U Ɛd_0@sdZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZmZm Z ddl m Z ddl m Z ddlmZdd lmZGd d d eZdS) a Module containing the UniversalDetector detector class, which is the primary class a user of ``chardet`` should use. :author: Mark Pilgrim (initial port to Python) :author: Shy Shalom (original C code) :author: Dan Blanchard (major refactoring for 3.0) :author: Ian Cordasco N)CharSetGroupProber) InputStateLanguageFilter ProbingState)EscCharSetProber) Latin1Prober)MBCSGroupProber)SBCSGroupProberc @sneZdZdZdZedZedZedZ dddd d d d d dZ e j fddZ ddZddZddZdS)UniversalDetectoraq The ``UniversalDetector`` class underlies the ``chardet.detect`` function and coordinates all of the different charset probers. To get a ``dict`` containing an encoding and its confidence, you can simply run: .. code:: u = UniversalDetector() u.feed(some_bytes) u.close() detected = u.result g?s[-]s(|~{)s[-]z Windows-1252z Windows-1250z Windows-1251z Windows-1256z Windows-1253z Windows-1255z Windows-1254z Windows-1257)z iso-8859-1z iso-8859-2z iso-8859-5z iso-8859-6z iso-8859-7z iso-8859-8z iso-8859-9z iso-8859-13cCsNd|_g|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_||_t t |_ d|_ | dS)N)_esc_charset_prober_charset_probersresultdone _got_data _input_state _last_char lang_filterlogging getLogger__name__logger_has_win_bytesreset)selfrr`C:\Users\aemmanux\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-target-bnng1y30\lib\python\chardet/universaldetector.py__init__Qs zUniversalDetector.__init__cCsVdddd|_d|_d|_d|_tj|_d|_|jr>|j |j D] }| qDdS)z Reset the UniversalDetector and all of its probers back to their initial states. This is called by ``__init__``, so you only need to call this directly in between analyses of different documents. Nencoding confidencelanguageF) rrrrr PURE_ASCIIrrr rr )rproberrrrr^s  zUniversalDetector.resetcCs>|jr dSt|sdSt|ts(t|}|js|tjrJdddd|_nv|tj tj frldddd|_nT|drdddd|_n:|d rd ddd|_n |tj tj frd ddd|_d |_|jd dk rd |_dS|j tjkr.|j|rtj|_ n*|j tjkr.|j|j|r.tj|_ |dd|_|j tjkr|js^t|j|_|j|tjkr:|jj|j|jjd|_d |_n|j tjkr:|jst |jg|_|jt!j"@r|j#t$|j#t%|jD]:}||tjkr|j||jd|_d |_q&q|j&|r:d |_'dS)a Takes a chunk of a document and feeds it through all of the relevant charset probers. After calling ``feed``, you can check the value of the ``done`` attribute to see if you need to continue feeding the ``UniversalDetector`` more data, or if it has made a prediction (in the ``result`` attribute). .. note:: You should always call ``close`` when you're done feeding in your document if ``done`` is not already ``True``. Nz UTF-8-SIG?rzUTF-32szX-ISO-10646-UCS-4-3412szX-ISO-10646-UCS-4-2143zUTF-16Tr )(rlen isinstance bytearrayr startswithcodecsBOM_UTF8r BOM_UTF32_LE BOM_UTF32_BEBOM_LEBOM_BErrr$HIGH_BYTE_DETECTORsearch HIGH_BYTE ESC_DETECTORr ESC_ASCIIr rrfeedrFOUND_IT charset_nameget_confidencer"r r rNON_CJKappendr rWIN_BYTE_DETECTORr)rbyte_strr%rrrr8os            zUniversalDetector.feedc Cst|jr |jSd|_|js&|jdn|jtjkrBdddd|_n|jtjkrd}d}d}|j D]"}|sjq`| }||kr`|}|}q`|r||j kr|j }|j }| }|d r|jr|j||}|||jd|_|jtjkrn|jd dkrn|jd |j D]`}|sq t|trP|jD] }|jd |j |j| q,n|jd |j |j| q |jS) z Stop analyzing the current document and come up with a final prediction. :returns: The ``result`` attribute, a ``dict`` with the keys `encoding`, `confidence`, and `language`. Tzno data received!asciir&r'rNrziso-8859r z no probers hit minimum thresholdz%s %s confidence = %s)rrrrdebugrrr$r5r r;MINIMUM_THRESHOLDr:lowerr,r ISO_WIN_MAPgetr"getEffectiveLevelrDEBUGr*rprobers) rprober_confidencemax_prober_confidence max_proberr%r:lower_charset_namer! group_proberrrrclosesj            zUniversalDetector.closeN)r __module__ __qualname____doc__rBrecompiler3r6r>rDrALLrrr8rNrrrrr 3s$     mr )rQr-rrRcharsetgroupproberrenumsrrr escproberr latin1proberrmbcsgroupproberr sbcsgroupproberr objectr rrrrs