U ǐd_H@s.dZddlmZmZmZd ddZddZdS) z requests._internal_utils ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Provides utility functions that are consumed internally by Requests which depend on extremely few external helpers (such as compat) )is_py2 builtin_strstrasciicCs.t|tr|}ntr ||}n ||}|S)zGiven a string object, regardless of type, returns a representation of that string in the native string type, encoding and decoding where necessary. This assumes ASCII unless told otherwise. ) isinstancerrencodedecode)stringencodingoutr _C:\Users\aemmanux\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-target-bnng1y30\lib\python\requests/_internal_utils.pyto_native_strings    rcCs:t|tstz|dWdStk r4YdSXdS)zDetermine if unicode string only contains ASCII characters. :param str u_string: unicode string to check. Must be unicode and not Python 2 `str`. :rtype: bool rTFN)rrAssertionErrorrUnicodeEncodeError)u_stringr r r unicode_is_asciis  rN)r)__doc__compatrrrrrr r r r s