengrassResourceDefinitionVersion: Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinitionVersion' Properties: ResourceDefinitionId: !Ref GreengrassResourceDefinition Resources: - Id: image_classifier_tf_full_package Name: S3MLResourceDataTFFullNoContainer ResourceDataContainer: S3MachineLearningModelResourceData: S3Uri: !Ref MLResourceLocationTFFull DestinationPath: /models/image_classifier OwnerSetting: GroupOwner: 999 GroupPermission: ro - Id: image_classifier_neo Name: S3MLNeo ResourceDataContainer: S3MachineLearningModelResourceData: S3Uri: !Ref MLResourceLocationNeo DestinationPath: /models/image_classifier ############################################################################# # SUPPORTING RESOURCES SECTION # This section contains all the resources that support the Greengrass # section above. The VPC and EC2 instance to run Greengrass core software, the # AWS IoT Thing, Certificate, and IoT Policy required for the Greengrass # Core definition, and finally custom resources to assist with CloudFormation # stack setup and teardown. ############################################################################# # Supporting resources from VPC, EC2 Instance, AWS IoT Core VPC: Type: 'AWS::EC2::VPC' Properties: CidrBlock: EnableDnsSupport: true EnableDnsHostnames: true InstanceTenancy: default InternetGateway: Type: 'AWS::EC2::InternetGateway' VPCGatewayAttachment: Type: 'AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment' Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC InternetGatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway SubnetAPublic: Type: 'AWS::EC2::Subnet' Properties: # Use returned AZ to ensure instance type available #AvailabilityZone: !GetAtt InstanceAZ.AvailabilityZone CidrBlock: MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true VpcId: !Ref VPC RouteTablePublic: Type: 'AWS::EC2::RouteTable' Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC RouteTableAssociationAPublic: Type: 'AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation' Properties: SubnetId: !Ref SubnetAPublic RouteTableId: !Ref RouteTablePublic RouteTablePublicInternetRoute: Type: 'AWS::EC2::Route' DependsOn: VPCGatewayAttachment Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref RouteTablePublic DestinationCidrBlock: '' GatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway InstanceSecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: GroupDescription: Allow inbound SSH access VpcId: Ref: VPC SecurityGroupIngress: - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 22 ToPort: 22 CidrIp: !Ref SecurityAccessCIDR GreengrassInstance: Type: "AWS::EC2::Instance" DependsOn: GreengrassGroup Properties: ImageId: !FindInMap [RegionMap, !Ref "AWS::Region", HVM] InstanceType: t3.small KeyName: !Ref myKeyPair SecurityGroupIds: !Split [",", !GetAtt InstanceSecurityGroup.GroupId] Tags: - Key: Name Value: "GGCoreInstance" SubnetId: !Ref SubnetAPublic UserData: # All the steps to install dependencies and create the specific # Greengrass core config and certificate/private key files. Fn::Base64: !Sub | #!/bin/bash export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt update -y apt upgrade -y apt install python-minimal python-pip python3-distutils -y pip install greengrasssdk adduser --system ggc_user groupadd --system ggc_group # Install Greengrass via APT repository (suitable for testing) wget -O aws-iot-greengrass-keyring.deb dpkg -i aws-iot-greengrass-keyring.deb echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/greengrass.list apt update -y apt install aws-iot-greengrass-core python3.7 -y echo -n "${IoTThing.certificatePem}" > /greengrass/certs/${IoTThing.certificateId}.pem echo -n "${IoTThing.privateKey}" > /greengrass/certs/${IoTThing.certificateId}.key cd /greengrass/config # Create Greengrass config file from inputs and parameters # Can be enhanced to manage complete installation of Greengrass and credentials cat < config.json { "coreThing" : { "caPath" : "", "certPath" : "${IoTThing.certificateId}.pem", "keyPath" : "${IoTThing.certificateId}.key", "thingArn" : "arn:aws:iot:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:thing/${CoreName}_Core", "iotHost" : "${IoTThing.iotEndpoint}", "ggHost" : "greengrass-ats.iot.${AWS::Region}" }, "runtime" : { "cgroup" : { "useSystemd" : "yes" } }, "managedRespawn" : false, "crypto" : { "principals" : { "SecretsManager" : { "privateKeyPath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/${IoTThing.certificateId}.key" }, "IoTCertificate" : { "privateKeyPath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/${IoTThing.certificateId}.key", "certificatePath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/${IoTThing.certificateId}.pem" } }, "caPath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/" } } EOT cd /greengrass/certs/ wget -O systemctl enable greengrass.service reboot IoTThing: # Resource creates thing, certificate key pair, and IoT policy Type: Custom::IoTThing Properties: ServiceToken: !GetAtt CreateThingFunction.Arn ThingName: !Join ["_", [!Ref CoreName, "Core"] ] CreateThingFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # More info about Function Resource: Properties: Description: Create thing, certificate, and policy, return cert and private key CodeUri: lambda/cfn-util/gg_create_thing/ Handler: index.handler Runtime: python3.7 Role: !GetAtt LambdaExecutionRole.Arn Timeout: 60 GroupDeploymentReset: # Allows for deletion of Greengrass group if the deployment status is not # reset manually via the console or API Type: Custom::GroupDeploymentReset DependsOn: GreengrassGroup Properties: ServiceToken: !GetAtt GroupDeploymentResetFunction.Arn Region: !Ref "AWS::Region" ThingName: !Join ["_", [!Ref CoreName, "Core"] ] GroupDeploymentResetFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # More info about Function Resource: Properties: CodeUri: lambda/cfn-util/gg_deployment_reset Handler: index.handler Runtime: python3.7 Role: !GetAtt LambdaExecutionRole.Arn Timeout: 60 Environment: Variables: STACK_NAME: !Ref "AWS::StackName" # Roles LambdaExecutionRole: # Role used by CloudFormation created Lambda functions, used by the custom # resource functions to perform their objectives. # Overly permissive for iot:* and greengrass:* to reduce Statement complexity Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Action: sts:AssumeRole Policies: - PolicyName: root PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - logs:CreateLogGroup - logs:CreateLogStream - logs:PutLogEvents Resource: arn:aws:logs:*:*:* - Effect: Allow Action: - iot:* Resource: "*" - Effect: Allow Action: - greengrass:* Resource: "*" - Effect: Allow Action: - ec2:DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings Resource: "*" - Effect: Allow Action: - iam:CreateRole - iam:AttachRolePolicy - iam:DetachRolePolicy - iam:GetRole - iam:DeleteRole - iam:PassRole Resource: !Join ["", ["arn:aws:iam::", !Ref "AWS::AccountId", ":role/greengrass_cfn_", !Ref "AWS::StackName", "_ServiceRole"] ] GreengrassResourceRole: # Role for deployed Lambda functions to a Greengrass core to call other # AWS services directly Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Action: sts:AssumeRole Policies: - PolicyName: root PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - logs:CreateLogGroup - logs:CreateLogStream - logs:PutLogEvents Resource: arn:aws:logs:*:*:* - Effect: Allow Action: - iot:* Resource: "*" Outputs: # Emit values needed for deployment status (e.g., where to SSH to) EC2IPAddress: Description: "EC2 Instance Public IP Address" Value: !GetAtt GreengrassInstance.PublicIp