U Őd_~@sdZddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl mZddlmZmZmZddlmZmZmZmZzdd l mZWn$ek rdZdd lmZYnXd d gZd ZejZejj Z!e "Z#e $Z%dZ&ej'ej(ej)ej*ej+ej,ej-ej.ej/ej0ej1ej2ej3ej4ej5ej6ej7ej8ej9ej:ej;ejej?ej@ejAejBejCejDgZEejFejGejHfiZIeJe drejKejKfeIe jL<eJe drejMejMfeIe jN<eJe drejGejGfeIe jO<eJe drejPejPfeIe jQ<eJe drejHejHfeIe jR<dd ZSdd ZTddZUddZVeWeUZXeYeVZZGddde[Z\ernd#ddZ]n d$d dZ]e]e\_]Gd!d"d"e[Z^dS)%a SecureTranport support for urllib3 via ctypes. This makes platform-native TLS available to urllib3 users on macOS without the use of a compiler. This is an important feature because the Python Package Index is moving to become a TLSv1.2-or-higher server, and the default OpenSSL that ships with macOS is not capable of doing TLSv1.2. The only way to resolve this is to give macOS users an alternative solution to the problem, and that solution is to use SecureTransport. We use ctypes here because this solution must not require a compiler. That's because pip is not allowed to require a compiler either. This is not intended to be a seriously long-term solution to this problem. The hope is that PEP 543 will eventually solve this issue for us, at which point we can retire this contrib module. But in the short term, we need to solve the impending tire fire that is Python on Mac without this kind of contrib module. So...here we are. To use this module, simply import and inject it:: import urllib3.contrib.securetransport urllib3.contrib.securetransport.inject_into_urllib3() Happy TLSing! This code is a bastardised version of the code found in Will Bond's oscrypto library. An enormous debt is owed to him for blazing this trail for us. For that reason, this code should be considered to be covered both by urllib3's license and by oscrypto's: Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Will Bond Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. )absolute_importN)util)Security SecurityConstCoreFoundation)_assert_no_error_cert_array_from_pem_temporary_keychain_load_client_cert_chain) _fileobjectbackport_makefileinject_into_urllib3extract_from_urllib3Ti@PROTOCOL_SSLv2PROTOCOL_SSLv3PROTOCOL_TLSv1PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2cCs.tt_ttj_tt_ttj_dt_dtj_dS)zG Monkey-patch urllib3 with SecureTransport-backed SSL-support. TN)SecureTransportContextr SSLContextssl_HAS_SNIIS_SECURETRANSPORTrrfC:\Users\aemmanux\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-target-bnng1y30\lib\python\urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyrs cCs.tt_ttj_tt_ttj_dt_dtj_dS)z> Undo monkey-patching by :func:`inject_into_urllib3`. FN)orig_util_SSLContextrrrorig_util_HAS_SNIrrrrrrrs c Csd}zJt|}|dkr"tjWS|j}|d}|}d}d}z|||kr|dksZ|dkrtt||sttt j d||} t j |  ||} || | } || 7}| sB|stjWWSqqBWnttjk r0} zR| j }|dk r |t j kr ||d<|t jks|t jkrtjWY WSW5d} ~ XYnX||d<||krLtjWSWdStk r} z|dk rt| |_tjWYSd} ~ XYnXdS)zs SecureTransport read callback. This is called by ST to request that data be returned from the socket. Nr timed out)_connection_refsgetrerrSSLInternalsocket gettimeoutr wait_for_readerrorerrnoEAGAINctypesc_char from_address recv_intoerrSSLClosedGraceful ECONNRESETEPIPEerrSSLClosedAborterrSSLWouldBlock Exception _exception) connection_id data_bufferdata_length_pointerwrapped_socket base_socketZrequested_lengthtimeoutr'Z read_count remainingbuffer chunk_sizeerrr_read_callbacksP       r?c Csrd}z(t|}|dkr"tjWS|j}|d}t||}|}d}d} zV| |kr|dksf|dkrt ||st t j d| |} | | 7} || d}qNWnltj k r} zJ| j }|dk r|t j kr| |d<|t jks|t jkrtjWY WSW5d} ~ XYnX| |d<| |kr*tjWSWdStk rl} z|dk rR| |_tjWYSd} ~ XYnXdS)zx SecureTransport write callback. This is called by ST to request that data actually be sent on the network. Nrr )r!r"rr#r$r* string_atr%rwait_for_writer'r(r)sendr/r0r1r2r3r4) r5r6r7r8r9Zbytes_to_writedatar:r'sentZ chunk_sentr>rrr_write_callbacksD      rEc@seZdZdZddZejddZddZdd Z d d Z d d Z ddZ ddZ d*ddZddZddZddZddZddZdd Zd+d"d#Zd$d%Zd&d'Zd(d)ZdS), WrappedSocketz API-compatibility wrapper for Python's OpenSSL wrapped socket object. Note: _makefile_refs, _drop(), and _reuse() are needed for the garbage collector of PyPy. cCsL||_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_|j|_ |j ddSNrF) r$context_makefile_refs_closedr4 _keychain _keychain_dir_client_cert_chainr%_timeout settimeout)selfr$rrr__init__Es zWrappedSocket.__init__ccs4d|_dV|jdk r0|jd}|_||dS)a] A context manager that can be used to wrap calls that do I/O from SecureTransport. If any of the I/O callbacks hit an exception, this context manager will correctly propagate the exception after the fact. This avoids silently swallowing those exceptions. It also correctly forces the socket closed. N)r4close)rP exceptionrrr_raise_on_errorWs  zWrappedSocket._raise_on_errorcCs2tjttt}t|j|tt}t|dS)a4 Sets up the allowed ciphers. By default this matches the set in util.ssl_.DEFAULT_CIPHERS, at least as supported by macOS. This is done custom and doesn't allow changing at this time, mostly because parsing OpenSSL cipher strings is going to be a freaking nightmare. N)rZSSLCipherSuitelen CIPHER_SUITESZSSLSetEnabledCiphersrHr )rPciphersresultrrr _set_cipherslszWrappedSocket._set_ciphersc Cs|sdStj|r2t|d}|}W5QRXd}t}zt |}t |j t |}t||srtdt||}t|t|d}t|t}t|t |}t|W5|rt||dk rt|Xtjtjf}|j|kr td|jdS)z Called when we have set custom validation. We do this in two cases: first, when cert validation is entirely disabled; and second, when using a custom trust DB. NrbzFailed to copy trust referenceTz)certificate verify failed, error code: %d)ospathisfileopenreadr SecTrustRefr CFReleaser SSLCopyPeerTrustrHr*byrefr sslSSLErrorZSecTrustSetAnchorCertificatesZ!SecTrustSetAnchorCertificatesOnlyZSecTrustResultTypeZSecTrustEvaluaterZkSecTrustResultUnspecifiedZkSecTrustResultProceedvalue) rPverify trust_bundlefZ cert_arraytrustrXZ trust_resultZ successesrrr_custom_validateys>         zWrappedSocket._custom_validatec Cstdtjtj|_t|jtt} t | t 0t |d} | t krT| dd} q>|t | <W5QRXt |j| } t | |rt|ts|d}t|j|t|} t | |t|j|} t | t|j|} t | |r|dk r t|jtjd} t | |rHt\|_|_t|j|||_t|j|j} t | |ht|j} | tj krvt!"dn>| tj#kr|$||W5QRqHnt | W5QRqW5QRXqHdS)z Actually performs the TLS handshake. This is run automatically by wrapped socket, and shouldn't be needed in user code. Nirzutf-8Tzhandshake timed out)%rZSSLCreateContextrZkSSLClientSideZkSSLStreamTyperHZ SSLSetIOFuncs_read_callback_pointer_write_callback_pointerr _connection_ref_lockidr!ZSSLSetConnection isinstancebytesencodeZSSLSetPeerDomainNamerUrYZSSLSetProtocolVersionMinZSSLSetProtocolVersionMaxZSSLSetSessionOptionZ"kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAuthr rKrLr rMZSSLSetCertificaterTZ SSLHandshaker2r$r:ZerrSSLServerAuthCompletedrk) rPserver_hostnamergrh min_versionZ max_version client_certZ client_keyZclient_key_passphraserXhandlerrr handshakesr         zWrappedSocket.handshakecCs |jSN)r$filenorPrrrry szWrappedSocket.filenocCs*|jdkr|jd8_|jr&|dS)Nrr)rIrJrRrzrrr_decref_socketioss zWrappedSocket._decref_socketioscCs&t|}|||}|d|}|Srx)r*create_string_bufferr-)rPZbufsizr< bytes_readrCrrrrecvs   zWrappedSocket.recvNc Cs|jr dS|dkrt|}tj||}td}|t|j ||t |}W5QRX|t j kr|j dkrtdn"|t jt jfkr|nt||j S)Nrzrecv timed out)rJrUr*r+ from_bufferc_size_trTrZSSLReadrHrcrr2rfr$r:r.ZerrSSLClosedNoNotifyrRr )rPr<nbytesprocessed_bytesrXrrrr-s.      zWrappedSocket.recv_intocCs ||_dSrxrN)rPr:rrrrOFszWrappedSocket.settimeoutcCs|jSrxrrzrrrr%IszWrappedSocket.gettimeoutc Cshtd}|"t|j|t|t|}W5QRX|tj krZ|j dkrZt dnt ||j S)Nrzsend timed out)r*rrTrZSSLWriterHrUrcrr2rfr$r:r )rPrCrrXrrrrBLs   zWrappedSocket.sendcCs4d}|t|kr0||||t}||7}qdSNr)rUrBSSL_WRITE_BLOCKSIZE)rPrC total_sentrDrrrsendall]s zWrappedSocket.sendallc Cs$|t|jW5QRXdSrx)rTrZSSLCloserHrzrrrshutdowncs zWrappedSocket.shutdowncCs|jdkrd|_|jr(t|jd|_|jr@t|jd|_|jrvt|jt|jt |j d|_|_ |j S|jd8_dS)NrT)rIrJrHrrarMrKrZSecKeychainDeleteshutilrmtreerLr$rRrzrrrrRgs        zWrappedSocket.closeFc Cs|s tdt}d}d}zt|jt|}t ||sFWddSt |}|s\WNdSt |d}|spt t |}|st t|}t|} t| |}W5|rt||rt|X|S)Nz2SecureTransport only supports dumping binary certsr) ValueErrorrr`rrarbrHr*rcr ZSecTrustGetCertificateCountZSecTrustGetCertificateAtIndexAssertionErrorZSecCertificateCopyDataZCFDataGetLengthZCFDataGetBytePtrr@) rP binary_formrjZcertdataZ der_bytesrXZ cert_countZleafZ data_lengthr6rrr getpeercertzs2       zWrappedSocket.getpeercertcCst}t|jt|}t||jtj krs3  %             76