/* * Amazon FreeRTOS Greengrass Discovery V1.0.3 * Copyright (C) 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos * http://www.FreeRTOS.org */ /** * @file aws_greengrass_discovery.c * @brief API for Green grass Discovery. Provides API to Fetch and parse the * JSON file that contains the greenGrass code info. */ /* FreeRTOS includes. */ #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "queue.h" #include "semphr.h" /* Secure sockets includes. */ #include "aws_secure_sockets.h" /* Greengrass includes. */ #include "aws_ggd_config.h" #include "aws_ggd_config_defaults.h" #include "aws_greengrass_discovery.h" #include "aws_helper_secure_connect.h" #include "jsmn.h" /* Standard includes. */ #include #include #include /** * @brief Discovery: Strings for JSON file parsing. * * Below are JSON file sections used by the parsing tool to recover * the certificate and IP address. */ /** @{ */ #define ggdJSON_FILE_GROUPID "GGGroupId" #define ggdJSON_FILE_THING_ARN "thingArn" #define ggdJSON_FILE_HOST_ADDRESS "HostAddress" #define ggdJSON_FILE_CERTIFICATE "CAs" #define ggdJSON_FILE_PORT_NUMBER "PortNumber" /** @} */ /** * @brief HTTP command to retrieve JSON file from the Cloud. */ #define ggdCLOUD_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS \ "GET /greengrass/discover/thing/%s" \ " HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" #define ggJSON_CONVERTION_RADIX 10 /** * @brief HTTP field to get the length of the JSON file. * * The server respond with the JSON file encapsulated in * a HTTP header. The header is parsed bytes per bytes until * "content-length:" is found. then the length string is stored * into a temporary buffer of the ggJSON_PARSING_TMP_BUFFER_SIZE * size. Then a string to int conversion is performed to get the size * of the JSON file. */ /** @{ */ #define ggdHTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH_STRING "content-length:" #define ggJSON_PARSING_TMP_BUFFER_SIZE 10 /** @} */ /** * @brief Size of the IP address character string * * IP address is 15 character + the null termination. */ #define ggdJSON_IP_ADDRESS_SIZE 16 /** * @brief Loop back IP * * Discarded when Parsing JSON file as potential IP to connect to. */ #define ggdLOOP_BACK_IP "" /** * @brief JSON parsing helper functions. * * The functions declared below are used to make parsing of JSON file a bit easier. * The code is broken down into tiny functions to limit code complexity and limit * duplicate code between auto connect and custom connect. */ /** @{ */ static BaseType_t prvGGDJsoneq( const char * pcJson, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const jsmntok_t * const pxTok, const char * pcString ); /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ static void prvCheckMatch( const char * pcJSONFile, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const jsmntok_t * pxTok, const uint32_t ulTokenIndex, BaseType_t * pxMatch, const char * pcMatchCategory, /*lint !e971 can use char without signuint32_t ulNbTokensed/unsigned. */ const char * pcMatchString, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const BaseType_t xAutoSelectFlag ); static BaseType_t prvGGDGetCertificate( char * pcJSONFile, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const HostParameters_t * pxHostParameters, const BaseType_t xAutoSelectFlag, const jsmntok_t * pxTok, const uint32_t ulNbTokens, GGD_HostAddressData_t * pxHostAddressData ); static BaseType_t prvGGDGetIPOnInterface( char * pcJSONFile, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const uint8_t ucTargetInterface, const jsmntok_t * pxTok, const uint32_t ulNbTokens, GGD_HostAddressData_t * pxHostAddressData, uint32_t * pulTokenIndex, uint8_t * pucCurrentInterface ); static BaseType_t prvGGDGetCore( const char * pcJSONFile, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const HostParameters_t * const pxHostParameters, const BaseType_t xAutoSelectFlag, const jsmntok_t * pxTok, const uint32_t ulNbTokens, uint32_t * pulTokenIndex ); static BaseType_t prvIsIPvalid( const char * pcIP, uint32_t ulIPlength ); /** @} */ /** * @brief Search for length field in server HTTP response * * Small helper function that return true when the * length field is found in the html header. */ static BaseType_t prvCheckForContentLengthString( uint8_t * pucIndex, const char cNewChar ); /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ BaseType_t GGD_GetGGCIPandCertificate( char * pcBuffer, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const uint32_t ulBufferSize, GGD_HostAddressData_t * pxHostAddressData ) { Socket_t xSocket; uint32_t ulJSONFileSize = 0; BaseType_t xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted = pdFALSE; uint32_t ulByteRead = 0; BaseType_t xStatus; configASSERT( pxHostAddressData != NULL ); configASSERT( pcBuffer != NULL ); xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestStart( &xSocket ); if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetSize( &xSocket, &ulJSONFileSize ); } if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { /* Loop until the full JSON is retrieved. */ do { xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetFile( &xSocket, &pcBuffer[ ulByteRead ], ulBufferSize - ulByteRead, &ulByteRead, &xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted, ulJSONFileSize ); /*lint !e644 ulJSONFileSize has been initialized if code reaches here. */ } while( ( xStatus == pdPASS ) && ( xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted != pdTRUE ) && ( ulBufferSize - ulByteRead ) > 0 ); /* If the JSON file was not completely received and there * is no space left in the buffer, it means that the buffer * is not large enough to hold the complete GreenGrass * Discovery document. The user should increase the size of * the buffer. */ if( ( xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted == pdFALSE ) && ( ( ulBufferSize - ulByteRead ) == 0 ) ) { ggdconfigPRINT( "[ERROR] The supplied buffer is not large enough to hold the GreenGrass discovery document. \r\n" ); ggdconfigPRINT( "[ERROR] Consider increasing the size of the supplied buffer. \r\n" ); } if( xSocket != SOCKETS_INVALID_SOCKET ) /* Check connection is closed. */ { GGD_JSONRequestAbort( &xSocket ); xStatus = pdFAIL; } if( xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted != pdTRUE ) { xStatus = pdFAIL; } } if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { xStatus = GGD_GetIPandCertificateFromJSON( pcBuffer, ulJSONFileSize, NULL, pxHostAddressData, pdTRUE ); } return xStatus; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ BaseType_t GGD_JSONRequestStart( Socket_t * pxSocket ) { GGD_HostAddressData_t xHostAddressData; char * pcHttpGetRequest = NULL; uint32_t ulHttpGetLength = 0; uint32_t ulCharsWritten = 0; BaseType_t xStatus; configASSERT( pxSocket != NULL ); xHostAddressData.pcHostAddress = clientcredentialMQTT_BROKER_ENDPOINT; /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ xHostAddressData.pcCertificate = NULL; /* Use default certificate. */ xHostAddressData.ulCertificateSize = 0; xHostAddressData.usPort = clientcredentialGREENGRASS_DISCOVERY_PORT; /* Establish secure connection. */ xStatus = GGD_SecureConnect_Connect( &xHostAddressData, pxSocket, ggdconfigTCP_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_MS, ggdconfigTCP_SEND_TIMEOUT_MS ); if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { /* Build the HTTP GET request string that is specific to this host. */ ulHttpGetLength = 1 + strlen( ggdCLOUD_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS ) + strlen( clientcredentialIOT_THING_NAME ); pcHttpGetRequest = pvPortMalloc( ulHttpGetLength ); if( NULL == pcHttpGetRequest ) { xStatus = pdFAIL; } else { ulCharsWritten = snprintf( pcHttpGetRequest, ulHttpGetLength, ggdCLOUD_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS, clientcredentialIOT_THING_NAME ); if( ulCharsWritten >= ulHttpGetLength ) { xStatus = pdFAIL; } else { pcHttpGetRequest[ ulHttpGetLength - 1 ] = '\0'; /* Send HTTP request over secure connection (HTTPS) to get the GGC JSON file. */ xStatus = GGD_SecureConnect_Send( pcHttpGetRequest, ulCharsWritten, *pxSocket ); if( xStatus == pdFAIL ) { /* Don't forget to close the connection. */ GGD_SecureConnect_Disconnect( pxSocket ); ggdconfigPRINT( "JSON request failed\r\n" ); } } } } else { ggdconfigPRINT( "JSON request could not connect to end point\r\n" ); } if( NULL != pcHttpGetRequest ) { vPortFree( pcHttpGetRequest ); } return xStatus; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ BaseType_t GGD_JSONRequestGetSize( Socket_t * pxSocket, uint32_t * pulJSONFileSize ) { BaseType_t xStatus = pdFAIL; BaseType_t xReadStatus = pdFAIL; char cBuffer[ ggJSON_PARSING_TMP_BUFFER_SIZE ]; /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ char cReadChar; /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ uint32_t ulReadSize; uint8_t ucContentLengthIndex = 0; uint8_t ucLengthStrIndex; /****** Parse the header until the begining of the content length string is found. *****/ configASSERT( pxSocket != NULL ); configASSERT( pulJSONFileSize != NULL ); memset( cBuffer, 0, sizeof( cBuffer ) ); do { xReadStatus = GGD_SecureConnect_Read( &cReadChar, ( uint32_t ) 1, *pxSocket, &ulReadSize ); /** Check if we have found the end of header. */ if( prvCheckForContentLengthString( &ucContentLengthIndex, cReadChar ) == pdTRUE ) { xStatus = pdPASS; break; } } while( ( xReadStatus == pdPASS ) && ( ulReadSize == ( uint32_t ) 1 ) ); if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { /****** Get JSON file Size. *****/ for( ucLengthStrIndex = ( uint8_t ) 0; ucLengthStrIndex < ( uint8_t ) ggJSON_PARSING_TMP_BUFFER_SIZE; ucLengthStrIndex++ ) { xReadStatus = GGD_SecureConnect_Read( &cBuffer[ ucLengthStrIndex ], ( uint32_t ) 1, *pxSocket, &ulReadSize ); if( ( xReadStatus == pdFAIL ) || ( ulReadSize != ( uint32_t ) 1 ) ) { ggdconfigPRINT( "JSON parsing could not get JSON file Size.\r\n" ); xStatus = pdFAIL; break; } } } if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { /* Add 1 because at the end of the JSON file the escape character '\0' will be added. */ *pulJSONFileSize = ( uint32_t ) strtoul( cBuffer, NULL, ggJSON_CONVERTION_RADIX ) + ( uint32_t ) 1; /*lint !e645 if code reaches here, cBuffer has been inialized. */ /****** Go to the end of the header *****/ xStatus = pdFAIL; do { xReadStatus = GGD_SecureConnect_Read( &cBuffer[ 3 ], ( uint32_t ) 1, *pxSocket, &ulReadSize ); /* Check if we have found the end of header. */ if( ( cBuffer[ 0 ] == '\r' ) && ( cBuffer[ 1 ] == '\n' ) && ( cBuffer[ 2 ] == '\r' ) && ( cBuffer[ 3 ] == '\n' ) ) { xStatus = pdPASS; break; } cBuffer[ 0 ] = cBuffer[ 1 ]; cBuffer[ 1 ] = cBuffer[ 2 ]; cBuffer[ 2 ] = cBuffer[ 3 ]; } while( ( xReadStatus == pdPASS ) && ( ulReadSize == ( uint32_t ) 1 ) ); } if( xStatus == pdFAIL ) { /* Don't forget to close the connection. */ GGD_SecureConnect_Disconnect( pxSocket ); ggdconfigPRINT( "JSON parsing failed\r\n" ); } return xStatus; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ BaseType_t GGD_JSONRequestGetFile( Socket_t * pxSocket, char * pcBuffer, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const uint32_t ulBufferSize, uint32_t * pulByteRead, BaseType_t * pxJSONFileRetrieveCompleted, const uint32_t pulJSONFileSize ) { BaseType_t xStatus; uint32_t ulDataSizeRead; configASSERT( pxSocket != NULL ); configASSERT( pulByteRead != NULL ); configASSERT( pxJSONFileRetrieveCompleted != NULL ); configASSERT( pcBuffer != NULL ); *pxJSONFileRetrieveCompleted = pdFALSE; xStatus = GGD_SecureConnect_Read( pcBuffer, ulBufferSize, *pxSocket, &ulDataSizeRead ); if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { *pulByteRead += ulDataSizeRead; /* We retrieved more than expected, this is failed. */ if( *pulByteRead > ( pulJSONFileSize - ( uint32_t ) 1 ) ) { ggdconfigPRINT( "JSON parsing - Received %ld, expected at most %ld \r\n", *pulByteRead, pulJSONFileSize - ( uint32_t ) 1 ); xStatus = pdFAIL; } } if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { /* We still have more to retrieve. */ if( *pulByteRead < ( pulJSONFileSize - ( uint32_t ) 1 ) ) { *pxJSONFileRetrieveCompleted = pdFALSE; } else { /* Add the escape character. */ pcBuffer[ pulJSONFileSize - ( uint32_t ) 1 ] = '\0'; *pxJSONFileRetrieveCompleted = pdTRUE; } } if( xStatus == pdFAIL ) { ggdconfigPRINT( "JSON parsing - JSON file retrieval failed\r\n" ); /* Don't forget to close the connection. */ GGD_SecureConnect_Disconnect( pxSocket ); } else { if( *pxJSONFileRetrieveCompleted == pdTRUE ) { GGD_SecureConnect_Disconnect( pxSocket ); } } return xStatus; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void GGD_JSONRequestAbort( Socket_t * pxSocket ) { configASSERT( pxSocket != NULL ); if( *pxSocket != SOCKETS_INVALID_SOCKET ) { GGD_SecureConnect_Disconnect( pxSocket ); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ BaseType_t GGD_GetIPandCertificateFromJSON( char * pcJSONFile, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const uint32_t ulJSONFileSize, const HostParameters_t * pxHostParameters, GGD_HostAddressData_t * pxHostAddressData, const BaseType_t xAutoSelectFlag ) { Socket_t xSocket; BaseType_t xStatus; jsmn_parser xParser; jsmntok_t pxTok[ ggdconfigJSON_MAX_TOKENS ]; int32_t lNbTokens; uint32_t ulTokenIndex = 0; uint8_t ucCurrentInterface = 0, ucTargetInterface = 1; BaseType_t xFoundGGC = pdFALSE; BaseType_t xIsIPValid; configASSERT( pcJSONFile != NULL ); configASSERT( pxHostAddressData != NULL ); if( xAutoSelectFlag == pdFALSE ) { configASSERT( pxHostParameters != NULL ); } jsmn_init( &xParser ); /* From jsmn, parse the JSON file. */ lNbTokens = ( int32_t ) jsmn_parse( &xParser, pcJSONFile, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ( size_t ) ulJSONFileSize, pxTok, ( unsigned int ) ggdconfigJSON_MAX_TOKENS ); /*lint !e961 redundant casting only when int = int32_t. */ /* Manage the case. */ if( lNbTokens < 0 ) { ggdconfigPRINT( "JSON parsing: Failed to parse JSON\r\n" ); xStatus = pdFAIL; } else { xStatus = pdPASS; } if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { /* Look for the green grass group certificate. */ if( prvGGDGetCertificate( pcJSONFile, pxHostParameters, xAutoSelectFlag, pxTok, ( uint32_t ) lNbTokens, /*lint !e644 lNbTokens has been initialized if code reaches here. */ pxHostAddressData ) == pdFAIL ) { ggdconfigPRINT( "JSON parsing: Couldn't find certificate\r\n" ); xStatus = pdFAIL; } } if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { /* Look for the green grass core, green grass core position is returned in ulTokenIndex. */ if( prvGGDGetCore( pcJSONFile, pxHostParameters, xAutoSelectFlag, pxTok, ( uint32_t ) lNbTokens, &ulTokenIndex ) == pdFAIL ) { ggdconfigPRINT( "JSON parsing: Couldn't find Green Grass Core\r\n" ); xStatus = pdFAIL; } } if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { /* If autoSelectFlag is set to true, the code below will try * to connect directly to the interface. * If autoSelectFlag is set to false, the code below will try * to connect to every interfaces. */ if( xAutoSelectFlag == pdFALSE ) { if( prvGGDGetIPOnInterface( pcJSONFile, pxHostParameters->ucInterface, pxTok, ( uint32_t ) lNbTokens, pxHostAddressData, &ulTokenIndex, &ucCurrentInterface ) == pdFAIL ) { ggdconfigPRINT( "GGC - Can't find interface\r\n" ); } else { xFoundGGC = pdTRUE; } } else { while( prvGGDGetIPOnInterface( pcJSONFile, ucTargetInterface, pxTok, ( uint32_t ) lNbTokens, pxHostAddressData, &ulTokenIndex, &ucCurrentInterface ) == pdPASS ) { xIsIPValid = prvIsIPvalid( ( const char * ) pxHostAddressData->pcHostAddress, strlen( pxHostAddressData->pcHostAddress ) ); if( xIsIPValid == pdTRUE ) { if( GGD_SecureConnect_Connect( pxHostAddressData, &xSocket, ggdconfigTCP_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_MS, ggdconfigTCP_SEND_TIMEOUT_MS ) == pdPASS ) { xFoundGGC = pdTRUE; /* Interface found, disconnect. */ GGD_SecureConnect_Disconnect( &xSocket ); break; } } ucTargetInterface++; } } if( xFoundGGC != pdTRUE ) { ggdconfigPRINT( "GGD - Can't connect to greengrass Core\r\n" ); xStatus = pdFAIL; } } return xStatus; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return true if the string " pcString" is found inside the token pxTok in JSON file pcJson. */ static BaseType_t prvGGDJsoneq( const char * pcJson, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const jsmntok_t * const pxTok, const char * pcString ) /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ { uint32_t ulStringSize = ( uint32_t ) pxTok->end - ( uint32_t ) pxTok->start; BaseType_t xStatus = pdFALSE; if( pxTok->type == JSMN_STRING ) { if( ( uint32_t ) strlen( pcString ) == ulStringSize ) { if( ( int16_t ) strncmp( &pcJson[ pxTok->start ], pcString, ulStringSize ) == 0 ) { xStatus = pdTRUE; } } } return xStatus; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvCheckMatch( const char * pcJSONFile, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const jsmntok_t * pxTok, const uint32_t ulTokenIndex, BaseType_t * pxMatch, const char * pcMatchCategory, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const char * pcMatchString, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const BaseType_t xAutoSelectFlag ) { *pxMatch = prvGGDJsoneq( pcJSONFile, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ &pxTok[ ulTokenIndex ], pcMatchCategory ); if( *pxMatch == pdTRUE ) { /* Is that the group we are looking for? */ if( xAutoSelectFlag != pdTRUE ) { if( ( prvGGDJsoneq( pcJSONFile, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ &pxTok[ ulTokenIndex + ( uint32_t ) 1 ], pcMatchString ) == pdTRUE ) ) { *pxMatch = pdTRUE; } else { *pxMatch = pdFALSE; } } else { *pxMatch = pdTRUE; } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static BaseType_t prvGGDGetCore( const char * pcJSONFile, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const HostParameters_t * const pxHostParameters, const BaseType_t xAutoSelectFlag, const jsmntok_t * pxTok, const uint32_t ulNbTokens, uint32_t * pulTokenIndex ) { BaseType_t xStatus = pdFAIL; BaseType_t xMatchGroup = pdFALSE; BaseType_t xMatchCore = pdFALSE; /* Look for the green grass core inside the group. */ for( *pulTokenIndex = 0; *pulTokenIndex < ulNbTokens; ( *pulTokenIndex )++ ) { /* Check if group matches. */ if( xAutoSelectFlag == pdTRUE ) { xMatchGroup = pdTRUE; xMatchCore = pdTRUE; } else { if( xMatchGroup != pdTRUE ) { prvCheckMatch( pcJSONFile, pxTok, *pulTokenIndex, &xMatchGroup, ggdJSON_FILE_GROUPID, pxHostParameters->pcGroupName, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ xAutoSelectFlag ); } else { /* Check if core matches. */ prvCheckMatch( pcJSONFile, pxTok, *pulTokenIndex, &xMatchCore, ggdJSON_FILE_THING_ARN, pxHostParameters->pcCoreAddress, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ xAutoSelectFlag ); } } /* We have a match! correct core and correct group! */ if( ( xMatchCore == pdTRUE ) && ( xMatchGroup == pdTRUE ) ) { /* We have found the Core, now break and try to connect to the interface. */ xStatus = pdPASS; break; } } /* Green grass core not found. */ return xStatus; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static BaseType_t prvGGDGetCertificate( char * pcJSONFile, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const HostParameters_t * pxHostParameters, const BaseType_t xAutoSelectFlag, const jsmntok_t * pxTok, const uint32_t ulNbTokens, GGD_HostAddressData_t * pxHostAddressData ) { BaseType_t xMatchGroup = pdFALSE; uint32_t ulTokenIndex; uint32_t ulReadIndex = 0, ulWriteIndex = 0; BaseType_t xStatus = pdFAIL; /* Loop over all keys of the root object. */ for( ulTokenIndex = 0; ulTokenIndex < ulNbTokens; ulTokenIndex++ ) { /* Check if group matches. */ if( xAutoSelectFlag == pdTRUE ) { xMatchGroup = pdTRUE; } if( xMatchGroup != pdTRUE ) { prvCheckMatch( pcJSONFile, pxTok, ulTokenIndex, &xMatchGroup, ggdJSON_FILE_GROUPID, pxHostParameters->pcGroupName, xAutoSelectFlag ); } else { if( prvGGDJsoneq( pcJSONFile, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ &pxTok[ ulTokenIndex ], ggdJSON_FILE_CERTIFICATE ) == pdTRUE ) { pxHostAddressData->pcCertificate = &pcJSONFile[ pxTok[ ulTokenIndex + ( uint32_t ) 1 ].start ]; /* Skip 2 brackets at the beginning that are not used in certificate. */ pxHostAddressData->pcCertificate = &pxHostAddressData->pcCertificate[ 2 ]; /* Remove 2 that correspond to the skipped brackets. */ pxHostAddressData->ulCertificateSize = ( ( uint32_t ) pxTok[ ulTokenIndex + ( uint32_t ) 1 ].end - ( uint32_t ) pxTok[ ulTokenIndex + ( uint32_t ) 1 ].start ) - ( uint32_t ) 2; ulWriteIndex = 0; /* This section will convert the certificate from the JSON file into a certificate that can be * given to the TLS service. For that all the \\ has to be replaced by \n. */ ulReadIndex = 1; do { if( ( pxHostAddressData->pcCertificate[ ulReadIndex - ( uint32_t ) 1 ] == '\\' ) && ( pxHostAddressData->pcCertificate[ ulReadIndex ] == 'n' ) ) { pxHostAddressData->pcCertificate[ ulWriteIndex ] = '\n'; ulReadIndex++; } else { pxHostAddressData->pcCertificate[ ulWriteIndex ] = pxHostAddressData->pcCertificate[ ulReadIndex - ( uint32_t ) 1 ]; } ulReadIndex++; ulWriteIndex++; } while( ulReadIndex < pxHostAddressData->ulCertificateSize ); pxHostAddressData->ulCertificateSize = ulWriteIndex; pxHostAddressData->pcCertificate[ ulWriteIndex - ( uint32_t ) 1 ] = '\0'; xStatus = pdPASS; } } } return xStatus; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static BaseType_t prvIsIPvalid( const char * pcIP, uint32_t ulIPlength ) { BaseType_t xStatus; ( void ) ulIPlength; if( strcmp( ggdLOOP_BACK_IP, pcIP ) != 0 ) { xStatus = pdTRUE; } else { xStatus = pdFALSE; } return xStatus; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static BaseType_t prvGGDGetIPOnInterface( char * pcJSONFile, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ const uint8_t ucTargetInterface, const jsmntok_t * pxTok, const uint32_t ulNbTokens, GGD_HostAddressData_t * pxHostAddressData, uint32_t * pulTokenIndex, uint8_t * pucCurrentInterface ) { BaseType_t xStatus = pdFAIL; BaseType_t xFoundIP = pdFALSE; BaseType_t xFoundPort = pdFALSE; /* From the green grass core position. */ for( ; *pulTokenIndex < ulNbTokens; ( *pulTokenIndex )++ ) { if( prvGGDJsoneq( pcJSONFile, &pxTok[ *pulTokenIndex ], /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ggdJSON_FILE_HOST_ADDRESS ) == pdTRUE ) { xFoundIP = pdTRUE; pxHostAddressData->pcHostAddress = &pcJSONFile[ pxTok[ *pulTokenIndex + ( uint32_t ) 1 ].start ]; /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ pcJSONFile[ pxTok[ *pulTokenIndex + ( uint32_t ) 1 ].end ] = '\0'; /* End with a null character. */ } if( prvGGDJsoneq( pcJSONFile, &pxTok[ *pulTokenIndex ], /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ggdJSON_FILE_PORT_NUMBER ) == pdTRUE ) { pxHostAddressData->usPort = ( uint16_t ) strtoul( &pcJSONFile[ pxTok[ *pulTokenIndex + ( uint32_t ) 1 ].start ], NULL, ggJSON_CONVERTION_RADIX ); xFoundPort = pdTRUE; } /* Get host IP address. */ if( ( xFoundIP == pdTRUE ) && ( xFoundPort == pdTRUE ) ) { xFoundIP = pdFALSE; xFoundPort = pdFALSE; ( *pucCurrentInterface )++; if( *pucCurrentInterface == ucTargetInterface ) { xStatus = pdPASS; break; } } } ( *pulTokenIndex )++; /* Increase index to avoid avoid a match next time the function is called */ return xStatus; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static BaseType_t prvCheckForContentLengthString( uint8_t * pucIndex, const char cNewChar ) /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ { BaseType_t xMatch = pdFALSE; if( cNewChar == ggdHTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH_STRING[ *pucIndex ] ) { ( *pucIndex )++; if( *pucIndex == ( uint8_t ) ( sizeof( ggdHTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH_STRING ) - ( uint8_t ) 1 ) ) /*lint !e734 string length is not going to increase and is lower than 255 characters. */ { xMatch = pdTRUE; } } else { *pucIndex = 0; } return xMatch; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Provide access to private members for testing. */ #ifdef AMAZON_FREERTOS_ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS #include "aws_greengrass_discovery_test_access_define.h" #endif