/* * FreeRTOS Kernel V10.2.0 * Copyright (C) 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * http://www.FreeRTOS.org * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos * * 1 tab == 4 spaces! */ .text /* Variables and functions. */ .extern ullMaxAPIPriorityMask .extern pxCurrentTCB .extern vTaskSwitchContext .extern vApplicationIRQHandler .extern ullPortInterruptNesting .extern ullPortTaskHasFPUContext .extern ullCriticalNesting .extern ullPortYieldRequired .extern ullICCEOIR .extern ullICCIAR .extern _freertos_vector_table .global FreeRTOS_IRQ_Handler .global FreeRTOS_SWI_Handler .global vPortRestoreTaskContext .macro portSAVE_CONTEXT /* Switch to use the EL0 stack pointer. */ MSR SPSEL, #0 /* Save the entire context. */ STP X0, X1, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X2, X3, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X4, X5, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X6, X7, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X8, X9, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X10, X11, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X12, X13, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X14, X15, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X16, X17, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X18, X19, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X20, X21, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X22, X23, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X24, X25, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X26, X27, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X28, X29, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X30, XZR, [SP, #-0x10]! /* Save the SPSR. */ #if defined( GUEST ) MRS X3, SPSR_EL1 MRS X2, ELR_EL1 #else MRS X3, SPSR_EL3 /* Save the ELR. */ MRS X2, ELR_EL3 #endif STP X2, X3, [SP, #-0x10]! /* Save the critical section nesting depth. */ LDR X0, ullCriticalNestingConst LDR X3, [X0] /* Save the FPU context indicator. */ LDR X0, ullPortTaskHasFPUContextConst LDR X2, [X0] /* Save the FPU context, if any (32 128-bit registers). */ CMP X2, #0 B.EQ 1f STP Q0, Q1, [SP,#-0x20]! STP Q2, Q3, [SP,#-0x20]! STP Q4, Q5, [SP,#-0x20]! STP Q6, Q7, [SP,#-0x20]! STP Q8, Q9, [SP,#-0x20]! STP Q10, Q11, [SP,#-0x20]! STP Q12, Q13, [SP,#-0x20]! STP Q14, Q15, [SP,#-0x20]! STP Q16, Q17, [SP,#-0x20]! STP Q18, Q19, [SP,#-0x20]! STP Q20, Q21, [SP,#-0x20]! STP Q22, Q23, [SP,#-0x20]! STP Q24, Q25, [SP,#-0x20]! STP Q26, Q27, [SP,#-0x20]! STP Q28, Q29, [SP,#-0x20]! STP Q30, Q31, [SP,#-0x20]! 1: /* Store the critical nesting count and FPU context indicator. */ STP X2, X3, [SP, #-0x10]! LDR X0, pxCurrentTCBConst LDR X1, [X0] MOV X0, SP /* Move SP into X0 for saving. */ STR X0, [X1] /* Switch to use the ELx stack pointer. */ MSR SPSEL, #1 .endm ; /**********************************************************************/ .macro portRESTORE_CONTEXT /* Switch to use the EL0 stack pointer. */ MSR SPSEL, #0 /* Set the SP to point to the stack of the task being restored. */ LDR X0, pxCurrentTCBConst LDR X1, [X0] LDR X0, [X1] MOV SP, X0 LDP X2, X3, [SP], #0x10 /* Critical nesting and FPU context. */ /* Set the PMR register to be correct for the current critical nesting depth. */ LDR X0, ullCriticalNestingConst /* X0 holds the address of ullCriticalNesting. */ MOV X1, #255 /* X1 holds the unmask value. */ LDR X4, ullICCPMRConst /* X4 holds the address of the ICCPMR constant. */ CMP X3, #0 LDR X5, [X4] /* X5 holds the address of the ICCPMR register. */ B.EQ 1f LDR X6, ullMaxAPIPriorityMaskConst LDR X1, [X6] /* X1 holds the mask value. */ 1: STR W1, [X5] /* Write the mask value to ICCPMR. */ DSB SY /* _RB_Barriers probably not required here. */ ISB SY STR X3, [X0] /* Restore the task's critical nesting count. */ /* Restore the FPU context indicator. */ LDR X0, ullPortTaskHasFPUContextConst STR X2, [X0] /* Restore the FPU context, if any. */ CMP X2, #0 B.EQ 1f LDP Q30, Q31, [SP], #0x20 LDP Q28, Q29, [SP], #0x20 LDP Q26, Q27, [SP], #0x20 LDP Q24, Q25, [SP], #0x20 LDP Q22, Q23, [SP], #0x20 LDP Q20, Q21, [SP], #0x20 LDP Q18, Q19, [SP], #0x20 LDP Q16, Q17, [SP], #0x20 LDP Q14, Q15, [SP], #0x20 LDP Q12, Q13, [SP], #0x20 LDP Q10, Q11, [SP], #0x20 LDP Q8, Q9, [SP], #0x20 LDP Q6, Q7, [SP], #0x20 LDP Q4, Q5, [SP], #0x20 LDP Q2, Q3, [SP], #0x20 LDP Q0, Q1, [SP], #0x20 1: LDP X2, X3, [SP], #0x10 /* SPSR and ELR. */ #if defined( GUEST ) /* Restore the SPSR. */ MSR SPSR_EL1, X3 /* Restore the ELR. */ MSR ELR_EL1, X2 #else /* Restore the SPSR. */ MSR SPSR_EL3, X3 /*_RB_ Assumes started in EL3. */ /* Restore the ELR. */ MSR ELR_EL3, X2 #endif LDP X30, XZR, [SP], #0x10 LDP X28, X29, [SP], #0x10 LDP X26, X27, [SP], #0x10 LDP X24, X25, [SP], #0x10 LDP X22, X23, [SP], #0x10 LDP X20, X21, [SP], #0x10 LDP X18, X19, [SP], #0x10 LDP X16, X17, [SP], #0x10 LDP X14, X15, [SP], #0x10 LDP X12, X13, [SP], #0x10 LDP X10, X11, [SP], #0x10 LDP X8, X9, [SP], #0x10 LDP X6, X7, [SP], #0x10 LDP X4, X5, [SP], #0x10 LDP X2, X3, [SP], #0x10 LDP X0, X1, [SP], #0x10 /* Switch to use the ELx stack pointer. _RB_ Might not be required. */ MSR SPSEL, #1 ERET .endm /****************************************************************************** * FreeRTOS_SWI_Handler handler is used to perform a context switch. *****************************************************************************/ .align 8 .type FreeRTOS_SWI_Handler, %function FreeRTOS_SWI_Handler: /* Save the context of the current task and select a new task to run. */ portSAVE_CONTEXT #if defined( GUEST ) MRS X0, ESR_EL1 #else MRS X0, ESR_EL3 #endif LSR X1, X0, #26 #if defined( GUEST ) CMP X1, #0x15 /* 0x15 = SVC instruction. */ #else CMP X1, #0x17 /* 0x17 = SMC instruction. */ #endif B.NE FreeRTOS_Abort BL vTaskSwitchContext portRESTORE_CONTEXT FreeRTOS_Abort: /* Full ESR is in X0, exception class code is in X1. */ B . /****************************************************************************** * vPortRestoreTaskContext is used to start the scheduler. *****************************************************************************/ .align 8 .type vPortRestoreTaskContext, %function vPortRestoreTaskContext: .set freertos_vector_base, _freertos_vector_table /* Install the FreeRTOS interrupt handlers. */ LDR X1, =freertos_vector_base #if defined( GUEST ) MSR VBAR_EL1, X1 #else MSR VBAR_EL3, X1 #endif DSB SY ISB SY /* Start the first task. */ portRESTORE_CONTEXT /****************************************************************************** * FreeRTOS_IRQ_Handler handles IRQ entry and exit. *****************************************************************************/ .align 8 .type FreeRTOS_IRQ_Handler, %function FreeRTOS_IRQ_Handler: /* Save volatile registers. */ STP X0, X1, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X2, X3, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X4, X5, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X6, X7, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X8, X9, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X10, X11, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X12, X13, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X14, X15, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X16, X17, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X18, X19, [SP, #-0x10]! STP X29, X30, [SP, #-0x10]! /* Save the SPSR and ELR. */ #if defined( GUEST ) MRS X3, SPSR_EL1 MRS X2, ELR_EL1 #else MRS X3, SPSR_EL3 MRS X2, ELR_EL3 #endif STP X2, X3, [SP, #-0x10]! /* Increment the interrupt nesting counter. */ LDR X5, ullPortInterruptNestingConst LDR X1, [X5] /* Old nesting count in X1. */ ADD X6, X1, #1 STR X6, [X5] /* Address of nesting count variable in X5. */ /* Maintain the interrupt nesting information across the function call. */ STP X1, X5, [SP, #-0x10]! /* Read value from the interrupt acknowledge register, which is stored in W0 for future parameter and interrupt clearing use. */ LDR X2, ullICCIARConst LDR X3, [X2] LDR W0, [X3] /* ICCIAR in W0 as parameter. */ /* Maintain the ICCIAR value across the function call. */ STP X0, X1, [SP, #-0x10]! /* Call the C handler. */ BL vApplicationIRQHandler /* Disable interrupts. */ MSR DAIFSET, #2 DSB SY ISB SY /* Restore the ICCIAR value. */ LDP X0, X1, [SP], #0x10 /* End IRQ processing by writing ICCIAR to the EOI register. */ LDR X4, ullICCEOIRConst LDR X4, [X4] STR W0, [X4] /* Restore the critical nesting count. */ LDP X1, X5, [SP], #0x10 STR X1, [X5] /* Has interrupt nesting unwound? */ CMP X1, #0 B.NE Exit_IRQ_No_Context_Switch /* Is a context switch required? */ LDR X0, ullPortYieldRequiredConst LDR X1, [X0] CMP X1, #0 B.EQ Exit_IRQ_No_Context_Switch /* Reset ullPortYieldRequired to 0. */ MOV X2, #0 STR X2, [X0] /* Restore volatile registers. */ LDP X4, X5, [SP], #0x10 /* SPSR and ELR. */ #if defined( GUEST ) MSR SPSR_EL1, X5 MSR ELR_EL1, X4 #else MSR SPSR_EL3, X5 /*_RB_ Assumes started in EL3. */ MSR ELR_EL3, X4 #endif DSB SY ISB SY LDP X29, X30, [SP], #0x10 LDP X18, X19, [SP], #0x10 LDP X16, X17, [SP], #0x10 LDP X14, X15, [SP], #0x10 LDP X12, X13, [SP], #0x10 LDP X10, X11, [SP], #0x10 LDP X8, X9, [SP], #0x10 LDP X6, X7, [SP], #0x10 LDP X4, X5, [SP], #0x10 LDP X2, X3, [SP], #0x10 LDP X0, X1, [SP], #0x10 /* Save the context of the current task and select a new task to run. */ portSAVE_CONTEXT BL vTaskSwitchContext portRESTORE_CONTEXT Exit_IRQ_No_Context_Switch: /* Restore volatile registers. */ LDP X4, X5, [SP], #0x10 /* SPSR and ELR. */ #if defined( GUEST ) MSR SPSR_EL1, X5 MSR ELR_EL1, X4 #else MSR SPSR_EL3, X5 /*_RB_ Assumes started in EL3. */ MSR ELR_EL3, X4 #endif DSB SY ISB SY LDP X29, X30, [SP], #0x10 LDP X18, X19, [SP], #0x10 LDP X16, X17, [SP], #0x10 LDP X14, X15, [SP], #0x10 LDP X12, X13, [SP], #0x10 LDP X10, X11, [SP], #0x10 LDP X8, X9, [SP], #0x10 LDP X6, X7, [SP], #0x10 LDP X4, X5, [SP], #0x10 LDP X2, X3, [SP], #0x10 LDP X0, X1, [SP], #0x10 ERET .align 8 pxCurrentTCBConst: .dword pxCurrentTCB ullCriticalNestingConst: .dword ullCriticalNesting ullPortTaskHasFPUContextConst: .dword ullPortTaskHasFPUContext ullICCPMRConst: .dword ullICCPMR ullMaxAPIPriorityMaskConst: .dword ullMaxAPIPriorityMask vApplicationIRQHandlerConst: .word vApplicationIRQHandler ullPortInterruptNestingConst: .dword ullPortInterruptNesting ullPortYieldRequiredConst: .dword ullPortYieldRequired ullICCIARConst: .dword ullICCIAR ullICCEOIRConst: .dword ullICCEOIR .end