/* * FreeRTOS Kernel V10.2.0 * Copyright (C) 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * http://www.FreeRTOS.org * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos * * 1 tab == 4 spaces! */ #include #include #include "FreeRTOSConfig.h" #include "ISR_Support.h" .extern pxCurrentTCB .extern vTaskSwitchContext .extern vPortIncrementTick .extern xISRStackTop .extern ulTaskHasFPUContext .global vPortStartFirstTask .global vPortYieldISR .global vPortTickInterruptHandler .global vPortInitialiseFPSCR /******************************************************************/ .set nomips16 .set nomicromips .set noreorder .set noat /*************************************************************** * The following is needed to locate the * vPortTickInterruptHandler function into the correct vector ***************************************************************/ #ifdef configTICK_INTERRUPT_VECTOR #if (configTICK_INTERRUPT_VECTOR == _CORE_TIMER_VECTOR) .equ __vector_dispatch_0, vPortTickInterruptHandler .global __vector_dispatch_0 .section .vector_0, code, keep #elif (configTICK_INTERRUPT_VECTOR == _TIMER_1_VECTOR) .equ __vector_dispatch_4, vPortTickInterruptHandler .global __vector_dispatch_4 .section .vector_4, code, keep #elif (configTICK_INTERRUPT_VECTOR == _TIMER_2_VECTOR) .equ __vector_dispatch_9, vPortTickInterruptHandler .global __vector_dispatch_9 .section .vector_9, code, keep #elif (configTICK_INTERRUPT_VECTOR == _TIMER_3_VECTOR) .equ __vector_dispatch_14, vPortTickInterruptHandler .global __vector_dispatch_14 .section .vector_14, code, keep #elif (configTICK_INTERRUPT_VECTOR == _TIMER_4_VECTOR) .equ __vector_dispatch_19, vPortTickInterruptHandler .global __vector_dispatch_19 .section .vector_19, code, keep #elif (configTICK_INTERRUPT_VECTOR == _TIMER_5_VECTOR) .equ __vector_dispatch_24, vPortTickInterruptHandler .global __vector_dispatch_24 .section .vector_24, code, keep #elif (configTICK_INTERRUPT_VECTOR == _TIMER_6_VECTOR) .equ __vector_dispatch_28, vPortTickInterruptHandler .global __vector_dispatch_28 .section .vector_28, code, keep #elif (configTICK_INTERRUPT_VECTOR == _TIMER_7_VECTOR) .equ __vector_dispatch_32, vPortTickInterruptHandler .global __vector_dispatch_32 .section .vector_32, code, keep #elif (configTICK_INTERRUPT_VECTOR == _TIMER_8_VECTOR) .equ __vector_dispatch_36, vPortTickInterruptHandler .global __vector_dispatch_36 .section .vector_36, code, keep #elif (configTICK_INTERRUPT_VECTOR == _TIMER_9_VECTOR) .equ __vector_dispatch_40, vPortTickInterruptHandler .global __vector_dispatch_40 .section .vector_40, code, keep #endif #else .equ __vector_dispatch_4, vPortTickInterruptHandler .global __vector_dispatch_4 .section .vector_4, code, keep #endif .ent vPortTickInterruptHandler vPortTickInterruptHandler: portSAVE_CONTEXT jal vPortIncrementTick nop portRESTORE_CONTEXT .end vPortTickInterruptHandler /******************************************************************/ .set noreorder .set noat .section .text, code .ent vPortStartFirstTask vPortStartFirstTask: /* Simply restore the context of the highest priority task that has been created so far. */ portRESTORE_CONTEXT .end vPortStartFirstTask /*******************************************************************/ .set nomips16 .set nomicromips .set noreorder .set noat /*************************************************************** * The following is needed to locate the vPortYieldISR function * into the correct vector ***************************************************************/ .equ __vector_dispatch_1, vPortYieldISR .global __vector_dispatch_1 .section .vector_1, code .ent vPortYieldISR vPortYieldISR: #if ( __mips_hard_float == 1 ) && ( configUSE_TASK_FPU_SUPPORT == 1 ) /* Code sequence for FPU support, the context save requires advance knowledge of the stack frame size and if the current task actually uses the FPU. */ /* Make room for the context. First save the current status so it can be manipulated, and the cause and EPC registers so their original values are captured. */ la k0, ulTaskHasFPUContext lw k0, 0(k0) beq k0, zero, 1f addiu sp, sp, -portCONTEXT_SIZE /* always reserve space for the context. */ addiu sp, sp, -portFPU_CONTEXT_SIZE /* reserve additional space for the FPU context. */ 1: mfc0 k1, _CP0_STATUS /* Also save s6 and s5 so they can be used. Any nesting interrupts should maintain the values of these registers across the ISR. */ sw s6, 44(sp) sw s5, 40(sp) sw k1, portSTATUS_STACK_LOCATION(sp) sw k0, portTASK_HAS_FPU_STACK_LOCATION(sp) /* Prepare to re-enabled interrupts above the kernel priority. */ ins k1, zero, 10, 7 /* Clear IPL bits 0:6. */ ins k1, zero, 18, 1 /* Clear IPL bit 7. It would be an error here if this bit were set anyway. */ ori k1, k1, ( configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << 10 ) ins k1, zero, 1, 4 /* Clear EXL, ERL and UM. */ /* s5 is used as the frame pointer. */ add s5, zero, sp /* Swap to the system stack. This is not conditional on the nesting count as this interrupt is always the lowest priority and therefore the nesting is always 0. */ la sp, xISRStackTop lw sp, (sp) /* Set the nesting count. */ la k0, uxInterruptNesting addiu s6, zero, 1 sw s6, 0(k0) /* s6 holds the EPC value, this is saved with the rest of the context after interrupts are enabled. */ mfc0 s6, _CP0_EPC /* Re-enable interrupts above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY. */ mtc0 k1, _CP0_STATUS /* Save the context into the space just created. s6 is saved again here as it now contains the EPC value. */ sw ra, 120(s5) sw s8, 116(s5) sw t9, 112(s5) sw t8, 108(s5) sw t7, 104(s5) sw t6, 100(s5) sw t5, 96(s5) sw t4, 92(s5) sw t3, 88(s5) sw t2, 84(s5) sw t1, 80(s5) sw t0, 76(s5) sw a3, 72(s5) sw a2, 68(s5) sw a1, 64(s5) sw a0, 60(s5) sw v1, 56(s5) sw v0, 52(s5) sw s7, 48(s5) sw s6, portEPC_STACK_LOCATION(s5) /* s5 and s6 has already been saved. */ sw s4, 36(s5) sw s3, 32(s5) sw s2, 28(s5) sw s1, 24(s5) sw s0, 20(s5) sw $1, 16(s5) /* s7 is used as a scratch register as this should always be saved across nesting interrupts. */ /* Save the AC0, AC1, AC2 and AC3. */ mfhi s7, $ac1 sw s7, 128(s5) mflo s7, $ac1 sw s7, 124(s5) mfhi s7, $ac2 sw s7, 136(s5) mflo s7, $ac2 sw s7, 132(s5) mfhi s7, $ac3 sw s7, 144(s5) mflo s7, $ac3 sw s7, 140(s5) rddsp s7 sw s7, 148(s5) mfhi s7, $ac0 sw s7, 12(s5) mflo s7, $ac0 sw s7, 8(s5) /* Test if FPU context save is required. */ lw s7, portTASK_HAS_FPU_STACK_LOCATION(s5) beq s7, zero, 1f nop /* Save the FPU registers above the normal context. */ portSAVE_FPU_REGS (portCONTEXT_SIZE + 8), s5 /* Save the FPU status register */ cfc1 s7, $f31 sw s7, ( portCONTEXT_SIZE + portFPCSR_STACK_LOCATION )(s5) 1: /* Save the stack pointer to the task. */ la s7, pxCurrentTCB lw s7, (s7) sw s5, (s7) /* Set the interrupt mask to the max priority that can use the API. The yield handler will only be called at configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY which is below configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY - so this can only ever raise the IPL value and never lower it. */ di ehb mfc0 s7, _CP0_STATUS ins s7, zero, 10, 7 ins s7, zero, 18, 1 ori s6, s7, ( configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << 10 ) | 1 /* This mtc0 re-enables interrupts, but only above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY. */ mtc0 s6, _CP0_STATUS ehb /* Clear the software interrupt in the core. */ mfc0 s6, _CP0_CAUSE ins s6, zero, 8, 1 mtc0 s6, _CP0_CAUSE ehb /* Clear the interrupt in the interrupt controller. */ la s6, IFS0CLR addiu s4, zero, 2 sw s4, (s6) jal vTaskSwitchContext nop /* Clear the interrupt mask again. The saved status value is still in s7. */ mtc0 s7, _CP0_STATUS ehb /* Restore the stack pointer from the TCB. */ la s0, pxCurrentTCB lw s0, (s0) lw s5, (s0) /* Test if the FPU context needs restoring. */ lw s0, portTASK_HAS_FPU_STACK_LOCATION(s5) beq s0, zero, 1f nop /* Restore the FPU status register. */ lw s0, ( portCONTEXT_SIZE + portFPCSR_STACK_LOCATION )(s5) ctc1 s0, $f31 /* Restore the FPU registers. */ portLOAD_FPU_REGS ( portCONTEXT_SIZE + 8 ), s5 1: /* Restore the rest of the context. */ lw s0, 128(s5) mthi s0, $ac1 lw s0, 124(s5) mtlo s0, $ac1 lw s0, 136(s5) mthi s0, $ac2 lw s0, 132(s5) mtlo s0, $ac2 lw s0, 144(s5) mthi s0, $ac3 lw s0, 140(s5) mtlo s0, $ac3 lw s0, 148(s5) wrdsp s0 lw s0, 8(s5) mtlo s0, $ac0 lw s0, 12(s5) mthi s0, $ac0 lw $1, 16(s5) lw s0, 20(s5) lw s1, 24(s5) lw s2, 28(s5) lw s3, 32(s5) lw s4, 36(s5) /* s5 is loaded later. */ lw s6, 44(s5) lw s7, 48(s5) lw v0, 52(s5) lw v1, 56(s5) lw a0, 60(s5) lw a1, 64(s5) lw a2, 68(s5) lw a3, 72(s5) lw t0, 76(s5) lw t1, 80(s5) lw t2, 84(s5) lw t3, 88(s5) lw t4, 92(s5) lw t5, 96(s5) lw t6, 100(s5) lw t7, 104(s5) lw t8, 108(s5) lw t9, 112(s5) lw s8, 116(s5) lw ra, 120(s5) /* Protect access to the k registers, and others. */ di ehb /* Set nesting back to zero. As the lowest priority interrupt this interrupt cannot have nested. */ la k0, uxInterruptNesting sw zero, 0(k0) /* Switch back to use the real stack pointer. */ add sp, zero, s5 /* Restore the real s5 value. */ lw s5, 40(sp) /* Pop the FPU context value from the stack */ lw k0, portTASK_HAS_FPU_STACK_LOCATION(sp) la k1, ulTaskHasFPUContext sw k0, 0(k1) beq k0, zero, 1f nop /* task has FPU context so adjust the stack frame after popping the status and epc values. */ lw k1, portSTATUS_STACK_LOCATION(sp) lw k0, portEPC_STACK_LOCATION(sp) addiu sp, sp, portFPU_CONTEXT_SIZE beq zero, zero, 2f nop 1: /* Pop the status and epc values. */ lw k1, portSTATUS_STACK_LOCATION(sp) lw k0, portEPC_STACK_LOCATION(sp) 2: /* Remove stack frame. */ addiu sp, sp, portCONTEXT_SIZE #else /* Code sequence for no FPU support, the context save requires advance knowledge of the stack frame size when no FPU is being used */ /* Make room for the context. First save the current status so it can be manipulated, and the cause and EPC registers so thier original values are captured. */ addiu sp, sp, -portCONTEXT_SIZE mfc0 k1, _CP0_STATUS /* Also save s6 and s5 so they can be used. Any nesting interrupts should maintain the values of these registers across the ISR. */ sw s6, 44(sp) sw s5, 40(sp) sw k1, portSTATUS_STACK_LOCATION(sp) /* Prepare to re-enabled interrupts above the kernel priority. */ ins k1, zero, 10, 7 /* Clear IPL bits 0:6. */ ins k1, zero, 18, 1 /* Clear IPL bit 7. It would be an error here if this bit were set anyway. */ ori k1, k1, ( configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << 10 ) ins k1, zero, 1, 4 /* Clear EXL, ERL and UM. */ /* s5 is used as the frame pointer. */ add s5, zero, sp /* Swap to the system stack. This is not conditional on the nesting count as this interrupt is always the lowest priority and therefore the nesting is always 0. */ la sp, xISRStackTop lw sp, (sp) /* Set the nesting count. */ la k0, uxInterruptNesting addiu s6, zero, 1 sw s6, 0(k0) /* s6 holds the EPC value, this is saved with the rest of the context after interrupts are enabled. */ mfc0 s6, _CP0_EPC /* Re-enable interrupts above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY. */ mtc0 k1, _CP0_STATUS /* Save the context into the space just created. s6 is saved again here as it now contains the EPC value. */ sw ra, 120(s5) sw s8, 116(s5) sw t9, 112(s5) sw t8, 108(s5) sw t7, 104(s5) sw t6, 100(s5) sw t5, 96(s5) sw t4, 92(s5) sw t3, 88(s5) sw t2, 84(s5) sw t1, 80(s5) sw t0, 76(s5) sw a3, 72(s5) sw a2, 68(s5) sw a1, 64(s5) sw a0, 60(s5) sw v1, 56(s5) sw v0, 52(s5) sw s7, 48(s5) sw s6, portEPC_STACK_LOCATION(s5) /* s5 and s6 has already been saved. */ sw s4, 36(s5) sw s3, 32(s5) sw s2, 28(s5) sw s1, 24(s5) sw s0, 20(s5) sw $1, 16(s5) /* s7 is used as a scratch register as this should always be saved across nesting interrupts. */ /* Save the AC0, AC1, AC2 and AC3. */ mfhi s7, $ac1 sw s7, 128(s5) mflo s7, $ac1 sw s7, 124(s5) mfhi s7, $ac2 sw s7, 136(s5) mflo s7, $ac2 sw s7, 132(s5) mfhi s7, $ac3 sw s7, 144(s5) mflo s7, $ac3 sw s7, 140(s5) rddsp s7 sw s7, 148(s5) mfhi s7, $ac0 sw s7, 12(s5) mflo s7, $ac0 sw s7, 8(s5) /* Save the stack pointer to the task. */ la s7, pxCurrentTCB lw s7, (s7) sw s5, (s7) /* Set the interrupt mask to the max priority that can use the API. The yield handler will only be called at configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY which is below configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY - so this can only ever raise the IPL value and never lower it. */ di ehb mfc0 s7, _CP0_STATUS ins s7, zero, 10, 7 ins s7, zero, 18, 1 ori s6, s7, ( configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << 10 ) | 1 /* This mtc0 re-enables interrupts, but only above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY. */ mtc0 s6, _CP0_STATUS ehb /* Clear the software interrupt in the core. */ mfc0 s6, _CP0_CAUSE ins s6, zero, 8, 1 mtc0 s6, _CP0_CAUSE ehb /* Clear the interrupt in the interrupt controller. */ la s6, IFS0CLR addiu s4, zero, 2 sw s4, (s6) jal vTaskSwitchContext nop /* Clear the interrupt mask again. The saved status value is still in s7. */ mtc0 s7, _CP0_STATUS ehb /* Restore the stack pointer from the TCB. */ la s0, pxCurrentTCB lw s0, (s0) lw s5, (s0) /* Restore the rest of the context. */ lw s0, 128(s5) mthi s0, $ac1 lw s0, 124(s5) mtlo s0, $ac1 lw s0, 136(s5) mthi s0, $ac2 lw s0, 132(s5) mtlo s0, $ac2 lw s0, 144(s5) mthi s0, $ac3 lw s0, 140(s5) mtlo s0, $ac3 lw s0, 148(s5) wrdsp s0 lw s0, 8(s5) mtlo s0, $ac0 lw s0, 12(s5) mthi s0, $ac0 lw $1, 16(s5) lw s0, 20(s5) lw s1, 24(s5) lw s2, 28(s5) lw s3, 32(s5) lw s4, 36(s5) /* s5 is loaded later. */ lw s6, 44(s5) lw s7, 48(s5) lw v0, 52(s5) lw v1, 56(s5) lw a0, 60(s5) lw a1, 64(s5) lw a2, 68(s5) lw a3, 72(s5) lw t0, 76(s5) lw t1, 80(s5) lw t2, 84(s5) lw t3, 88(s5) lw t4, 92(s5) lw t5, 96(s5) lw t6, 100(s5) lw t7, 104(s5) lw t8, 108(s5) lw t9, 112(s5) lw s8, 116(s5) lw ra, 120(s5) /* Protect access to the k registers, and others. */ di ehb /* Set nesting back to zero. As the lowest priority interrupt this interrupt cannot have nested. */ la k0, uxInterruptNesting sw zero, 0(k0) /* Switch back to use the real stack pointer. */ add sp, zero, s5 /* Restore the real s5 value. */ lw s5, 40(sp) /* Pop the status and epc values. */ lw k1, portSTATUS_STACK_LOCATION(sp) lw k0, portEPC_STACK_LOCATION(sp) /* Remove stack frame. */ addiu sp, sp, portCONTEXT_SIZE #endif /* ( __mips_hard_float == 1 ) && ( configUSE_TASK_FPU_SUPPORT == 1 ) */ /* Restore the status and EPC registers and return */ mtc0 k1, _CP0_STATUS mtc0 k0, _CP0_EPC ehb eret nop .end vPortYieldISR /******************************************************************/ #if ( __mips_hard_float == 1 ) && ( configUSE_TASK_FPU_SUPPORT == 1 ) .macro portFPUSetAndInc reg, dest mtc1 \reg, \dest cvt.d.w \dest, \dest addiu \reg, \reg, 1 .endm .set noreorder .set noat .section .text, code .ent vPortInitialiseFPSCR vPortInitialiseFPSCR: /* Initialize the floating point status register in CP1. The initial value is passed in a0. */ ctc1 a0, $f31 /* Clear the FPU registers */ addiu a0, zero, 0x0000 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f0 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f1 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f2 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f3 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f4 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f5 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f6 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f7 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f8 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f9 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f10 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f11 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f12 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f13 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f14 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f15 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f16 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f17 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f18 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f19 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f20 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f21 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f22 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f23 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f24 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f25 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f26 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f27 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f28 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f29 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f30 portFPUSetAndInc a0, $f31 jr ra nop .end vPortInitialiseFPSCR #endif /* ( __mips_hard_float == 1 ) && ( configUSE_TASK_FPU_SUPPORT == 1 ) */ #if ( __mips_hard_float == 1 ) && ( configUSE_TASK_FPU_SUPPORT == 1 ) /**********************************************************************/ /* Test read back */ /* a0 = address to store registers */ .set noreorder .set noat .section .text, code .ent vPortFPUReadback .global vPortFPUReadback vPortFPUReadback: sdc1 $f0, 0(a0) sdc1 $f1, 8(a0) sdc1 $f2, 16(a0) sdc1 $f3, 24(a0) sdc1 $f4, 32(a0) sdc1 $f5, 40(a0) sdc1 $f6, 48(a0) sdc1 $f7, 56(a0) sdc1 $f8, 64(a0) sdc1 $f9, 72(a0) sdc1 $f10, 80(a0) sdc1 $f11, 88(a0) sdc1 $f12, 96(a0) sdc1 $f13, 104(a0) sdc1 $f14, 112(a0) sdc1 $f15, 120(a0) sdc1 $f16, 128(a0) sdc1 $f17, 136(a0) sdc1 $f18, 144(a0) sdc1 $f19, 152(a0) sdc1 $f20, 160(a0) sdc1 $f21, 168(a0) sdc1 $f22, 176(a0) sdc1 $f23, 184(a0) sdc1 $f24, 192(a0) sdc1 $f25, 200(a0) sdc1 $f26, 208(a0) sdc1 $f27, 216(a0) sdc1 $f28, 224(a0) sdc1 $f29, 232(a0) sdc1 $f30, 240(a0) sdc1 $f31, 248(a0) jr ra nop .end vPortFPUReadback #endif /* ( __mips_hard_float == 1 ) && ( configUSE_TASK_FPU_SUPPORT == 1 ) */