import os import sys import struct import argparse from OpenSSL import crypto from ota_image_generator import printOTADescriptorImageStruct \ , generateOTADescriptorImage from util import validateFilePath \ , getFileSize \ , toLitteEndianByte \ , format32BitHexStr \ , extractFileName HEX_START = "0x1D000000" EXCLUDE_START = "0x1D000240" EXCLUDE_END = "0x1D0004A0" def printFactoryImageStruct(processedImagePath, trailerSize, numLinesImageContent, descripFixedSize): """ print structure of factory image :param processedImagePath: path of processed image :param trailerSize: size of trailer in bytes :param numLinesImageContent: number of lines of image content to output :param descripFixedSize: fixed size in bytes for storing signature type description :return: """ cuttingLine = "--------" subCuttingLine = "-----" # print magic code with open(processedImagePath, "rb") as f: print(cuttingLine + subCuttingLine + "Magic Code" + subCuttingLine + cuttingLine) byte = print(byte) # print [ota_descriptor + image content] printOTADescriptorImageStruct(processedImagePath, numLinesImageContent, 8) # print trailer fSize = getFileSize(processedImagePath) f = open(processedImagePath, "rb") - trailerSize) print(cuttingLine + cuttingLine + "Trailer" + cuttingLine + cuttingLine) try: print(subCuttingLine + " signature type " + subCuttingLine) byte = print(byte) print(subCuttingLine + " signature size " + subCuttingLine) byte = print(format32BitHexStr(hex(struct.unpack(' descripFixedSize: raise Exception("Signature type description exceeded allowed size! Description size: " + sigTypeDescrip + ". Allowed maximum size: " + descripFixedSize + ". Description given: " + sigTypeDescrip) padSize = descripFixedSize - typeDescripSize pad = bytearray(padSize) trailer.extend(sigTypeDescrip) trailer.extend(pad) # append signature size as a 4-byte filed in little endian format sigSize = len(signature) sigSizeFiled = hex(sigSize) sigSizeFiled = format32BitHexStr(sigSizeFiled) sigSizeFiled = toLitteEndianByte(sigSizeFiled) trailer.extend(sigSizeFiled) # append signature if len(signature) > sigFixedSize: raise Exception("Signature size exceeded allowed size! signature size: " + sigSize + ". Allowed maximum size: " + sigFixedSize) padSize = sigFixedSize - sigSize pad = bytearray(padSize) trailer.extend(signature) trailer.extend(pad) return trailer def appendTrailer(inputImagePath, trailer, outputPath): """ append trailer to the given image :param inputImagePath: :param trailer: :param outputPath: :return: """ with open(inputImagePath, "rb") as f: inputContent = with open(outputPath, "wb") as f: f.write(inputContent) f.write(trailer) def addFactoryMagicCode(inputImagePath, outputPath): """ add 8-byte magic code :param inputImagePath: :param outputPath: :return: """ with open(inputImagePath, "rb") as f: inputContent = magicCode = bytearray("@AFRTOS".encode('ASCII')) # end byte is 0xFC endByte = bytearray.fromhex("FC") magicCode.extend(endByte) with open(outputPath, "wb") as f: f.write(magicCode) f.write(inputContent) def convertToUnifiedHex(inputImagePath, outputPath, bootLoaderHexPath): """ convert given image into intel hex format. Newly generated file will be saved at outputPath. :param inputImagePath: :param outputPath: :param bootLoaderHexPath :return: """ temp_hex = "temp.hex" cmd_convert = "srec_cat " + inputImagePath + " -binary -offset " + HEX_START + " -o " + temp_hex + " -Intel " os.system(cmd_convert) cmd_unify = "srec_cat " + temp_hex + " -intel " + bootLoaderHexPath + " -intel -o " + outputPath + " -intel" os.system(cmd_unify) os.system("rm " + temp_hex) def alignFileSize(filePath): alignSize = 16 # make sure the size is multiple of alignSize fileSize = getFileSize(filePath) print("fileSize ", fileSize) if fileSize % alignSize != 0: with open(filePath, "rb") as f: content = content = bytearray(content) pad = bytearray(alignSize - (fileSize % 16)) content.extend(pad) print("padSize: ", alignSize - (fileSize % 16)) with open(filePath, "wb") as f: f.write(content) def generateFactoryImage(signature, otaImagePath, bootloaderHexPath): # add factory magic code factoryImagePath = otaImagePath.replace(".ota.bin", ".initial.bin") print("\nAdding magic code to " + factoryImagePath + " ...\n") addFactoryMagicCode(inputImagePath=otaImagePath, outputPath=factoryImagePath) # align the file size before attaching trailer alignFileSize(factoryImagePath) typeStr = "sig-sha256-ecdsa" descripFixedSize = 32 # signature description is fixed to 32 bytes, will use zeroes to fill up the rest sigFixedSize = 256 # signature field is fixed to 256 bytes, will use zeroes to fill up the rest trailer = getTrailer(signature, typeStr, descripFixedSize, sigFixedSize) # append trailer to ota image print("\nAppending trailer to image " + factoryImagePath + " ...") appendTrailer(inputImagePath=factoryImagePath, trailer=trailer, outputPath=factoryImagePath) print("\nTrailer appended! factory image generated at " + factoryImagePath) # print structure print("\nStructure of factory image : " + factoryImagePath + "\n[magic_code + ota_descriptor + image_content + trailer]:\n") printFactoryImageStruct(processedImagePath=factoryImagePath, trailerSize=len(trailer), numLinesImageContent=10, descripFixedSize=descripFixedSize) # convert factory image into hex format print("\nConverting factory image " + factoryImagePath + " into hex format ....\n") hexFilePath = factoryImagePath.replace("initial.bin", "factory.unified.hex") convertToUnifiedHex(inputImagePath=factoryImagePath, outputPath=hexFilePath, bootLoaderHexPath=bootloaderHexPath) print("\nHex file is generated at " + hexFilePath) print("\nHex file info:") os.system("srec_info " + hexFilePath + " -Intel ") if __name__ == "__main__": inputImagePath, hardwarePlatform, privateKeyPath, bootloaderHexPath = parseCMDParam() # verify parameter validateFilePath(inputImagePath) validateFilePath(privateKeyPath) validateFilePath(bootloaderHexPath) # get ota image otaImagePath = generateOTADescriptorImage(inputImagePath, hardwarePlatform) # sign the ota image digestMethod = "sha256" # use "sha256" method signature = getSignitureLocally(otaImagePath, privateKeyPath, digestMethod) generateFactoryImage(signature, otaImagePath, bootloaderHexPath)