#Following are parameters used to configure the OTA descriptor. # 1. OTA sequence number in 32-bit unsigned integer # Expected range [1,4294967295] SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 2 # 2. startAddress in 32-bit hexadecimal number # Expected range [MIN_ADDRESS, MAX_ADDRESS), where MIN_ADDRESS and MAX_ADDRESS are defined in config-validation-rules folder START_ADDRESS = 0xBD000008 # 3. executionAddress in 32-bit hexadecimal number # Expected range [START_ADDRESS,END_ADDRESS], where END_ADDRESS = START_ADDRESS + 24 bytes + size of input image EXECUTION_ADDRESS = 0xBD000020 # 4. hardwareID # Expected format: a.b.c # where a,b is 8-bit unsigned integer with range [0,255], c is 16-bit unsigned integer with range range[0,65535] # Exmples are 0.0.0 or 255.255.65535 HARDWARE_ID = 0.0.1 # 5. reserve byte in in 32-bit hexadecimal number # Expected range [0x0,0xFFFFFFFF] RESERVED_BYTES = 0xFFFFFFFF