OPENSSL_VERSION="" JAVA_VERSION="" REQUIRED_SQLITE_VERSION="3" REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION="2.7" REQUIRED_NODEJS_VERSION="6.10" REQUIRED_JAVA_VERSION="8" MINIMUM_REQUIRED_OPENSSL_VERSION="1.0.1" no_op() { : } ################################################################################ ## Checks if SQLite is installed on the device and if installed, whether its ## version is at least the minimum required version of SQLite for Greengrass. ################################################################################ check_sqlite_version() { local sqlite_version_info local sqlite_version local message="Could not find the binary 'sqlite$REQUIRED_SQLITE_VERSION'.\n" message="$message\nIf SQLite version $REQUIRED_SQLITE_VERSION or later is" message="$message installed on the device, name the binary" message="$message 'sqlite$REQUIRED_SQLITE_VERSION'\nand add its parent" message="$message directory to the PATH environment variable." { sqlite_version_info="$(sqlite$REQUIRED_SQLITE_VERSION -version 2>/dev/null)" } || { wrap_bad "SQLite $REQUIRED_SQLITE_VERSION" "Not found" add_to_dependency_failures "$message" return } sqlite_version="$(echo $sqlite_version_info | $CUT -d" " -f1 )" if [ -n "$sqlite_version" ] then wrap_good "SQLite version" "$sqlite_version" else message="Failed to extract the SQLite version from the string: " message="$message '$sqlite_version_info'" error "$message" add_to_errors "$message" fi } ################################################################################ ## Checks if Python is installed on the device and if installed, whether its ## version meets the requirement for Greengrass lambdas. ################################################################################ check_python_version() { local python_version_info local python_version local message="Could not find the binary 'python$REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION'.\n" message="$message\nIf Python $REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION is installed on the" message="$message device, name the binary 'python$REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION'" message="$message and add its parent \ndirectory to the PATH environment variable." message="$message Python $REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION is required to execute Python" message="$message\nlambdas on Greengrass core." { ## Python reports the version to STDERR, so have to redirect STDERR to ## STDOUT and not capture the output in a variable. python$REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION --version >/dev/null 2>&1 } || { wrap_warn "Python $REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION" "Not found" add_to_dependency_warnings "$message" return } python_version_info="$(python$REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION --version 2>&1)" python_version="$(echo $python_version_info | $CUT -d" " -f2)" if [ -n "$python_version_info" ] then wrap_good "Python version" "$python_version" else message="Failed to extract the Python version from the string:" message="$message '$python_version_info'" warn "$message" add_to_warnings "$message" fi } ################################################################################ ## Checks if NodeJS is installed on the device and if installed, whether its ## version is at least the minimum required version of NodeJS for Greengrass ## lambdas. ################################################################################ check_nodejs_version() { local node_version_info local node_version local message="Could not find the binary 'nodejs$REQUIRED_NODEJS_VERSION'.\n" message="$message\nIf NodeJS $REQUIRED_NODEJS_VERSION or later is installed" message="$message on the device, name the binary 'nodejs$REQUIRED_NODEJS_VERSION'" message="$message and\nadd its parent directory to the PATH environment variable." message="$message NodeJS $REQUIRED_NODEJS_VERSION or later is\nrequired to execute" message="$message NodeJS lambdas on Greengrass core." { node_version_info="$(nodejs$REQUIRED_NODEJS_VERSION --version 2>/dev/null)" } || { wrap_warn "NodeJS $REQUIRED_NODEJS_VERSION" "Not found" add_to_dependency_warnings "$message" return } node_version="$(echo ${node_version_info#v})" if [ -n "$node_version" ] then wrap_good "NodeJS version" "$node_version" else message="Failed to extract the NodeJS version from the string: '$node_version_info'" warn "$message" add_to_warnings "$message" fi } ################################################################################ ## Extracts the java version from the output of "java -version". ################################################################################ extract_java_version() { local java_version_info="$1" { JAVA_VERSION="$(echo "$java_version_info" | $HEAD -n 1 | $GREP -o "[_0-9\.]*")" } || { message="Failed to extract the Java version from the string: '$java_version_info'" warn "$message" add_to_warnings "$message" } } ################################################################################ ## Checks if Java is installed on the device and if installed, whether its ## version is at least the minimum required version of Java for Greengrass ## lambdas. ################################################################################ check_java_version() { local java_version_info local java_version local message="Could not find the binary 'java$REQUIRED_JAVA_VERSION'.\n" message="$message\nIf Java $REQUIRED_JAVA_VERSION or later is installed on" message="$message the device name the binary 'java$REQUIRED_JAVA_VERSION'" message="$message and add its\nparent directory to the PATH environment" message="$message variable. Java $REQUIRED_JAVA_VERSION or later is required" message="$message to\nexecute Java lambdas on Greengrass core." { ## Java reports the version to STDERR, so have to redirect STDERR to ## STDOUT and not capture the output in a variable. java$REQUIRED_JAVA_VERSION -version >/dev/null 2>&1 } || { wrap_warn "Java $REQUIRED_JAVA_VERSION" "Not found" add_to_dependency_warnings "$message" return } java_version_info="$(java$REQUIRED_JAVA_VERSION -version 2>&1)" extract_java_version "$java_version_info" if [ -n "$JAVA_VERSION" ] then wrap_good "Java version" "$JAVA_VERSION" else message="Failed to extract the Java version from the string: '$java_version_info'" warn "$message" add_to_warnings "$message" fi } ################################################################################ ## Sorts and removes duplicates from the list of OpenSSL versions available on ## the device, sets the global variable 'OPENSSL_VERSION' if an OpenSSL version ## >= MINIMUM_REQUIRED_OPENSSL_VERSION is found. ################################################################################ get_openssl_version() { local openssl_versions="$1" openssl_unique_versions="$(echo "$openssl_versions" | $SORT | $UNIQ | $CUT -d" " -f2)" for version in $openssl_unique_versions do compare_versions "$version" "$MINIMUM_REQUIRED_OPENSSL_VERSION" if [ $GREATER_OR_EQUALS -eq 1 ] then OPENSSL_VERSION="$version" return fi done } ################################################################################ ## Finds the OpenSSL versions available on the device. The result may contain ## duplicates. ## ## For each file in the variable "cmd_output", prints the readable characters of ## the file using the "strings" command, greps the file contents for the pattern ## "OpenSSL " ## ## alinux % echo "$cmd_output" | xargs strings | grep -Eo "## ## OpenSSL[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]*" ## OpenSSL 0.9.8 ## OpenSSL 0.9.8 ## OpenSSL 0.9.8 ## OpenSSL 0.9.8 ## OpenSSL 0.9.8 ## OpenSSL 1.0.1 ## OpenSSL 1.0.1 ## OpenSSL 1.0.1 ## OpenSSL 1.0.1 ## OpenSSL 1.0.1 ## OpenSSL 1.0.1 ## OpenSSL 1.0.1 ## OpenSSL 1.0.1 ## OpenSSL 1.0.1 ## OpenSSL 1.0.1 ## OpenSSL 1.0.1 ## OpenSSL 1.0.1 ## OpenSSL 1.0.1 ## OpenSSL 1.0.1 ## OpenSSL 1.0.1 ## OpenSSL 0.9.8 ## OpenSSL 0.9.8 ## OpenSSL 0.9.8 ## OpenSSL 0.9.8 ################################################################################ process_libssl_paths() { local cmd_output="$1" local openssl_versions { openssl_versions="$(echo "$cmd_output" | $XARGS $STRINGS | \ $GREP -Eo "OpenSSL [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]*")" } && { get_openssl_version "$openssl_versions" } || { no_op ## Ignore the error. The error will be detected in the parent functions ## since the global variable OPENSSL_VERSION will be an empty string. } } ################################################################################ ## Rerieves the abolute paths of the candidate libssl .so files by searching ## recursively in /lib, /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib (the standard paths where ## shared object files are found). ## ## alinux % find /usr*/lib* /lib* -name "libssl*" | grep "\.so" ## /usr/lib/ ## /usr/lib/ ## /usr/lib/ ## /usr/lib/ ## /usr/lib/ ## /usr/lib/ ## /usr/lib64/ ## /usr/lib64/ ## /usr/lib64/ ## /usr/lib64/ ## /usr/lib64/ ################################################################################ get_openssl_version_using_find() { local find_output local search_paths="/usr/lib* /lib*" if [ -d "/usr/local/bin" ] then search_paths="$search_paths /usr/local/bin" fi { find_output="$($FIND $search_paths -name "libssl*" | $GREP "\.so")" } && { process_libssl_paths "$find_output" } || { no_op ## Ignore the error. The error will be detected in the calling function ## since the global variable OPENSSL_VERSION will be an empty string. } } ################################################################################ ## Retrieves the list of candidate libssl paths using the 'ldconfig' command. ## ## Prints the lists of libraries stored in the cache, filters the results by ## 'libssl' and retrieves the absolute paths of candidate libssl .so files by ## retrieving the fourth field delimited by space: ## ## alinux % ldconfig -p | grep libssl ## (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib64/ ## (libc6) => /usr/lib/ ## (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib64/ ## (libc6) => /usr/lib/ ## (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib64/ ## (libc6) => /usr/lib/ ## ## alinux % ldconfig -p | grep libssl | cut -d" " -f 4 ## /usr/lib64/ ## /usr/lib/ ## /usr/lib64/ ## /usr/lib/ ## /usr/lib64/ ## /usr/lib/ ################################################################################ get_openssl_version_using_ldconfig() { local ldconfig_output { ldconfig_output="$(ldconfig -p 2>/dev/null | $GREP libssl)" } && { ldconfig_output="$(echo "$ldconfig_output" | $CUT -d" " -f 4)" process_libssl_paths "$ldconfig_output" } || { no_op ## Ignore the error. The error will be detected in the calling function ## since the global variable OPENSSL_VERSION will be an empty string. } } ################################################################################ ## Checks if the version of OpenSSL on the device is at least the minimum ## required version for the Over The Air(OTA) agent. ################################################################################ check_openssl_version() { local message ## First, try to get the version of OpenSSL using the 'ldconfig' command. get_openssl_version_using_ldconfig ## If the global variable 'OPENSSL_VERSION' is an empty string, fall back to ## finding the OpenSSL version by searching through the shared libraries ## using the 'find' command. if [ "$OPENSSL_VERSION" = "" ] then get_openssl_version_using_find fi ## Warn, if the global variable is still an empty string. if [ "$OPENSSL_VERSION" = "" ] then wrap_warn "OpenSSL (>= $MINIMUM_REQUIRED_OPENSSL_VERSION)" "Not found" message="Could not find OpenSSL version >= $MINIMUM_REQUIRED_OPENSSL_VERSION" message="$message on the device after searching through the\nstandard paths" message="$message : /lib, /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib.\n" message="$message\nThe Over The Air(OTA) agent requires OpenSSL version" message="$message $MINIMUM_REQUIRED_OPENSSL_VERSION or later to run." add_to_dependency_warnings "$message" return fi wrap_good "OpenSSL version" "$OPENSSL_VERSION" } ################################################################################ ## Checks if a command is present on the device. ################################################################################ check_if_command_present() { local cmd="$1" local message="The '$cmd' command was not found on the device. '$cmd'" message="$message is required if the\nOver The Air(OTA) agent is used." { command -v $cmd 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && wrap_good "$cmd" "Present" } || { wrap_warn "$cmd" "Not found" add_to_dependency_warnings "$message" } } ################################################################################ ## Checks if the software packages and commands required for the Over The ## Air(OTA) agent are present on the device. ################################################################################ check_ota_agent_req() { check_openssl_version check_if_command_present "wget" check_if_command_present "realpath" check_if_command_present "tar" check_if_command_present "readlink" check_if_command_present "basename" check_if_command_present "dirname" check_if_command_present "pidof" check_if_command_present "df" check_if_command_present "grep" check_if_command_present "umount" } check_sw_packages() { info "----------------------------Commands and software packages--------------------------" check_sqlite_version check_python_version check_nodejs_version check_java_version check_ota_agent_req }