/* * Amazon FreeRTOS * Copyright (C) 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos * http://www.FreeRTOS.org */ /** * @file aws_greengrass_discovery.h * @brief greengrass discovery API. */ #ifndef _AWS_GREENGRASS_DISCOVERY_H_ #define _AWS_GREENGRASS_DISCOVERY_H_ #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "aws_clientcredential.h" #include "aws_secure_sockets.h" /** * @brief Input from user to locate GGC inside JSON file. * * When using manual selection discovery, the user should fill the host * parameters fields. The discovery API will use those to * locate the GGC inside the JSON file and fill * GGD_HostAddressData_t fields. */ typedef struct { const char * pcGroupName; /**< Contains the Group name of the GGC device. */ const char * pcCoreAddress; /**< Contains the ARN of the GGC device. */ uint8_t ucInterface; /**< Contains the interface # of the GGC device. */ } HostParameters_t; /** * @brief Green Grass Core connection parameters. * * Green Grass Core connection parameters extracted from the JSON file * returned from the local discovery or from the Cloud. * This is the return parameter from the discovery. */ typedef struct { const char * pcHostAddress; /**< Host address, could be IP or hostname. */ char * pcCertificate; /**< Certificate of GGC. */ uint32_t ulCertificateSize; /**< Certificate size of GGC. */ uint16_t usPort; /**< Port to connect to the GGC. */ } GGD_HostAddressData_t; /* * @brief Connect directly to the green grass core. * * @note: In most case only calling this function is needed! * This function will perform in series: * 1. GGD_JSONRequest. * 2. GGD_GetJSONFileSize. * 3. GGD_GetJSONFile. * 4. GGD_ConnectToHost with auto slection parameters set to true. * The buffer size of pcBuffer need to be big enough to hold the complete * JSON file. * * @param [in] pcBuffer: Memory buffer provided by the user. * * @param [in] ulBufferSize: Size of the memory buffer. * * @param [out] pxHostAddressData : host address data * * @return If connection was successful then pdPASS is * returned. Otherwise pdFAIL is returned. */ BaseType_t GGD_GetGGCIPandCertificate( char * pcBuffer, const uint32_t ulBufferSize, GGD_HostAddressData_t * pxHostAddressData ); /* * @brief HTML request to get the JSON file from the could. * * @note: This call will open a socket. Socket will need to be closed * by either calling GGD_JSONRequestGetFile or GGD_JSONRequestAbort * * @param [out] pxSocket: Socket for the cloud connection. * * @return If the JSON request was performed successfully * then pdPASS is returned. Otherwise pdFAIL is returned. */ BaseType_t GGD_JSONRequestStart( Socket_t * pxSocket ); /* * @brief Get the size of the requested JSON file. * * @note: Parse the HTML header to get size of the requested * JSON file. * The JSON file request through "GGD_JSONRequestStart" * has to be done prior to call this function. * * @param [in] pxSocket: Socket for the cloud connection. * Returns SOCKETS_INVALID_SOCKET if connection is closed * * @param [out] pulJSONFileSize: The size of the requested JSON file. * * @return If the JSON file size was received successfully * then pdPASS is returned. Otherwise pdFAIL is returned. */ BaseType_t GGD_JSONRequestGetSize( Socket_t * pxSocket, uint32_t * pulJSONFileSize ); /* * @brief Get the GreenGrass core JSON file from the cloud. * * This call will close the socket in parameter. Need previous call from * GGD_JSONRequestStart. * * @note 1. Parse the HTML response to extract the JSON file. * This function allows the JSON file retrieval in chunck. * The user can call the function several time with small buffer size. * The JSON file will be retrieved bit by bit until * xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted is set to true. * 2. The JSON file request through "GGD_JSONRequestStart" * has to be done prior to call this function. * 3. The JSON file size has to be provided so calling * GGD_JSONRequestGetSize prior is mandatory. * * @param [in] pxSocket: Socket for the cloud connection. * @warning The socket Will be closed.Set to SOCKETS_INVALID_SOCKET. * * @param [in] pcBuffer: Memory buffer provided by the user. * * @param [in] ulBufferSize: Size of the memory buffer provided. * * @param [in] pulJSONFileSize: Size of JSON file to be retrieved. * * @param [out] pulByteRead: Must be set to zero by the user * prior first calling of GGD_GetJSONFile. Then the number of * bytes read from the server will be update with each GGD_GetJSONFile * call. * * @param [out] pxJSONFileRetrieveCompleted: set to pdTRUE when * JSON file retrieve is finish. * * @return If the request check was sucessfully retrieved. * Otherwise pdFAIL is returned. * @note The condition for complete JSON retrieval is * xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted == pdTRUE and * function return pdPASS for every call */ BaseType_t GGD_JSONRequestGetFile( Socket_t * pxSocket, char * pcBuffer, const uint32_t ulBufferSize, uint32_t * pulByteRead, BaseType_t * pxJSONFileRetrieveCompleted, const uint32_t pulJSONFileSize ); /* * @brief Need to be called if GGD_JSONRequestGetFile cannot be called. * * @param [in] pxSocket: Socket to close the cloud connection.Set to SOCKETS_INVALID_SOCKET. * */ void GGD_JSONRequestAbort( Socket_t * pxSocket ); /* * @brief Get host IP and certificate * * Get host IP and certificate with the JSON file given the greengrass group * and cloud core address the user wants to connect. * * @note: The JSON file contains the certificate that is going to be used to * connect with the core. For memory savings, the JSON file certificate is * going to be editing inline to connect with the host. * Thus, afterwards, the JSON will become unusable. * This function will also change the default certificate being used. * The default certificate is the one specified in client credential. * After calling this function, it will be one of the certificates provided in the * JSON file. * @note that if xAutoSelectFlag is set to false, the user will have to provide the * pxHostParameters. If xAutoSelectFlag is set to true, then pxHostParameters * are not used (can be set to NULL) and the IP and certificate returned will be of * the first established connection. * The user would also need to specify the ggdconfigCORE_NETWORK_INTERFACE (starting from 1) * in aws_ggd_config.h * * @param [out] pxHostAddressData : host address data * * @param [in] pucJSON_File: Pointer to the JSON file. WARNING, will be modified to * format the certificate. * * @param [in] ulJSON_File_Size: Size in byte of the array. * * @param [in] pxHostParameters: Contains the group name, cloud address of the desired * core to connect to and interface to use (WIFI, ETH0 etc...). * @warning: Cannot be NULL if xAutoSelectFlag is set to pdFALSE * * @param [in] xAutoSelectFlag: The user can opt for the auto select option. * Then pxHostParameters are not used. Can be set to NULL. * * @return successfull pdPASS is * returned. Otherwise pdFAIL is returned. */ BaseType_t GGD_GetIPandCertificateFromJSON( char * pcJSONFile, const uint32_t ulJSONFileSize, const HostParameters_t * pxHostParameters, GGD_HostAddressData_t * pxHostAddressData, const BaseType_t xAutoSelectFlag ); #endif /* _AWS_GREENGRASS_DISCOVERY_H_ */