#!/usr/bin/env bash # helper script used to prefix log output from different supervisord-managed processes # setup fd-3 to point to the original stdout exec 3>&1 # setup fd-4 to point to the original stderr exec 4>&2 # get the prefix from SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME environement variable printf -v PREFIX "%-10.10s" ${SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME} # reassign stdout and stderr to a preprocessed and redirected to the original stdout/stderr (3 and 4) we have create eralier exec 1> >( perl -ne '$| = 1; print "'"${PREFIX}"' | $_"' >&3) exec 2> >( perl -ne '$| = 1; print "'"${PREFIX}"' | $_"' >&4) # from here on everything that outputs to stdout/stderr will be go through the perl script exec "$@"