/*********************************************************************************************************************** * DISCLAIMER * This software is supplied by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is only intended for use with Renesas products. No * other uses are authorized. This software is owned by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is protected under all * applicable laws, including copyright laws. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND RENESAS MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING * THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. TO THE MAXIMUM * EXTENT PERMITTED NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, NEITHER RENESAS ELECTRONICS CORPORATION NOR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES * SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR ANY REASON RELATED TO THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF RENESAS OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * Renesas reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to this software and to discontinue the availability of * this software. By using this software, you agree to the additional terms and conditions found by accessing the * following link: * http://www.renesas.com/disclaimer * * Copyright (C) 2015 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. ***********************************************************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************** * File Name : ether_callback.c * Version : ---- * Description : This module solves all the world's problems ***********************************************************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************************************************** * History : DD.MM.YYYY Version Description * : 05.01.2015 ---- Clean up source code. ***********************************************************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************** Includes , "Project Includes" ***********************************************************************************************************************/ #include "r_ether_rx_if.h" /*********************************************************************************************************************** Private global variables and functions ***********************************************************************************************************************/ int32_t callback_ether_regist(void); void callback_ether(void * pparam); static void callback_wakeon_lan(uint32_t channel); static void callback_link_on(uint32_t channel); static void callback_link_off(uint32_t channel); volatile uint8_t pause_enable = ETHER_FLAG_OFF; volatile uint8_t magic_packet_detect[ETHER_CHANNEL_MAX]; volatile uint8_t link_detect[ETHER_CHANNEL_MAX]; void EINT_Trig_isr(void *); /*********************************************************************************************************************** * Function Name: callback_ether * Description : Regist of callback function * Arguments : - * Return Value : 0: success, -1:failed ***********************************************************************************************************************/ int32_t callback_ether_regist(void) { ether_param_t param; ether_cb_t cb_func; int32_t ret; /* Set the callback function (LAN cable connect/disconnect event) */ cb_func.pcb_func = &callback_ether; param.ether_callback = cb_func; ret = R_ETHER_Control(CONTROL_SET_CALLBACK, param); if (ETHER_SUCCESS != ret) { return -1; } /* Set the callback function (Ether interrupt event) */ cb_func.pcb_int_hnd = &EINT_Trig_isr; param.ether_callback = cb_func; ret = R_ETHER_Control(CONTROL_SET_INT_HANDLER, param); if (ETHER_SUCCESS != ret) { return -1; } return 0; } /* End of function callback_ether_regist() */ /*********************************************************************************************************************** * Function Name: callback_ether * Description : Sample of the callback function * Arguments : pparam - * * Return Value : none ***********************************************************************************************************************/ void callback_ether(void * pparam) { ether_cb_arg_t * pdecode; uint32_t channel; pdecode = (ether_cb_arg_t *)pparam; channel = pdecode->channel; /* Get Ethernet channel number */ switch (pdecode->event_id) { /* Callback function that notifies user to have detected magic packet. */ case ETHER_CB_EVENT_ID_WAKEON_LAN: callback_wakeon_lan(channel); break; /* Callback function that notifies user to have become Link up. */ case ETHER_CB_EVENT_ID_LINK_ON: callback_link_on(channel); break; /* Callback function that notifies user to have become Link down. */ case ETHER_CB_EVENT_ID_LINK_OFF: callback_link_off(channel); break; default: break; } } /* End of function callback_ether() */ /*********************************************************************************************************************** * Function Name: callback_wakeon_lan * Description : * Arguments : channel - * Ethernet channel number * Return Value : none ***********************************************************************************************************************/ static void callback_wakeon_lan(uint32_t channel) { if (ETHER_CHANNEL_MAX > channel) { magic_packet_detect[channel] = 1; /* Please add necessary processing when magic packet is detected. */ } } /* End of function callback_wakeon_lan() */ /*********************************************************************************************************************** * Function Name: callback_link_on * Description : * Arguments : channel - * Ethernet channel number * Return Value : none ***********************************************************************************************************************/ static void callback_link_on(uint32_t channel) { if (ETHER_CHANNEL_MAX > channel) { link_detect[channel] = ETHER_FLAG_ON_LINK_ON; /* Please add necessary processing when becoming Link up. */ } } /* End of function callback_link_on() */ /*********************************************************************************************************************** * Function Name: callback_link_off * Description : * Arguments : channel - * Ethernet channel number * Return Value : none ***********************************************************************************************************************/ static void callback_link_off(uint32_t channel) { if (ETHER_CHANNEL_MAX > channel) { link_detect[channel] = ETHER_FLAG_ON_LINK_OFF; /* Please add necessary processing when becoming Link down. */ } } /* End of function ether_cb_link_off() */ /* End of File */