import argparse import os import sys import struct from collections import namedtuple from util import validateFilePath \ , parseConfigFile \ , format32BitHexStr \ , getFileSize \ , toLitteEndianByte OTADescriptor = namedtuple("OTADescriptor" , ["sequenceNumber", "startAddress", "endAddress", "executionAddress", "hardwareID", "reserves"]) def printOTADescriptorImageStruct(processedImagePath, imageLines, offset): """ output the OTA descriptor of processed image along with some of its contents for additionalLines :param processedImagePath: :param imageLines: number of lines to output when printing the image content :param offset: number of bytes to skip from the beginning :return: """ cuttingLine = "--------" f = open(processedImagePath, "rb") try: print(cuttingLine + "Generated OTA descriptor" + cuttingLine) byte = print(format32BitHexStr(hex(struct.unpack(' sequence number") byte = print(format32BitHexStr(hex(struct.unpack(' start address") byte = print(format32BitHexStr(hex(struct.unpack(' end address") byte = print(format32BitHexStr(hex(struct.unpack(' execution address") byte = print(format32BitHexStr(hex(struct.unpack(' hardware ID") byte = print(format32BitHexStr(hex(struct.unpack(' reserved bytes") print(cuttingLine + "Image Content" + cuttingLine) time = imageLines while time > 0: byte = # Every time print 32 bits time -= 1 print(format32BitHexStr(hex(struct.unpack(' 8: raise Exception(invalidValueMsg) def formatHardwareID(hardwareIdStr, fileLocation): """ format the hardware id into hexadecimal representation raise exception if the given hardwareIdStr is not valid. :param hardwareIdStr: a string representing hardware id :param fileLocation: location where the hardware Id is defined :return: formatted hexadecimal string of hardware id exmaples: hardwarID = "0.0.0" return "0x00000000" hardwarID = "255.255.65535" return "0xFFFFFFFF" hardwarID = "171.205.61355" return "0xABCDEFAB" hardwarID ="1.2.772" return "0x01020304" hardwarID = "000001.000000000002.00000000000772" return "0x01020304" hardwarID = "1.1.1" return "0x01010001" hardwarID = "1.1.00000000" return "0x01010000" hardwarID = "0.0.1" return "0x00000001" """ formatErrorMsg = "Invalid Hardware ID format. Expected format: \"a.b.c\" ,where a,b is 8-bit unsigned integer with range [0,255], c is 16-bit unsigned integer with range range[0,65535]" \ + "\nFound: \"" + hardwareIdStr + "\"." \ + "\nFile location: " + fileLocation fields = hardwareIdStr.split(".") if len(fields) != 3: raise Exception(formatErrorMsg) a, b, c = fields try: a = int(a, 10) b = int(b, 10) c = int(c, 10) except Exception: raise Exception(formatErrorMsg) rangeErrorMsg = "Value of hardware ID is not within expected range. \n" \ + "Expected range for \"a.b.c\" is a->[0,255], b->[0,255], c->[0,65535]. Found: " + hardwareIdStr + "\n" \ + "File location: " + fileLocation if a < 0 or a > 255 or b < 0 or b > 255 or c < 0 or c > 65535: raise Exception(rangeErrorMsg) # convert hardware ID into hex representation # remove prefix if there's any a = hex(a).replace("0x", "").replace("0X", "") b = hex(b).replace("0x", "").replace("0X", "") c = hex(c).replace("0x", "").replace("0X", "") # fill zeroes to get the desired fixed length since we are going to concatenate those hex strings a = a.zfill(2) b = b.zfill(2) c = c.zfill(4) hexStr = a + b + c return format32BitHexStr(hexStr) def validate32BitUIntParam(uInt32Str, paramName, fileLocation): """ validate whether given string is valid to represent a 32-bit unsigned integer. ( Expected range [0,4294967295] ) raise exception if the given string contains invalid character such as "a", or the string defines a value which is not in [0,4294967295] :param uInt32Str: a string used to :param paramName: parameter name of uInt32Str :param fileLocation: :return: """ try: int(uInt32Str, 10) except Exception: raise Exception( "Invalid 32 bit unsigned integer definition for \"" + paramName + "\" as \"" + uInt32Str + "\". File location: " + fileLocation) invalidValueMsg = "Invalid 32 bit unsigned integer definition for \"" + paramName + "\". Expected range: [0, 4294967295]. Value found : \"" + uInt32Str + "\". File location: " + fileLocation if int(uInt32Str, 10) < 0 or int(uInt32Str, 10) > 4294967295: raise Exception(invalidValueMsg) def validate32BitHexParamRange(val, paramName, minVal, maxVal, fileLocation): """ raise exception the condition minVal <= val <= maxVal is not met :param val: a string representing a valid 32-bit hexadecimal parameter :param paramName: name of the parameter :param minVal: a string representing a valid 32-bit hexadecimal lower bound of the parameter :param maxVal: a string representing a valid 32-bit hexadecimal lower bound of the parameter :param fileLocation: the path where the parameter is defined :return: """ if int(val, 16) < int(minVal, 16) or int(val, 16) > int(maxVal, 16): raise Exception( "Invalid value of \"" + paramName + "\"! Expected range : [" + minVal + "," + maxVal + "]. Found : " + val + ". File location: " + fileLocation) def getEndAddress(fileSize, startAddress): """ :param fileSize: size of the FreeRTOS image used to add OTA descriptor in bytes :param startAddress: start address in decimal integer :return: end address in decimal integer """ endAddress = startAddress # initialize it as start address endAddress += fileSize # include the file size endAddress += 24 # include size of the OTA descriptor, currently we have 24 bytes return endAddress def getOTADescriptor(userConfigFilePath, inputImagePath, ruleFolderPath, hardwarePlatform): """ parse and validate the parameters defined by user. calculate the end address If all parameters are valid, return them as ota descriptor. Otherwise, raise exeception. :param userConfigFilePath: path of the user config file :param inputImagePath: path of the input image, which will be used to calculate the end address :param ruleFolderPath: path of the folder which contains the validation rule file for the user config :param hardwarePlatform: hardware platform name :return: parameters to be used to generate the OTA descriptor. Each parameter will be formatted as a 10-character string to represent a 32-bit hexadecimal number, where the first two character is a prefix "0x". """ parsedParams = parseConfigFile(userConfigFilePath) # 1. validate the hardware platform is valid and corresponding rule file can be found validHardwarePlatforms = os.listdir(ruleFolderPath) if hardwarePlatform not in validHardwarePlatforms: raise Exception( "Invalid hardware platform! \nExpected hardware platforms: " + str( validHardwarePlatforms) + ". \nFound: " + hardwarePlatform) # 2. Make sure the rule file and the parameters defined in it are valid validationFileLocation = os.path.join(ruleFolderPath, hardwarePlatform) validateFilePath(validationFileLocation) ruleParams = parseConfigFile(validationFileLocation) if len(ruleParams.keys()) != 2: raise Exception("Invalid validation rule file : " + validationFileLocation + "\nExpected 2 parameters in this file. " + "\nFound: " + str(len(ruleParams.keys()))) if "MIN_ADDRESS" not in ruleParams: raise Exception("Error! parameter \"MIN_ADDRESS\" is not defined in " + validationFileLocation) minAddrHardwarePlatform = ruleParams["MIN_ADDRESS"] validate32BitHexParam(minAddrHardwarePlatform, "MIN_ADDRESS", validationFileLocation) minAddrHardwarePlatform = format32BitHexStr(minAddrHardwarePlatform) if "MAX_ADDRESS" not in ruleParams: raise Exception("Error! parameter \"MAX_ADDRESS\" is not defined in " + validationFileLocation) maxAddrHardwarePlatform = ruleParams["MAX_ADDRESS"] validate32BitHexParam(maxAddrHardwarePlatform, "MAX_ADDRESS", validationFileLocation) maxAddrHardwarePlatform = format32BitHexStr(maxAddrHardwarePlatform) if (int(maxAddrHardwarePlatform, 16) <= int(minAddrHardwarePlatform, 16)): raise Exception( "MAX_ADDRESS must be greater than the MIN_ADDRESS !" + " File location " + validationFileLocation) # 3. validate sequence number if "SEQUENCE_NUMBER" not in parsedParams: raise Exception("Error! parameter \"SEQUENCE_NUMBER\" is not defined in " + userConfigFilePath) sequenceNumber = parsedParams["SEQUENCE_NUMBER"] validate32BitUIntParam(sequenceNumber, "SEQUENCE_NUMBER", userConfigFilePath) # convert from string of 32-bit unsigned integer to string of 32-bit hexadecimal sequenceNumber = hex(int(sequenceNumber, 10)) sequenceNumber = format32BitHexStr(sequenceNumber) # 4. validate hardware id if "HARDWARE_ID" not in parsedParams: raise Exception("Error! parameter \"HARDWARE_ID\" is not defined in " + userConfigFilePath) hardwareID = parsedParams["HARDWARE_ID"] hardwareID = formatHardwareID(hardwareID, userConfigFilePath) hardwareID = format32BitHexStr(hardwareID) # 5. validate reserved bytes if "RESERVED_BYTES" not in parsedParams: raise Exception("Error! parameter \"RESERVED_BYTES\" is not defined in " + userConfigFilePath) reserves = parsedParams["RESERVED_BYTES"] validate32BitHexParam(reserves, "RESERVED_BYTES", userConfigFilePath) reserves = format32BitHexStr(reserves) # 6. validate start address if "START_ADDRESS" not in parsedParams: raise Exception("Error! parameter \"START_ADDRESS\" is not defined in " + userConfigFilePath) startAddress = parsedParams["START_ADDRESS"] validate32BitHexParam(startAddress, "START_ADDRESS", userConfigFilePath) startAddress = format32BitHexStr(startAddress) # make sure minAddrHardwarePlatform <= startAddress < maxAddressHardwarePlatform startMin = minAddrHardwarePlatform startMax = format32BitHexStr(hex(int(maxAddrHardwarePlatform, 16) - 1)) validate32BitHexParamRange(startAddress, "START_ADDRESS", startMin, startMax, userConfigFilePath) # 7. calculate and validate the end address fileSize = getFileSize(inputImagePath) endAddress = getEndAddress(fileSize, int(startAddress, 16)) # get end address in decimal format endAddress = hex(endAddress).upper() # convert to hexadecimal format # make sure minAddrHardwarePlatform < endAddress <= maxAddressHardwarePlatform endMin = format32BitHexStr(hex(int(minAddrHardwarePlatform, 16) + 1)) endMax = maxAddrHardwarePlatform if int(endAddress, 16) < int(endMin, 16) or int(endAddress, 16) > int(endMax, 16): raise Exception( "Invalid value of \"END_ADDRESS\"! Expected range : [" + endMin + "," + endMax + "]. Calculated Result : " + endAddress + "\nPossible reasons: START_ADDRESS is too large or image size is too large (END_ADDRESS = START_ADDRESS + 24 bytes + size of input image)" + "\n\nDebug Info: " + "\nImage size: " + str(fileSize) + "\nSTART_ADDRESS: " + startAddress + ". Config file location" + userConfigFilePath) endAddress = format32BitHexStr(endAddress) # 8. validate the execution address if "EXECUTION_ADDRESS" not in parsedParams: raise Exception("Error! parameter \"EXECUTION_ADDRESS\" is not defined in " + userConfigFilePath) executionAddress = parsedParams["EXECUTION_ADDRESS"] validate32BitHexParam(executionAddress, "EXECUTION_ADDRESS", userConfigFilePath) # make sure startAddress <= executionAddress <= endAddress execMin = startAddress execMax = endAddress validate32BitHexParamRange(executionAddress, "EXECUTION_ADDRESS", execMin, execMax, userConfigFilePath) executionAddress = format32BitHexStr(executionAddress) return OTADescriptor(sequenceNumber, startAddress, endAddress, executionAddress, hardwareID, reserves) def addOTADescriptorToImage(inputImagePath, otaDescriptor, outputImagePath): """ Add given OTA descriptor into given image :param inputImagePath: :param otaDescriptor: :param outputImagePath: :return: """ with open(inputImagePath, "rb") as fIn: data = with open(outputImagePath, "wb") as fOut: # 1. Add sequence number sequenceField = toLitteEndianByte(otaDescriptor.sequenceNumber) fOut.write(sequenceField) # 2. Add start address startAddrField = toLitteEndianByte(otaDescriptor.startAddress) fOut.write(startAddrField) # 3. Add end address endAddrField = toLitteEndianByte(otaDescriptor.endAddress) fOut.write(endAddrField) # 4. Add execution address execAddrField = toLitteEndianByte(otaDescriptor.executionAddress) fOut.write(execAddrField) # 5. Add hardware ID HardwareIdField = toLitteEndianByte(otaDescriptor.hardwareID) fOut.write(HardwareIdField) # 6. Add reserved bytes reserveField = toLitteEndianByte(otaDescriptor.reserves) fOut.write(reserveField) fOut.write(data) def generateOTADescriptorImage(inputImagePath, hardwarePlatform): """ :param inputImagePath: valid input image path :param hardwarePlatform: :return: path of generated ota image, which as OTA descriptor appended """ rootPath = os.path.dirname(__file__) userConfigFolder = 'user-config' userConfigFileName = 'ota-descriptor.config' userConfigFilePath = os.path.join(rootPath, userConfigFolder, userConfigFileName) validateFilePath(userConfigFilePath) ruleFolder = "config-validation-rules" ruleFolderPath = os.path.join(rootPath, ruleFolder) otaDescriptor = getOTADescriptor(userConfigFilePath, inputImagePath, ruleFolderPath, hardwarePlatform) print("\nAdding OTA descriptors to image " + inputImagePath + " ...") if inputImagePath.endswith(".bin"): otaImagePath = inputImagePath.replace(".bin", ".ota.bin") else: otaImagePath = inputImagePath + ".ota.bin" addOTADescriptorToImage(inputImagePath, otaDescriptor, otaImagePath) print("OTA descriptors added! OTA image generated at : " + otaImagePath) return otaImagePath if __name__ == "__main__": inputImagePath, hardwarePlatform = parseParamFromCMD() validateFilePath(inputImagePath) otaImagePath = generateOTADescriptorImage(inputImagePath, hardwarePlatform) print("\nResult of adding OTA descriptor: \n") printOTADescriptorImageStruct(processedImagePath=otaImagePath, imageLines=10, offset=0)